Sunday, June 30, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 66 - Slandering King Qi Next Door

 "Come on, if you want to eat, just eat the fish baked by this princess. After all, the fish you caught yourself is not as delicious as the fish caught by others?"

With that said, Murong Yun unceremoniously handed the grilled fish in his hand to Li Su's mouth.

When she saw that he didn't move and was just looking at the fish, she lost her patience. Since she had been rejected for a while before, she was too lazy to talk to Li Su.

ARDA - Chapter 85 - Very Weird

 After a while, Jiang Mengyue arrived.

"Mother, what's going on? What's wrong with Third Brother?" Jiang Mengyue's face was full of panic. When she saw Jiang Minglan lying unconscious on the bed, she swayed and said, "Third Brother... 

Madam Lin could hardly hold on, tears fell down, and she grabbed Jiang Mengyue's hand.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 65 - Big Fool

Really, I’m just chatting to death...

Baili Shuangxue racked her brains but had to change the topic to the two fools who were grilling fish below.

"Actually, County Princess and Prince Qi are very much like siblings."

ARDA - Chapter 84 - Lan'er, Nothing Can Happen to You

 "Ahhh..." Princess Hualian was furious and slapped her hand on the table.

The servants on the side did not dare to breathe. They knew that the princess was in a bad mood. If they accidentally angered the princess at this time, they would definitely not get good results.

Friday, June 28, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 64 - Technical Mud Rubbing

 She called out with deep affection, ignoring Murong You's disdain and Baili Shuangxue's surprise. Her face looked as if she had seen a direct relative in the world, and she carefully and covetously stroked every inch of the bone staff...

Sure enough, people only know how to cherish something after losing it.

"Murong Yun, have you damaged your brain?"

ARDA - Chapter 83 - Sold to the Ya Po

 At the Silk Shop, the guards at the Prince's Palace were almost in a panic.

"The princess was kidnapped by thieves!"

"The princess must have been taken away from the back window..." The guard searched the back window. The window was open, facing the backyard, just out of their reach.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 63 - Lost and Found

 Although she said she had no friendship with Murong Yun, she still felt bad because it was her own mistake.

Now that she knows that the other party is still alive, she is of course extremely happy. The main thing is that her conscience finally no longer hurts.

ARDA - Chapter 82 - It Seems You are Worth a Lot of Money if I Sell You.

 Shuangyue didn't know what the young lady was going to do, but she saw the dark light flashing in the young lady's eyes, which was exactly the same as when she sneaked out to do bad things behind the Lord's back.

"Let's go." Jiang Ning said.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 85 - 'll Be Responsible For You (Master Fu played a trick)

 Returning along the way they came, the original tranquility of the mountains had long been broken. The bodyguards walking in front of them looked around more vigilantly.

A group of people rustled toward the villa. Xi Moqian and Li Li were walking in the middle, and Wen Li was beside them.

Xia Chen walked at the end, carrying the small bamboo basket that Lu Min had just carried on his back, which contained the herbs Wen Li found in the mountains.

TVSWWD- Chapter 62 - Not for Catching Fish

 After hearing this, Li Su suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Want to eat fish?" Murong Yun continued to ask, with expectation in her eyes. 


ARDA - Chapter 81 - Naturally, I will Repay You in Full

 Elsewhere, several eyes were fixed on the carriage parked in the alley.

They stared at it for a long time, but it did not have the intention of driving away.

A man walked over and reported in a low voice to the people in the luxurious carriage, "Miss, the carriage has been parked in the alley for about an hour, and there is no movement yet..."

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 61 - Are you Hungry

 "...That's something you have to think about."

Li Su pulled out his leg, but Murong Yun held her tightly, and for a while, he couldn't pull out.

"Don't, think about it, you saved me, but if you just leave like this, this princess will be eaten by some weird things. Wouldn't your hard work be in vain?"

ARDA - Chapter 80 - Find Doctor Xue's Granddaughter

 Ever since Chu Yunli arrived, the atmosphere had become weird.

The ladies' eyes seemed to fall on Jiang Ning, as if they wanted to see what was so special about her that she can make Lord Chu give her a kite.

Monday, June 24, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 84 - Attack in the Mountains

 Jincheng Mountain.

It is located in the east of Ningzhou City, far away from the fireworks atmosphere of the city. Everything here is green, and the foot of the mountain is crisscrossed by countless streams. If you are used to the prosperity and indifference of the city, this kind of place can particularly arouse people's resonance.

