Wednesday, June 26, 2024

TVSWWD- Chapter 62 - Not for Catching Fish

 After hearing this, Li Su suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Want to eat fish?" Murong Yun continued to ask, with expectation in her eyes. 


Li Su subconsciously refused. After Murong Yun heard the answer, there was a moment of disappointment on her face, and then her eyes flickered toward him, like a cat...

Before he could finish his words of rejection, he was intercepted by the other party.

"But I think, I am hungry. If I don't eat, I will die. I am mainly starving to death, and your work today will be in vain."

Murong Yun gave a series of reasons. Although they were not logical, they were still very powerful.

"So?" Li Su looked at her quietly, almost cheating.

"So, you can help me catch fish to eat." Murong Yun suggested with a smile, but there was a look in her eyes that said she would make trouble if she couldn't eat.

Li Su had some doubts for a moment. The poison might have fried Murong Yun's brain.

With clear rejection in his eyes, he emphasized in a cold voice and seriously: "My aura is not used to catch fish."

Li Su had lived for seventeen years and had never caught a fish with his own hands.

As soon as the words of rejection came out, Murong Yun's mouth immediately became deflated, the circles under her eyes were still red, and there was even a hint of sadness in her voice, as if the sky was about to collapse.

"But if I can't eat fish, I will starve to death..."

Li Su always felt that something was wrong when he heard Murong Yun's voice which sounded like she was about to cry from hunger.

"No, you are a spiritual practitioner. If you don't eat for a day, you won't starve to death."

Li Su seriously corrected Murong Yun's statement, not just for one day, but even for seven days, she would not starve to death.

"No, this princess is a patient now, and the patient needs to eat."

Murong Yun still insisted on her opinion, and touched her shoulder, looking extremely weak.

Seeing this, Li Su was silent for a moment. In the past, noblemen in Liujing always praised women as lovely creatures.

But now, Li Su looked at Murong Yun in front of him and felt that these two words had nothing to do with her...


A moment later, Li Su stood tall by the stream. He raised his arm slightly and moved his fingers slightly, pulling out strands of white threads. The white threads skimmed across the stream, bringing with it a few lively fish... 

"Is it enough?"

Li Su looked at the pile of lively fish on the ground, his face expressionless, but he still didn't expect that he would actually succumb to Murong Yun's plea.

Next time, never next time...

"Enough, it is enough."

Murong Yun looked at the fish in front of her with satisfaction and swallowed her saliva. She had no choice but to eat nothing except breakfast today. She was really hungry.

Although there was a fish, Murong Yun was at a loss for words when seeing the lively and jumping fish, oh, let's do it.

"Li Su~"

At this time, Li Su was sitting upright again, ready to continue meditating. When he heard the poisonous cry, his gray-blue eyes showed warning.

"Ahem, this princess can't kill fish with bare hands."

Of course, Murong Yun knew that trying to have Li Su kill the fish was easy, but asking him to scale and grill the fish would be nonsense, so this time she was really just asking.

"Do you have any weapons?"

Li Su didn't actually have a sharp weapon, but for the sake of peace of mind, he could have it.

He stretched out his hand, pulled out part of the recovered spiritual energy, and condensed it in his palm. The extremely small snow-white blade gradually took shape, and Murong Yun was stunned.

Is this the ceiling of combat power in the later period? 

Murong Yun took the blade with an almost pious attitude. It was slightly warm in her hand, not the cold texture of ordinary metal.

This is condensed with extremely pure light aura.

With the blade, dealing with fish scales and disemboweling them is no longer a problem.

Just now she said that she was a patient. Murong Yun, who was too weak to take care of herself, picked out the fattest fish, knocked the struggling fish unconscious with her bare hands, and started to handle it neatly and professionally...

Soon, a circle of fish skewers gathered around the fire to keep warm.

Murong Yun, like ordering a concubine, picked out a bunch of fish and started grilling it at 360 degrees.

It seems that she only has this skill of killing fish and grilling fish. If she really cooks, she will be a waste.

