Thursday, June 27, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 63 - Lost and Found

 Although she said she had no friendship with Murong Yun, she still felt bad because it was her own mistake.

Now that she knows that the other party is still alive, she is of course extremely happy. The main thing is that her conscience finally no longer hurts.

On the side, Murong You poked the messy branches on the ground with his spear, looked at the artificially broken cracks on them, and then looked up at the slightly sparse shade of the trees.

"Murong Yun is very lucky. If there were not these trees on the cliff and at the bottom of the cliff, and she fell from such a height, I can only collect her body now."

As he spoke, he squatted down again, brushed away the weeds on the ground, looked at the footprints here, and concluded: "It seems that someone saved her."

"Follow the footprints and you should be able to find her."

"That's great, let's go find her now."

"I also brought some wound medicine with me. The princess fell from the cliff and will definitely need it."

There was joy in Baili Shuangxue's voice, and Murong You looked at her out of the corner of his eye, feeling a little more favorable towards her.

After determining the direction, the two of them did not dare to delay. Murong You took the lead with a spear to clear the way, while Baili Shuangxue followed closely behind.

At this moment, Murong Yun didn't know that it was the two half-wits who found her faster than Hua Zhu.

She was picking fish bones contentedly, either looking at the beauty under the moon or looking at the big, round moon.

Today, she can be considered as having escaped death. Although she comforted herself before by saying that she might be able to go back if she dies, it is also possible that her death will be in vain.

Who wants to die if she can live?

Even if she has such a bad life as a supporting actress, shouldn't she still have to work hard not to be taken away by the plot?

She felt a little empty in her hands, and finally remembered that she had forgotten something!

"Where is this princess's staff???"

Murong Yun looked shocked, threw away the half-eaten fish in her hand, and started to turn around.

Like an ant on a hot pot, without the bone staff, she would be struck to death by lightning...

Thinking of this terrible consequence, she almost rolled up to the rock where Li Su was, shouting in panic: "Li Su, have you seen the staff?"

"It is the life of this princess!"

This is true, this is the only treasure in the Nanchu treasury that can control and protect her from thunder!

Without it, Murong Yun wouldn't dare to change the plot at all. If she did, depending on how much Heavenly way disliked her now, she might be directly chopped into heaven.

After being beaten repeatedly by Murong Yun, Li Su's patience had reached its bottom.

Especially at this time, her shouting was even more noisy.

His brows wrinkled subconsciously, and the aura around him dispersed and he opened his eyes, wanting to see what kind of monster Murong Yun was up to this time.

What caught his eye was the expression on Murong Yun's face where she was almost crying, and is it a hint of lifelessness in her eyes?

"What staff?"

Li Su finally suppressed his impatience and asked.

"It's, it's like this, the one with long, white bones and a jet-black stone on it."

Murong Yun said while gesturing the length, with an anxious look on her face: "This is the one who never leaves my hand every time I'm struck by lightning."

As soon as this explanation came out, Li Su finally remembered the bone staff that she often held...

But when he saw Murong Yun, he didn't see anything else around her, so he shook his head: "I didn't see anything."

Then, Murong Yun's little face collapsed visibly...

"Heaven and earth are unkind."

Murong Yun shouted with a cry, why is it so difficult to change one's life...

Li Su looked at the woman in front of him who started to have convulsions again, and he was somewhat used to it.

Just when Murong Yun was miserably worried about his future, there was a rustling sound in the forest, as if someone was approaching.

Could it be that Hua Zhu came here? 

But the reality is that when she looked at Murong You who stepped out, there was clear disgust in her eyes.

"Why is it you?"

Murong Yun did not hide her disgust and continued to turn her head and sigh.

"I don't know what's good or bad."

Murong You rolled his eyes in anger at her attitude and kept pushing the weeds in front of him with his hands.

Behind him, Baili Shuangxue, who was holding Murong Yun's staff, saw Li Su sitting on the boulder by the stream at a glance, with surprise in her eyes.

Why, Heir Li is here?

It turned out that he was the one who saved Murong Yun. She didn't expect that such a cold person would take action to save such a notorious woman like Murong Yun.

"Come on, A'shue, be careful there are thorns here."

Compared to his attitude towards Murong Yun, Murong You was extremely considerate towards Baili Shuangxue.

A'shue? Murong Yun rolled her eyes when she heard this address. Hey, man, if you know that there are three candidates, and you are just one of them, see if you, Murong You, can still calm down.

"Well, thank you."

With Murong You's help, Baili Shuangxue didn't even get a scratch on her skirt. Compared to Murong Yun, who was in a mess, she looked like a clean and beautiful little fairy.

The heroine's aura is amazing. With the two of them, they can find her faster than the guards at the Princess Mansion.

However, Murong Yun was in a bad mood at this time, not to mention that because of these two nosy people, she fell off the cliff and lost her staff.

Besides, with these three male and female protagonists together, how can she, a cannon fodder and vicious female supporting character, still be at peace?

"Princess, it's all my fault for your suffering. If it weren't for my mistake, Princess wouldn't have suffered this disaster."

With a guilty look on her face, Baili Shuangxue took the lead and trotted up to Murong Yun to apologize to her.

There is a saying that tea tastes a bit like tea, but Murong Yun, who has read the book and knows the plot of the book, of course knows that as the heroine Baili Shuangxue, she cannot be a bad person.

Not only is she not bad, she is also very kind in nature, even a bit like a virgin mother. Otherwise, she would not have attracted so many outstanding men to love her.

She thought of these plot settings and did not reply in time, but her attitude was seen as very unpleasant by Murong You.

He believed that although Ah Xue made mistakes, her original intention was good, and wasn't Murong Yun still alive now? Since Ah Xue apologized so sincerely, what kind of prestige was Murong Yun trying to show off as a princess?

"Murong Yun, it's not that bad..."

Murong You saw that his sweetheart was wronged and complained for her.

This immediately made Murong Yun's mentality explode. What do you mean by not bad?

If it weren't for these two nosy people, she would have been sleeping in the house with her cane in her arms!

However, she raised her head angrily, wanting to explain the cause and effect, and saw the bone staff in Baili Shuangxue's hand at a glance.

Her eyes immediately lit up, and most of the suffocation and worry in her chest disappeared.

"My staff!"


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