There are two hills connected next to Jincheng Mountain. Although they are not extremely high, they can still overlook the entire city. Therefore, there are several observation decks set up on the hills, and you can drive your car directly up them.

TVSWWD - Chapter 60 - Memory and Illusion

 At this time, Murong Yun, who once again lost consciousness due to the detoxification, was taken to a top-floor room in a daze.

That was the familiar top-floor room she saw when she opened her eyes, and it was also the place where she would be terrified when she dreamed about it at night.

The seven-story Que Pavilion tower has copper bells hanging under the eaves, which make a crisp sound in the breeze.

ARDA - Chapter 79 - This was Specially Repaired by Lord Chu

 In March, the weather has just turned to early spring and is still relatively cold. The lake is sparkling and a large group of koi carp are swimming in the lake.

Princess Hualian grabbed a handful of fish food and threw it into the lake.

The koi fishes fight with each other and the lake surface is filled with splashes.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 59 - Toxins Old and New

 Fortunately, there was a water source not far from here. Li Su placed Murong Yun on a huge rock by the stream.

After that, there was a slight pause in his movements, but he still checked the injuries on her body.

Fortunately, when Murong Yun fell, there were many shrubs between the cliffs, which cushioned her impact a lot.

The only thing that was heavier was a slightly deeper wound on the back of her right shoulder. It should have been injured by a broken branch. When she landed, she hit a stone on the ground.

ARDA - Chapter 78 - I Will Fix it, Just Wait

 Jiang Mengyue went from looking like a star holding the moon to suddenly becoming embarrassed when her clothes got soaked.

Jin Weilan almost couldn't help to clap her hands and applauded, "A'ning, did you see it? Huh, look at her triumphant look, even God can't stand it!"

Jiang Ning said nothing, her eyes were deep.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 58 - Really, It's the Last Time.

 Murong You looked at Baili Shuangxue, who was getting frightened and weaker. He could not bear to blame her.

"It's okay, you're not hurt."

As he said this, he looked at Baili Shuangxue up and down. She had attacked fiercely just now, and she might have scratches on her body.

Baili Shuangxue's face froze for a moment, then relaxed. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the other party was still thinking about her, so she shook her head at him.

ARDA - Chapter 77 - Your Brother is so Kind to You

 Jiang Ning lowered her face, took two steps forward, and politely greeted Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu smiled and nodded, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes getting deeper. She looked Jiang Ning up and down and praised, "This child is blessed to be fair and pure."

Old Madam Jiang also laughed and said kindly, "That's true. Ever since I brought Ning Ning back, things in the house have become much smoother, and my body feels much better."

Friday, June 21, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 57 - Mistake

 "Murong Yun, you stupid, crazy fool!"

Murong You saw the guards rushing over, gritted his teeth and cursed, blocking the attack with a spear in his hand, and at the same time, he protected Baili Shuangxue with one hand.

That is to say, Murong Yun didn't have the strength at this time, otherwise she would have to scold her back. If he hadn't been meddling in other people's business, Nanny Qin might have let her go now.

ARDA - Chapter 76 - Wife Killing Reputation

 The next day, Jiang Ning did not go to Doctor Xue. She had not had time to go in the past few days.

The young lady of the Lu family has her coming-of-age ceremony and invites all the famous families to be guests.

Old Madam Jiang is going to take Jiang Mengyue and Jiang Ning to visit the Lu family. Originally, it would have been fine for Madam Lin to take her two daughters there, but Old Madam Jiang wanted to go in person.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 56 - Half the Journey to Win Gold

 Murong Yun looked at her Nanny who was still groping around her waist. She almost laughed when she was tickled so hard that she could only try to hold back her laughter.

"The County Lord's token, please also lend it to the old slave."

Nanny Qin still calls herself a slave, and what she can do is not vague at all, but even if she strips Murong Yun, she still can't find that thing...

ARDA - Chapter 75 - This Kid Wants to Trick his Obedient Disciple

 Doctor Xue turned around and walked into the room.

Jiang Ning also walked in and saw more than a dozen jade boxes of various sizes placed in the house. The jade boxes were valuable enough to show that they contained precious things.

Doctor Xue opened a jade box, which contained Tianshan Snow Lotus. The snow-white petals were blooming in layers, as delicate and beautiful as if they had just been picked.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 55 - Take Poison

 Nanny Qin grabbed the outstandingly handsome young man in her hand. Thinking of the name Murong Yun had called him before, she already knew the other person's identity.

