Sunday, June 16, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 71 - Saved an Old Man

 Seeing Jiang Ning's indifferent look now, he felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but snort, "It's best to remember this sentence! I agreed to give you a condition in exchange for the Cloud brocade cloth, as long as it is not murder or arson, or something about Second sister then I can promise you anything else!" 


Jiang Ning smiled slightly and asked the owner of the silk shop to give the Cloud brocade cloth to Jiang Minglan.

She smiled with curved eyebrows and bright eyes.

This was the first time Jiang Minglan saw her smiling so happily, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Third Young Master, here." The owner of the silk shop handed the prepared brocade cloth to Jiang Minglan. Jiang Minglan came back to his senses and hugged the brocade cloth. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Jiang Ning gave him the Cloud brocade cloth so readily, which made him feel a little weird.

But he hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

Jiang Ning turned around calmly, without even looking at Jiang Minglan. She pointed at the cloth that she had just spotted and said, "Boss, I'll buy this cloth. Please send it to the Marquis Mansion."

"Also, I want this too."

Jiang Minglan couldn't help but feel angry when she saw Jiang Ning completely ignoring him.

He snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Only then did Jiang Ning realize that Jiang Minglan had left in anger, and couldn't help but wonder, "The Cloud brocade cloths were all given to him, why is he still angry?"

Jiang Ning waited at the silk shop for a while before Jin Weilan arrived belatedly, her face full of guilt, "Aning, You have been waiting for a long time. I'm really sorry. Something happened at home..."

"It's fine, I just arrived not long ago."

Jin Weilan smiled and said, "Did you see the gift I gave you? Take it back and make clothes. When the time comes, wear it and go out. You will definitely make a group of people envious!"

"Thank you." Jiang Ning thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

"Where's the cloth? Why didn't you take it out?"

"This..." Jiang Ning explained what had just happened. Jin Weilan stamped her feet angrily and poked Jiang Ning's little head with her hand, "How could you be so stupid? He must want to give it to Jiang Mengyue."

"I'm so angry!" Jin Weilan was so angry that she was about to jump up. She could imagine Jiang Mengyue wearing clothes made of Cloud brocade cloth, appearing in front of everyone arrogantly.

Jiang Ning held Jin Weilan's arm and comforted her softly, "Don't be angry."

Jin Weilan snorted twice, with an ugly expression on her face, "Forget it, just give it away. Then you can use this favor to trick him!"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Ning smiled slightly.

She will definitely make this favor play its due value. As for what she wants Jiang Minglan to do, she still needs to think about it.

Jin Weilan's sullenness quickly subsided and she returned to her smiling appearance, saying, "When I came here just now, I saw a new restaurant opened in the middle of the street. Why don't we go and try it?"

"Okay." Jiang Ning agreed.

The two of them took a carriage and went to the newly opened restaurant on East Street.

The lively sounds can be heard in the distance, the Dong Lai House is bustling with people, and the aroma of food wafts out, attracting people's footsteps.

Jin Weilan opened the curtain and pointed to the Dong Lai House, "That's it. I've reserved a private room."

The carriage came to a stop, and Jiang Ning and Jin Weilan got out of the carriage.

"Go away! Don't appear in front of me again! If you dare to say one more word, I will cut out your tongue!" A circle of people gathered at the door of Dong Lai House, and the man's angry curses could be heard.

"What happened over there? Let's go and take a look!" Jin Weilan liked the excitement, so she took Jiang Ning's hand and walked over.

After passing through the crowd, at the door of the Dong Lai House, a dirty old man fell to the ground, his hair was messy, and he looked like he had been kicked out.

The middle-aged man was fat and well-dressed. He had an annoyed look on his face and said, "Get out of here!"

The old man stooped and got up tremblingly. He raised his head and said to the middle-aged man, "You are extremely ill. If you don't get treatment, something will happen in a few months..."

The middle-aged man cursed, "I'm still fine, how dare you, a bad old man, curse me to die early? Come on! Teach him a lesson!"

The old man's voice was old and trembling slightly, "I'm not telling lies, I can heal..."

Several servants came over and seemed to want to beat someone.

"Stop!" A clear yelling sound came out.

Jiang Ning looked at the miserable old man, frowned, and walked over.


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