Friday, June 28, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 64 - Technical Mud Rubbing

 She called out with deep affection, ignoring Murong You's disdain and Baili Shuangxue's surprise. Her face looked as if she had seen a direct relative in the world, and she carefully and covetously stroked every inch of the bone staff...

Sure enough, people only know how to cherish something after losing it.

"Murong Yun, have you damaged your brain?"

Her numbness made Murong You tremble with goosebumps on his body. It was just a more precious spiritual weapon, why should she be like this?

"Um, Princess, why don't you let me bandage your injury?"

Baili Shuangxue had already let go of the bone staff in her hand. When she saw the embarrassing look of the formerly noble and delicate princess, as a woman, she still felt some compassion.

"I brought some medicine..."

Although wood spiritual doctors and wood spiritual cultivators have some healing skills, and she can do it herself, even a powerful person can only use spiritual energy to heal external injuries in emergencies.

Because if Aura is used to treat external injuries for many years, the body will develop resistance. Compared with external injuries, the powerful are more willing to use it to treat some difficult internal injuries.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Murong Yun was in a good mood at this time, and she agreed without raising her head after hearing this. She held the bone staff like a treasure and carefully checked whether there was any damage to it. Only after she was sure that the staff was intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Baili Shuangxue came from a medical family and was particularly good at trauma wounds. Even Murong You, who had always been at odds with Murong Yun, turned around consciously when he saw her about to bandage her wound.

Of course, if he didn't realize it, he might be hurt by Murong Yun without hesitation.

Baili Shuangxue first treated Murong Yun's back shoulder, which was the most seriously injured. This was also because the cloth used to bandage the wound was very special, the same as the cloth Heir Li was wearing today...

It makes her quite concerned.

"Who treated the princess's shoulder injury? They treated it very cleanly."

Although she asked this question, Baili Shuangxue already had the answer in her heart, because she saw a large area of ​​dark red blood on Li Su's body.

But his expression was normal, so the blood could only be Murong Yun's.

Unexpectedly, Li Su, who looked so indifferent and seemed like nothing could make him pay attention, not only saved Murong Yun, but also healed her injuries himself.

Although there was no medicine for the injury on Murong Yun's back shoulder, it was treated very carefully and spiritual energy was even used to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, Murong Yun would have suffered a lot from this injury.

"Of course it's Li Su, there's no one else here."

"His technique is as bad as rubbing mud, but your technique is better."

Murong Yun thought about the severe pain in her back shoulder when she just woke up. She had to say that professionals are indeed needed to deal with the wound.

For example, Baili Shuangxue, once the medicinal powder is sprinkled, the injured area will be slightly cool, not to mention how comfortable it will be.

Poor technique... Baili Shuangxue's face was silent, and she glanced at Li Su, who was sitting silently above her out of the corner of her eye.

In fact, this was really an injustice to him.

But obviously, the princess already had an inexplicable good impression of Li Su, and she didn't want to explain it because of some thoughts.

Therefore, she just continued to bandage silently. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Murong You, who was extremely disliked by her, actually dared to stretch out his hand to try to catch her fish. She immediately raised her eyebrows and shouted: "What are you doing? You are not allowed to touch this princess's fish. If you want to eat, you can catch it yourself!" 

"Hmph, you're stingy. I'm looking for you out of kindness, but you are even worried about a fish."

When Murong You was yelled at by Murong Yun, he paused his hand and snorted with great disdain, his eyes filled with disgust towards Murong Yun.

It can be said that these two people hate each other.

"Bah, if you hadn't been meddling in other people's business, would this princess have suffered like this? Just wait, and when you get back to Liujing and meet the Emperor Uncle, this princess will make you suffer."

 Murong Yun felt even more unhappy when she thought of her previous despair. If she hadn't been cannon fodder two years later, she would have almost died at the hands of these two.

"Do you think this king will be afraid?"

Murong You didn't worry at all. She had an Emperor Uncle, and he also had an Emperor Uncle. Who was she trying to scare?

"Isn't it just a few fish?"

As he spoke, Murong You picked up the spear on his side and flew up. The spear was like the wind, and in the blink of an eye, several fish were skewered.

The other party showed off in front of Murong Yun.

Murong Yun naturally smiled disdainfully, and couldn't hold it back for a moment, and even burped.

"It is not that this princess is being picky. It's so ugly that your spear stabbed this fish like this."

She wrinkled her nose as she commented on his prize.

Murong You couldn't help but tighten his grip on the spear. Sometimes he really wanted to kill this troublesome woman with a fork.

"Why are you staring? The fish you stare at is ugly!"

Murong Yun was like a child who had won an argument. He picked up the grilled fish beautifully and used professional grilling techniques.


"Princess, fish is a fishy food, so it's better to eat less." 

Baili Shuangxue tied the bandage on her, looked at the two noisy people, and reminded Murong Yun with a smile.

Murong You received the support of his sweetheart, and instantly smiled happily. He took the fish off the spear one by one and put them away skillfully.

At the same time, he did not forget to laugh at Murong Yun.

"Did you hear that? Fishy!"

"Fortunately, I am strong, so there is no need to worry about this."

Gah, this sixteen-year-old kid is really annoying.

Murong Yun was so angry that she rolled her eyes without any image. 

She can't be beaten by anyone in her skills in grilling fish!

So, the two of them were childish and ridiculous, and they started fighting with each other's eyes from time to time, and started a grilled fish competition?

Looking at the two people competing secretly, Baili Shuangxue had a helpless smile on her face and carefully climbed up the boulder where Li Su was.

He was still as usual, his eyes were always mysterious and never stopped at any one person.

As for the fact that Heir Li once set his sights on that unruly princess Murong Yun, she had selectively ignored it at this time.

"Heir Li is in this forest, and he just happened to save the princess?"

Baili Shuangxue was also sitting on one end of the rock with her knees bent, her posture elegant. Compared with Murong Yun below who was rolling up her sleeves in embarrassment and looking at Murong You fiercely, she was nothing short of a cloud.

But Li Su didn't even look at her, he just raised his head slightly and looked at the bright moon in the night sky.

Baili Shuangxue was almost getting used to Li Su, a handsome man who always stayed quiet in his own world.

It stands to reason that she is not someone who likes to be warm-faced and cold-blooded, but she can't let go of Heir Li.

Baili Shuangxue's question made Li Su silent for a moment. Naturally, he couldn't say that he came to see King Taichuan's hidden person.

"It just so happens."

As always, he cherished words like gold, and seemed a bit arrogant, but from Li Su's point of view, all this was extremely normal.


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