Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 54 - Murong Yun, Drink some Soup

 It was noon and the sun was shining brightly, but her body and heart were tightly entangled with coldness and she was unable to break away.

The more Murong Yun thought about it, the more she could no longer restrain her anger, so she whipped the Huan Luo flowers that were blooming.

This whip was filled with spiritual energy. After one whip, all the flowers within three meters were destroyed. The fiery red and slender petals were swept up by the spiritual energy, flying up and falling one after another.

The fragrance was even stronger, and there were even petals flying towards Murong Yun, landing on her cheeks, neck, and hands, causing burning pain.

Murong Yun could not feel the pain at this time. In her senses, these petals were stained with blood, and the fragrance of these flowers was transformed from the fishy blood.

"What is the princess talking about? I don't understand."

"The princess must be tired too, come on, eat this flower, and then Nanny will take the princess to rest."

Even though Murong Yun destroyed a lot of Huan Luo flowers and questioned her sternly, the expression on Nanny Qin's face did not change at all.

As if he couldn't see the anger on Murong Yun's face, she chose a brightly blooming flower and respectfully presented it to Murong Yun with her hands, as if she was coaxing a child who was having a tantrum.

The guards behind Murong Yun put their hands on the weapons on their waists. They only waited for the master's order to take down Nanny Qin in front of them.

Murong Yun looked at the flower in Nanny Qin's hand. The fresh Huan Luo flower petals should not be touched directly. Nanny Qin held it like this, and her fingers, which were relatively well-maintained, were instantly burned.

But even so, there was no trace of pain on this nanny's face.

"Nanny Qin, do you really think that this princess doesn't recognize this Huan Luo flower?"

Murong Yun whispered, her face as beautiful as a peony carrying a seriousness and perseverance that Nanny Qin had never seen before.

When Nanny Qin heard the words 'Huan Luo Flower', the expression on her face finally changed. She was a little surprised that Murong Yun knew about it, and it was also surprising that she was not affected by the fragrance of the flower.

"It's this old slave who underestimates the princess."

Nanny Qin put away the fake smile on her face and looked directly at Murong Yun. For the first time, she directly revealed the coldness and murderous intent in her eyes.

As for the Huan Luo flower in her hand, she let go of it lightly and fell on the blood-red soil.

"But what qualifications does the princess have to question this old slave?"

Grandma Qin glanced at her burned palms, with a sarcastic look on her old face, and said bluntly: "Last year in the cold winter, the snow in the Capital reached to people's knees."

"But even so, the princess thought that the beggar had stained the princess' noble eyes, so she drove all the beggars in the capital out of the city gate."

"One month after that, the frozen corpses of beggars could still be found under the walls of Liu Jing."

When she said this, a smile appeared on Nanny Qin's face, and she meant something: "Outside the Villa, there were also beggars knocking on the door to beg for food. The old slave opened the door, thinking that it was someone the princess did not like, so she dragged him in..."

Murong Yun heard this matter mentioned by others more than once, mostly in a sarcastic way. The scary thing is that the memory of the original owner does indeed exist.

It's just that the original owner didn't think much about it. She just wanted to drive these beggars out of the city. As for their subsequent life and death, she didn't think about it at all.

How naive, how cruel.

But when she heard Nanny Qin, whom she thought was a villain, talking about this, she was shocked to realize that she, who had taken possession of the original owner, had to bear this sin.

"Do not talk."

Murong Yun softly stopped Nanny Qin's words and unbearably closed her eyes, but how could Nanny Qin be obedient? It was all exposed.

She continued: "The old slave dragged him in and fed him the flowers."

"Do not talk!"

Murong Yun suddenly opened her eyes, and what she saw was indeed the black eyes of Nanny Qin that were filled with murderous intent.

Nanny Qin's words were filled with regret and distress. "Since the princess is scared, why should she ignore it and seek death?"

"How dare you, such a snake-hearted dog slave, talk to the princess? Do you not want to live anymore!"

Xiao Cui finally had enough vomiting and straightened up. When she heard Nanny Qin in front of her speaking nonsense, she instantly became angry.

As the first maid beside Murong Yun, protecting the princess and making her feel comfortable physically and mentally is her highest pursuit in life.

Immediately, like an old hen protecting her young, she shouted angrily at Nanny Qin.

The next moment, Qin Lian, who had been silent behind Xiao Cui, slapped Xiao Cui away with a fierce palm. If Murong Yun hadn't reacted quickly and pulled Xiao Cui over, Xiao Cui would have been splashed with blood. 

The guards behind him saw this and quickly gathered around. Even the Luan guards who had been lurking in the dark also appeared one after another.

Even so, there was no fear on the face of Nanny Qin. Qin Lian and Nanny Qin, who had failed in the attack, stood on one side, facing each other, and they were silent for a while.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you would have sixth-level strength. I am actually curious about Nanny Qin, what level you are at."

As Murong Yun spoke, she pulled Xiao Cui behind her. She was the only ordinary person present.

At the same time, she took out the Thunder Bone Staff that she had been carrying behind her back. She had a hunch that Nanny Qin might be the most difficult to deal with.

"The princess will soon be able to learn the skill of this old slave."

Nanny Qin did not hide the killing intent on her face at all. Although she deviated from the master's plan, it was obvious that Murong Yun could no longer stay.

Just when the two sides were about to get into trouble, there were footsteps in the corridor leading to the hot spring medicine field.

At the same time, the young man's pleasant voice said loudly: "Murong Yun, drink the soup."

Murong Yun almost knelt down when she heard the call. Why did Hua Zhu come here at this point?

Thinking of Nanny Qin who had unknown strength in front of her, Murong Yun's heart was on fire. What kind of trouble would this silly kid come to cause trouble?

At the end, Hua Zhu, dressed in red, held a food box steadily in one hand and a silver shell fan on his waist. As he walked, his delicate face showed doubts about this weird Villa.

After these few days of soup-giving friendship, he no longer rejected Murong Yun as before, and even started to call her by her first name.

Unexpectedly, after working so hard to deliver the soup, before seeing Murong Yun, what came from behind was Murong Yun's roar:

"Fool Hua Zhu, run!"


Hua Zhu frowned in confusion, walked down the corridor, and finally saw the strange confrontation in the hot spring medicine field below.

Before he could ask more questions, Murong Yun's exclamation sounded in his ears again.

At the same time, a figure flashed in front of him, and he subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but before he could retreat, his neck was pinched by the person.

With a clang, the food box fell to the ground, and the soup was scattered everywhere.

Murong Yun couldn't help but cover her face when she saw Hua Zhu being captured by Nanny Qin in an instant.

She didn’t expect that Nanny Qin’s strength has reached the seventh level. Isn’t it said that masters above the sixth level are rare?

Why is it all over the floor in front of her!

Just when Luan Yi was gone, Hua Zhu fell into the opponent's hands again...


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