Thursday, June 20, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 56 - Half the Journey to Win Gold

 Murong Yun looked at her Nanny who was still groping around her waist. She almost laughed when she was tickled so hard that she could only try to hold back her laughter.

"The County Lord's token, please also lend it to the old slave."

Nanny Qin still calls herself a slave, and what she can do is not vague at all, but even if she strips Murong Yun, she still can't find that thing...

Because Murong Yun was in a hurry to go out, she didn't bring anything with her at all.

"Nanny, stop looking, I didn't bring anything with me today..."

"Didn't you bring it?" Nanny Qin fumbled around for a while without giving up. She didn't give up until Murong Yun almost burst into laughter.

But her body couldn't help trembling, especially her shoulders. This was very painful for Qin Lian. He was obviously holding someone hostage, but he had to be careful not to cut the hostage's neck with the dagger...

He could only bear it and warned: "Don't move around, careful with your little life."

"Forget it, let's go there."

Nanny Qin stopped her movements and winked at Qin Lian. Qin Lian understood and immediately took Murong Yun's neck and headed toard the other end.

As soon as they made a move, the guards of the Princess Mansion and the Luan Guards, including the freed Hua Zhu and Xiao Cui, all stared closely and followed closely.

However, Nanny Qin and Qin Lian did not go anywhere. Instead, they took Murong Yun hostage and headed towards the back mountain. This Villa was originally built based on the mountains, and this hot spring was drawn from the mountains.

Therefore, follow the direction of the hot spring water and you will reach the top of the mountain.

Murong Yun looked at the mountain as they climbed higher and higher, and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, Princesws. I will let you go when you get there. I will never hurt a single hair of the Princess."

Nanny Qin's feet were fast, and she saw that Murong Yun had a solemn look on her face, but she has the leisure to comfort her.

Without damaging a hair? Murong Yun couldn't help but roll her eyes, she was poisoned, and she was still pretending to be a big-tailed wolf.

Her rolling eyes happened to be caught by Qin Lian, who was above him. Qin Lian was already holding grudges because of being whipped. When he saw this, he became even more unhappy.

"What's your expression? My mother is kind enough to comfort you. Do you still have any objections?"

"No, no objection."

It can be said that Murong Yun was quite perfunctory. When Qin Lian saw her reaction, he became even more angry and rolled his eyes to teach her a lesson.

As soon as Nanny Qin saw her son's expression, she knew he had something bad in mind, so she slapped him on the back of the head.

He warned him: "Don't mess around. If you weren't greedy for money, you wouldn't have lured her here. Now you and I, mother and son, have been exposed. If we can't escape again, it will be over."

With this slap, Qin Lian immediately calmed down.

However, this sentence does contain some information. Aunt Qin had been taking care of the original owner before she was ten years old. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, how would I have thought that she was specially placed next to the original owner?

So, who is the person behind Nanny Qin?

What is the purpose of placing this master mother and son next to the original owner for many years and poisoning her for many years?

Before she could think about it, her vision began to blur. At the same time, there was a sharp pain in her temples, and she began to stagger while walking.

"The medicine is working, we have to speed up."

When Nanny Qin saw this, she knew that the poison Murong Yun had taken earlier had an effect. 

Poor Murong Yun, it felt like her head is being hit over and over again with a hammer, and she had to be dragged up the mountain.

Now she hopes to get to the place quickly. If these two people are gone and they release her, she can quickly find a doctor for help.

But unfortunately, there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life. Today, in addition to Hua Zhu who was holding him back, Murong Yun encountered a second unsatisfactory thing.

She covered her head in pain and looked at the two people who looked half the journey to win gold.

Murong You holding a spear in one hand and Baili Shuangxue in a fluttering white dress.

"Stop, you dare to hold the royal princess hostage."

Murong You was dressed in a green robe, and his eyes turned around Murong Yun. Although he didn't like this cousin, in any case, there was no reason to just watch her being taken away.

"Let her go, and I can leave you a whole body."

Seeing that her way forward was blocked, Nanny Qin grabbed Murong Yun and strangled her thin white neck without feeling threatened at all.

Murong Yun weakly grabbed Nanny Qin's hand and said with difficulty: "Nanny, calm down, calm down, I, the princess, will solve the problem."

She felt bad when she saw Murong You blocking the road, but she still had to shout: "Murong You, you don't have to worry about this princess's affairs, please get out of the way."

"Get out of the way? Murong Yun, are you kidding me? This king is trying to save you."

Murong You was so angry at these words, he is saving her despite his previous suspicions, yet he was still disliked?

"Save a fart, don't delay the county princess affairs, get out of here."

Murong Yun rolled her eyes, with his way of speaking, saving people? She was so angry that she felt cold.

"You, hmph, good intentions are not rewarded. Do you think this king is willing to take care of you?"

Murong You was so angry that he put away his spear and was about to leave, but his sleeve was pulled by Baili Shuangxue beside him.

She looked at Murong Yunyun with a worried face and said warmly: "The princess seems to have been poisoned. Maybe what she said was not what she meant. If you leave like this, the princess' life may be in danger."

"After all, you are also the princess's cousin, so you should be patient."

Baili Shuangxue was Murong You's first love in his sixteen years of life, so those words were of course very important. After being persuaded by this, Murong You decided to save her patiently.

After seeing this, Murong Yun was so scared that she didn't vomit blood. Please, please, she really doesn't need to be saved.

"It seems that someone doesn't want the princess to live."

Grandma Qin looked at the two fools rushing toward her, thinking that she might as well just kill Murong Yun.

"Nanny, don't be anxious, I'm here, the princess."

Poor Murong Yun trembled as she held on to Nanny Qin's old hand, fearing that she would be ripped apart if she was not careful.

Fortunately, Hua Zhu and a group of guards followed behind. When Murong Yun saw them arriving, he quickly twisted his neck and shouted: "Hua Zhu, stop these two nosy people quickly."

Hua Zhu: "?"

Hua Zhu hesitated while holding the silver shell fan, thinking that he had heard wrong or Murong Yun had said it wrong.

Are you sure you're not talking about Nanny Qin and Qin Lian?

Murong Yun saw him stunned, feeling a headache and anxious at the same time: "Come on, why are you standing there? It depends on you whether this princess can survive."

Despite Murong Yun's repeated requests, Hua Zhu still moved. What's more, even if he didn't move, Murong Yun's guards would follow their master's orders and attack Murong You.


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