Sunday, June 30, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 85 - Very Weird

 After a while, Jiang Mengyue arrived.

"Mother, what's going on? What's wrong with Third Brother?" Jiang Mengyue's face was full of panic. When she saw Jiang Minglan lying unconscious on the bed, she swayed and said, "Third Brother... 

Madam Lin could hardly hold on, tears fell down, and she grabbed Jiang Mengyue's hand.

"Yue'er, Lan'er, his old illness has relapsed!"

"How could this happen..." A trace of surprise flashed across Jiang Mengyue's face, followed by panic.

Jiang Ning retracted her hand without leaving a trace and looked at Jiang Mengyue.

Jiang Mengyue was born with medicinal blood and used the blood as a medicine to revive Jiang Minglan.

Madam Lin grabbed Jiang Mengyue's hand and cried, "Yue'er, can you save Lan'er... Last time you used your blood to make medicine and saved Lan'er, can you..."

Madam Lin couldn't go on as she talked, her heart was filled with guilt.

"It's mother who is not good enough for you."

How can parents do this and want to use their daughter's blood...

Jiang Mengyue held Lin's hand in turn, "Mother, what are you talking about? Of course, I won't just watch something happen to my third brother. Isn't it just a little blood?"

"As long as my third brother can be cured, I will have no regrets even if all the blood is drained from my body."

Jiang Mengyue's words moved heaven and earth, and her tone was firm and powerful.

After hearing this, Madam Lin's vision was blurred by tears, and she shed tears again.

At this time, Grandma Gui found the box where the prescription was stored in the warehouse, "Found it! The prescription was found..."

They were afraid that Jiang Minglan would get sick again, so they saved the prescription. Now they thought, luckily they saved it, otherwise, they would have to find that charlatan again.

Hearing that the prescription had been found, Madam Lin managed to cheer up, wiped away her tears, and said, "Go and get the medicine!"


Aunt Gui did not dare to delay. Instead of instructing the maids in the mansion, she hurried out of the mansion to grab medicine.

The old lady and the Marquis heard the news and hurried over.

Seeing the unconscious Jiang Minglan, her heart was in her throat.

"Lan'er!" Lord Marquis strode over, feeling heartbroken. He only had two sons, and he loved them as if they were his eyes. Seeing Jiang Minglan's life hanging by a thread, he was extremely nervous.

"How can someone so good get sick..."

Madam Lin shook her head. She didn't know what happened, obviously, everything was fine, but he suddenly became ill after so many years.

The Marquis remembered something and hurriedly said, "Where's the prescription? The prescription left by that charlatan when Lan'er was eight years old."

Madam Lin replied, "The prescription has been found. Aunt Gui went to get the medicine."

Now they can only pray that the medicine works.

Jiang Minglan's life is saved after drinking the medicine when he was eight years old. They hope it will work now.

Soon, Grandma Gui came back with the medicine.

But this medicine is still short of ingredient.

Madam Lin looked at Jiang Mengyue and said with guilt, "Yue'er..."

Jiang Mengyue nodded, rolled up her sleeves, exposed her white wrists, and said, "Binglan, go get the dagger."

"Yes, miss." Binglan took the dagger and handed it to Jiang Mengyue's hand.

Jiang Mengyue roasted it on the fire, and then she held the dagger in her hand and held it hard. The blade cut her palm and blood flowed down.

She frowned and gasped in pain.

Everyone present frowned tightly and couldn't bear to look at it. Cutting their hands, how painful it would be...

Madam Lin felt guilty and grateful. Yue'er did not hesitate to cut her hand and bleed to save Lan'er. Just for this reason, even if she was not of the Marquis family's blood, it was no different from her being connected by blood.

The faces of the old lady and the Marquis were also a little complicated. They looked at Jiang Mengyue and regarded her as a relative that is better than a blood relative.

Jiang Mengyue shed a bowl of blood.

The blood was dazzling. After taking a bowl, her face turned pale and her lips were bloodless.

Madam Lin walked over and gently held her hand, "Let the doctor bandage it quickly and call the doctor over!"

Jiang Mengyue smiled weakly and shook her head, "Mother, I'm fine... It's more important to save my third brother than me. It's more important to make medicine quickly."

"No, you can't be careless about your wounds. What if it leaves a scar..." Madam Lin choked up as she spoke, and lowered her head. Her daughter had such a big cut on her hand.

The room was busy and chaotic.

Only Jiang Ning was excluded in the corner, and no one noticed her.

At this moment, everyone's attention was on Jiang Minglan and Jiang Mengyue.

Jiang Ning looked at the blood in the bowl thoughtfully, a little weird... She had seen medicinal blood in her previous life, and it obviously had a faint fragrance, but this bowl of blood was just like ordinary blood, odorless.

Could it be that she thought wrong?

Not all people who are born with medicinal blood are the same.

Jiang Ning lowered her eyes and suppressed the doubts in her heart.

Nanny Qin went to boil the medicine and quickly brought the soup over.

Madam Lin took the medicine bowl, helped Jiang Minglan sit up, and prepared to feed him medicine.

But Jiang Minglan was unconscious and it was very difficult to feed him. She couldn't even bring it to his lips to make him drink.

"What should we do..." Madam Lin's eyes were red with anxiety. At this moment, Jiang Minglan groaned and made a painful sound.

"Lan'er, drink the medicine quickly." Madam Lin hurriedly brought the bowl to his lips, but at this time Jiang Minglan was confused and felt uncomfortable, so he knocked the medicine bowl away unconsciously.

The medicine bowl fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Unexpectedly, the porcelain fragments bounced up and flew to the bed, scratching the back of Jiang Minglan's hand.


Madam Lin exclaimed and hurriedly went to check if Jiang Minglan was injured.

Where the fragments scratched the back of the hand, blood seeped out.

At this moment, Jiang Ning was looking at Jiang Minglan, so the wound on the back of his hand could be seen clearly. Blood was oozing from the back of his hand. After a while, the blood began to bubble, as if the blood was boiling.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but frown.

What kind of disease is this?

Very strange, never heard of it.

Aunt Qin brought another bowl of medicine. Madam Lin carefully fed Jiang Minglan to drink it without knocking over the bowl this time.

After Jiang Minglan drank the medicine, everyone watched his condition nervously.

After a stick of incense...

Jiang Minglan still looked in agony, his whole body was hot and his whole body was about to burn.

Madam Lin wiped the sweat from Jiang Minglan's forehead with a square towel, "Lan'er..."

Everyone was staring nervously at Jiang Minglan's situation.

Only Jiang Ning was thoughtful, thinking about Jiang Minglan's condition. She learned medical skills from Doctor Xue and read many medical books, but she had never seen such a disease.

At this time, the corner of his eye fell on Jiang Mengyue who was sitting aside.

Jiang Mengyue's face turned pale and she pursed her lips nervously. She didn't know what she was thinking. Her mind was not on Jiang Minglan who was on the hospital bed at all.

Jiang Ning turned her face and looked over.

Jiang Mengyue was absent-minded. Her injured hand had just been bandaged and she was holding the handkerchief tightly. She didn't seem to feel any pain at all.

What was she thinking?

In her current state, she doesn't seem to be worried about Jiang Minglan, but she seems to be worried about something else...

Jiang Ning's eyes were inquiring.

Jiang Mengyue seemed to notice her sight, raised her eyes, and happened to catch Jiang Ning's gaze. Panic flashed across her face, and she was very flustered. It took a while to calm down.


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