As for this skill of grilling fish, she learned it seriously for a long time when she was on a mission in her previous life.

After all, she was just a hacker logistician. She was too young and had no skills in killing people. She could only make a living by occasionally beating the teeth of those skilled mercenaries.

Speaking of her previous life, she was considered to have been born into a wealthy family when she was young.

Unfortunately, the day her biological mother gave birth to her, she died due to amniotic fluid embolism. She had been brought up by a nanny since she was a child.

As for her father, he was originally forced into a family marriage to marry his mother. Later, when her maternal grandfather's family declined, his father became more and more wanton.

Finally, when she was seven years old, she brought back his true love and illegitimate daughter. The funny thing was that this illegitimate daughter was half a year older than her.

When she was ten years old, she ran away from home in a rage because she couldn't stand being ostracized.

At a young age, she just wandered on the streets for a long time. Even if she was so hungry that she would dig through the trash can, she would never go back.

Until she met a mercenary who came to the country for a mission... Seeing that she had some hacking talent and cleverness, he took her in, but those six years as a mercenary were not actually good.

To be free, she still handed over a commission of 7788. The other party saw that she was not an excellent killer, so the hacker logistics reluctantly let her back.

She was lucky enough to be free, but after she came back, she was just dawdling around, earning tuition, and studying in college. After graduation, she really couldn't adapt to society.

So she found a rental house and lived off the meager royalties. If it weren't for seeing what good things 'she' could write, she wouldn't have died suddenly...

Murong Yun couldn't hold it back. Looking back on that day, she still regretted it...

It wasn't until the aroma of the grilled fish gradually spread that she came back to consciousness.

She looked at the grilled fish intently, but it was a pity that there was no seasoning.

Murong Yun blew on the hot grilled fish and took a bite. It tasted better than expected.

Maybe there is spiritual energy in this world, the fish is not too fishy, ​​and it is enough to satisfy the hunger.

After her stomach was satisfied, Murong Yun relaxed, and the pain in her body also eased a bit.

She looked at the circle of fish next to the fire and looked hesitantly at Li Su who was meditating, it was the fish he caught afterall. Although he most likely wouldn't eat, she still asked out of politeness:

"Li Su, do you want to eat fish?"

"Don't eat."

Sure enough, Li Su's movements did not change at all, he was still meditating with his eyes closed, and the faint moonlight turned into substance, lingering around him.

It has to be said that spiritual practitioners of the light system are uniquely blessed with the sun during the day and the moon at night. These lights can speed up their cultivation.

Moreover, people with this attribute are very... good-looking.

Murong Yun looked at Li Su's extremely handsome face, and even the grilled fish in her hand became more delicious.

She doesn’t know when the guards of the Princess Mansion will find her.

Logically speaking, if she fell from above, it wouldn't be difficult to find her. Why is it that no one is looking for her even though it's dark?

This was because Murong Yun didn't know the complex terrain of this dense forest. The reason why there was no village on the outskirts of Liujing was because the forest at the bottom of the cliff was dense and covered a large area.

There is no shortage of high-ranking wolves, tigers and leopards in the forest, even if Hua Zhu immediately brought people down to look for them, and also dispatched all the servants of the Princess's Mansion and the General's Mansion to look for them.

But there is no path in the forest, and the trees cover the sky, so it is very easy to lose your way. There are always various supernatural beasts blocking the way.

It took a lot of time to go back and forth to clear the way and fight the beasts.

On the other side, Baili Shuangxue, who felt guilty, also insisted on searching. Murong You couldn't worry about her, so he followed her along.

Once Baili Shuangxue takes action, it can only be said that the heroine's halo has the power of natural magnetism. Even if there is no follower to open the way, she can still find the right direction by relying on her feelings.

The two quickly found the place where Murong Yun fell. They also found the bone staff that Murong Yun had lost when she fell off the cliff.

"This is the princess's spiritual weapon. There is no body here, so I guess she must still be alive."

Baili Shuangxue picked up this unique and iconic bone staff with a happy face and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


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