Sunday, June 2, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 64 - Grandma will decide for you.

 Seeing Jiang Ning's face turn slightly pale, Aunt Gui comforted her with a warm voice, "Although the old lady is serious, she loves her grandchildren very much, and she will definitely like you too."

Jiang Ning came back to her senses and couldn't help but twitch her lips.

The old lady indeed loves her grandchildren, but she never took another look at her and always looked at her with indifferent eyes.

As long as she commits the slightest offense, no matter if it is her fault or not, she will be punished by kneeling in the ancestral hall.

"Miss, the time is up, you have to go to the door to welcome her." Aunt Gui urged. If she is late, she may leave a bad impression on the Old Madam.

Jiang Ning walked to the door and stood next to Madam Lin.

Madam Lin's face was also a little nervous, and slightly pale, and she was holding her handkerchief tightly.

Seeing Jiang Ning, she struggled to squeeze out a smile and said, "Your grandmother is coming back soon. You should be well-behaved in front of her."

"I understand, Mother." Jiang Ning nodded in agreement.

After a while, a carriage drove up slowly and stopped at the gate of the Marquis Mansion.

Marquis Jiang took a step forward and said, "This son welcomes his mother. Did my Mother have a smooth journey?"

The curtain was opened, and the servant helped Old Madam Jiang get out of the carriage. Jiang Ning looked up and saw the old woman with a serious face and a solemn aura, saying, "You are considerate."

Mrs. Jiang's eyes swept across, and when she saw Jiang Ning, her eyes paused slightly, and then she just glanced lightly, "Everyone, go in, don't stand here anymore."

Everyone walked in.

Old Madam Jiang lives in Qingxin Couryard. She devotes herself to worshiping Buddha and no longer cares about the affairs of the Marquis Mansion. When she steps into the courtyard, she can smell the faint fragrance of sandalwood.

After entering the house, Old Madam Jiang sat down on the soft cushion.

The old lady beside her skillfully lit sandalwood incense and served tea and water.

Everyone sat down, Marquis Jiang sat closest to the old lady, followed by Madam Lin. The juniors had no seats and could only stand quietly to the side.

Lord Jiang asked, "Mom, how was the journey?"

Old Madam Jiang nodded lightly, "It's smooth, but my body bones are not as good as before. After riding the carriage all the way, my body bones are about to fall apart..." As she said that, she glanced across the hall.

"Why is it so empty? Where are Lan'er and Yue'er?"

There was silence in the hall, and Madam Lin subconsciously tightened her handkerchief.

"Back to mother, Lan'er and Yue'er are not here because..."

Old Madam Jiang just pretended not to hear Madam Lin's words and said coldly, "Let them come over. I, an old woman, am back and they haven't come to visit yet."

Madam Lin could only obey and give orders to her servants.

When Jiang Mengyue heard that Old Madam Jiang was back, her eyes lit up, "Grandma is back? Why so early?"

Binglan nodded, with a happy face, "Miss, that's great! The old lady is back, miss, you don't need to be grounded!"

The Old Madam loves the young lady the most and will never let the young lady be wronged.

Jiang Mengyue raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

Yes, Grandma is back.

That wicked woman would have a very sad life in the future. Thinking of this, she smiled even more happily.

She suddenly remembered something and told Binglan, "Hurry up and get the makeup powder!"

Binglan was confused, "Miss, why do you need makeup? Don't delay, the most important thing is to see the old lady..." There is no need to worry about makeup now.

"Go and get it if you are told!" Jiang Mengyue frowned and shouted coldly.


After a while, Qingxin Courtyard.

A weak figure stepped into the hall. Jiang Mengyue was wearing a simple and elegant white dress, which made her look thin.

"Yue'er sends my regards to grandma." She spoke softly, blessing Old Madam Jiang's health.

Jiang Mengyue's face was pale, she looked very haggard, and she had lost most of her weight. Her originally red lips had no color at the moment, and her whole body was wilted, like a delicate flower that had been frosted.

After Old Madam Jiang saw it, her expression froze.

"Come here, let grandma see. Why has your face lost more than half its weight and become so haggard?"

Jiang Mengyue walked over and smiled reluctantly, "Don't worry, grandma, Yue'er is fine..."

Marquis Jiang and Madam Lin were also surprised. In anger, they grounded Yue'er. They didn't expect that the child would become so thin in just a few days.

Lord Jiang couldn't help but wonder if the punishment was a bit harsh.

Madam Jiang took Jiang Mengyue's hand, "I'm not blind yet! Look, she's so pale, and she says she's fine! Tell me, what's going on?"

After Old Madam Jiang finished speaking, Jiang Mengyue pursed her lips, her eyes turned red, and her tears fell like broken beads.

Old Madam Jiang felt distressed and patted her hand gently, "Don't cry. Tell me the matter and Grandma will make decide for you."


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