"Thinking about it, this must be the princess's younger brother."

"Then Princess, now, do you want his life or your own life?"

ARDA - Chapter 74 - It's Useless even if the King of Heaven Comes

 Jiang Ning did not stay in the tea house for too long. After going to the pharmacy to grab some medicine, she returned to the Marquis Mansion.

At night, she took a medicinal bath according to the method taught by Mr. Xue.

The room was filled with mist and the faint fragrance of herbs. Jiang Ning asked all the maids to step down, she took off her clothes, entered the medicinal soup, and submerged her whole body in it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 83 - She Can Live Her Life Without Catering to Other People's Eyes

 In the black RV, the air-conditioning was originally turned on, but now it was even more chilly. Fei Ran sat in the passenger seat and frowned slightly. He is holding the candied haws in his hand conflicted about whether to throw it or not.

He could feel the cold air coming from the young master's body. The young master was in a good mood this morning. He was always in a happy mood every time he wanted to see Miss Mu.

When they arrived at the school gate and the car hadn't stopped yet, they saw this scene. Soya's intimacy with Miss Mu was something they all witnessed during the last competition.

TVSWWD - Chapter 54 - Murong Yun, Drink some Soup

 It was noon and the sun was shining brightly, but her body and heart were tightly entangled with coldness and she was unable to break away.

The more Murong Yun thought about it, the more she could no longer restrain her anger, so she whipped the Huan Luo flowers that were blooming.

This whip was filled with spiritual energy. After one whip, all the flowers within three meters were destroyed. The fiery red and slender petals were swept up by the spiritual energy, flying up and falling one after another.

ARDA - Chapter 73 - There is Still Hope to Find

 Jiang Ning shook her head slightly, "He is right, I did suffer from a cold illness."

"How could it be possible..." Jin Weilan was surprised and looked at Jiang Ning with a hint of worry in her eyes, "Then..."

Jiang Ning looked at the old man with admiration in her eyes. He was able to determine the cold disease in her body just by diagnosing her pulse. The old man's medical skills were extraordinary and could not be matched by even the famous doctors in the capital.

Monday, June 17, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 53 - The Flower of Evil

 Murong Yun naturally didn't dare, so she retreated again. The further retreat made Nanny Qin suspicious.

"County Princess?"

Nanny Qin straightened up, her smile did not reach her eyes, and her tone of doubt was still kind. Behind her, Qin Lian's figure was tense, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

ARDA - Chapter 72 - Little Girl, Your body is a Little Weak

 Jin Weilan was still watching the excitement. When she saw Jiang Ning walking over, her heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly called out, "A'ning."

Jiang Ning walked over, stood in front of the servant, and said coldly, "The man is old. If you hit him with a stick, he will die."

The servants saw someone standing in front of them and stopped. When they took a closer look, they saw that she was a beautiful girl with extraordinary clothes. She must be the daughter of a wealthy family. They didn't dare to make a move.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 82 - I will not Wait for Decades to take revenge (Master Fu is jealous again)

 Early the next morning, the official website of Lei Yuan Research Institute updated the list of institute personnel, with Mu Wen Li's name in the middle position.

Although he does not have a half-length photo and detailed resume like other researchers, this name is enough to shock people.

You know, it’s okay if Professor Lei Yuan doesn’t accept apprentices. The entire Lei Yuan Institute receives countless resumes and application letters during the graduation season every year, but few students who graduate from the University of Science and Technology are selected.

TVSWWD - Chapter 52 - She was Poisoned

 The slaves who had been indifferent around him, after seeing the whipping, all scurried away with their heads in their hands and moaned, obviously having a deep shadow of the whip.

"How dare you hide from the princess's whip? Come here, this one will be tied up too!"

Xiao Cui noticed something fishy in it with sharp eyes, and immediately opened her eyes wide, and immediately put her hands on her hips to command. The princess was beating him. That was his blessing. How dare he hide?

ARDA - Chapter 71 - Saved an Old Man

 Seeing Jiang Ning's indifferent look now, he felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but snort, "It's best to remember this sentence! I agreed to give you a condition in exchange for the Cloud brocade cloth, as long as it is not murder or arson, or something about Second sister then I can promise you anything else!" 


Jiang Ning smiled slightly and asked the owner of the silk shop to give the Cloud brocade cloth to Jiang Minglan.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 51 - Dog Slave

 Xiaocui never expected that she would be despised by a servant of a country village. She almost exploded on the spot and laughed angrily:

"Hey, dog slave, someone come, tie up this dog slave!"

"You don't want your life. Wait until I report to the princess, and you will be able to face the consequences."

ARDA - Chapter 70 - Stop Dreaming

 Say hurtful words without mercy.

Jiang Ning listened quietly, with a calm expression.

Jiang Minglan pursed his lips and a hint of hesitation flashed across his face when he finished speaking, “Of course I won't take your fabric for nothing, I'll give you silver ......” 

Friday, June 14, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 69 - Only the Second Sister is Suitable

 "Where's the boss? I heard that this is the only place that sells Cloud Brocade Cloth!" Jiang Minglan's forehead was covered with sweat. He ran from an unknown number of places, panting, and finally found Jin's Silk Shop.

He heard that clothes made of Cloud brocade cloth were popular among noble ladies recently, but this Cloud brocade cloth was hard to find, and he couldn't find it for sale in the places he went. Finally, he found out that in the entire Capital, only Jin's silk shop had the goods.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 81 - This Child is my Only Chance

 As of 7 p.m., Wen Li's social account had gained a total of 70 million followers, setting a record for the largest number of followers on the social platform in one day.

Luan Pei Studio has also gained five million fans, and the number of followers on its official website has also increased steadily. However, these five million fans are more or less directed at the frontal photos of Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu.

Friday, June 7, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 50 - The Village and the Soft Persimmon

 Just after passing the city gate, Xiao Cui opened the carriage window to get some air. She saw the two people standing at the city gate with sharp eyes and quickly turned around to talk to Murong Yun.

“That fast?”

Murong Yun's face became nervous when she heard this, and she opened her carriage window and stretched her neck to look over.

Seeing this, Xiao Cui on one side quickly asked the driver to drive slower so that Murong Yun could see clearly.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

ARDA- Chapter 68 - Still Can't Beat Her

 The courtyard was deserted, and the servants were no longer lively as before, and all of them were lifeless.

The smile on Jiang Minglan's lips could not help but freeze. When she walked in, she saw a thin figure sitting by the bed, quietly drawing.

"Second sister, the weather is perfect today, the weather is windy and sunny, why are you cooped up in the house?" He walked over and put the roast duck on the table.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 67 - Second Sister, Look what I Brought

 Chun  Lan on the side heard this and nodded, her face pale and ugly.

"Yes, everyone in the capital knows about this matter. How could the old lady and the master do that...isn't this pushing the young lady to death!?"

Jiang Ning's face darkened. The old lady's words meant that she had already made up her mind to send her there.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 66 - I'm going to Betroth you to Mr. Lu.

 Lord Jiang responded obediently, "This son will treat them well equally."

The old lady added, "Yue'er has been pampered for so many years. She is extremely talented and knowledgeable. She is also the companion of Her Highness the Princess. Among her peers, she is the only one who can be so close to the princess."

After Lord Jiang heard these words, he suddenly realized what the old lady was talking about.

Monday, June 3, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 65 - You Did Well

 Jiang Mengyue whispered, "It's all Yue'er's fault. I will be punished if I do something wrong..." She said it so softly and weakly that people couldn't help but feel distressed.

Jiang Ning, who was standing below, looked at Jiang Mengyue quietly.

On Jiang Mengyue's crying face, there were heavy traces of makeup powder where tears streaked her face.

That's how she is, she knows how to act.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 64 - Grandma will decide for you.

 Seeing Jiang Ning's face turn slightly pale, Aunt Gui comforted her with a warm voice, "Although the old lady is serious, she loves her grandchildren very much, and she will definitely like you too."

Jiang Ning came back to her senses and couldn't help but twitch her lips.

The old lady indeed loves her grandchildren, but she never took another look at her and always looked at her with indifferent eyes.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 63 - Old Madam Jiang is Back

 Jiang Ning was a little surprised. Why would her elder brother send someone to find her?

The servant continued, "The eldest young master said that he sent a copybook a few days ago, and now he wants to check how the lady's calligraphy is doing, so as not to waste the copybook."

Jiang Ning was silent. She didn't expect that her eldest brother would attach so much importance to her studies. She just gave him an inkstone, and he personally compiled calligraphy books for her and supervised her calligraphy practice.

Follow the Rabbit