Tuesday, June 18, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 83 - She Can Live Her Life Without Catering to Other People's Eyes

 In the black RV, the air-conditioning was originally turned on, but now it was even more chilly. Fei Ran sat in the passenger seat and frowned slightly. He is holding the candied haws in his hand conflicted about whether to throw it or not.

He could feel the cold air coming from the young master's body. The young master was in a good mood this morning. He was always in a happy mood every time he wanted to see Miss Mu.

When they arrived at the school gate and the car hadn't stopped yet, they saw this scene. Soya's intimacy with Miss Mu was something they all witnessed during the last competition.

At that time, Soya just given two candies to Miss Mu, and the young master's jealousy was completely overflowing. This time he saw the intimate interaction between the two...

They seemed to have known each other for a long time. The results of their investigation showed that Soya came here immediately after Miss Mu arrived in Wutong Town, and his activities during this period also revolved around Wen Li.

Everyone knows his heart's intentions. 

Soya and Miss Mu are both figures on the Intercontinental Alliance rankings, and they are both gods. There must be corresponding topics in common between the two. Compared with the silence between her and the young master, they are naturally more acquainted with each other.

The young master and Miss Mu mostly write together. The young master is also very patient in teaching, and Miss Mu is very interested in learning. However, the relationship and familiarity between the two people are not as good as that of Miss Mu and Soya. 

They looked at each other in silence in the trunk. Fu Yuxiu was sitting in his seat, his expression not very good. Compared with his coldness, the person opposite him closed her eyes in contentment.

"What's going on between you and him?"

Sounds like an adulterer.

Fei Ran shook his shoulders and squeezed the candied haws in his hand tighter.

"I've known him for many years. He's a very capable man, but he talks too much..." Wen Li replied with her eyes closed.

Also, this person is indeed very noisy, and his ability to pester people is top-notch.

The reason why Wen Li chose to return to Wutong Town, a quiet place, was because of her dreams and to avoid disturbance.

However, Lu Zhizhou's big tail is indeed chewing gum that cannot be shaken off. No matter where she goes, this person will definitely appear after a while, and he will definitely pester her for a long time.

It seemed like she would never stop pestering her. As time went by, Wen Li got used to it and became less repulsive.

"You look very close to each other."

Wen Li opened her eyes and looked sideways at the person opposite, "Can you define for me what intimacy is?"

"Traditionally speaking, there are two types of intimacy between men and women. One is verbal intimacy, and the other is physical entanglement. What kind of relationship do you think he and I are?" Wen Li looked at the man leisurely. 

Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows and put one hand on her head, "Which kind do you want to be?"

Fu Yuxiu knew what kind of temper the girl in front of her had. She had never made a clear mental distinction between men and women.

The flamboyance in her heart reveals that she can do everything a man can do, and there is no such thing as anyone depending on the other or inseparable from the other.

So when facing Soya, there may be some things that she has never been very clear about, nor is she very willing to understand.

During the time he spent with her, Fu Yuxiu realized that Wen Li was different from the little girl before. After all these years, Wen Li had no concept of feelings.

"You'd better not touch either of these. If you want to know or want to try, just come to me." Fu Yuxiu approached her.

Those dark eyes were full of seriousness and non-negotiable.

"Should I also answer your question just now, whether the hatred for taking my woman is really irreconcilable?"

This man's posture seemed to really make him want to be popular with her. Wen Li raised her hand to stop, "I don't need to ask you, I know what you think."

This man is very domineering at heart. Let alone stealing his woman, no one else dares to touch his things, otherwise they will be broken into pieces.

"Since you know my character, don't push my boundaries casually, and be obedient." Fu Yuxiu gently touched her hair with his fingertips.

"Whatever you want." Wen Li continued to lean on the car seat and close her eyes to rest.

Seeing the nonchalant look of the little girl in front of him, Fu Yuxiu reached out and covered her with a small blanket.

The air-conditioning in the car is moderate, but if you fall asleep while staying here, there is a high chance of catching a cold due to the cold wind.

Hearing the girl's shallow and detailed breathing, Fu Yuxiu raised his hand to caress her forehead. After spending this time together, she was no longer as vigilant as before and was as frightened as a bird when someone approached her.

Now Wen Li can sleep calmly in front of him, but didn't she fall asleep too quickly?

It felt slightly cool under her palm, the temperature did not rise, and she didn't look like she was sick.

"Master, Mr. Xi is calling." Fei Ran handed over the phone from the front seat.

Fu Yuxiu threw his cell phone on the table before he went out. Xi Moran must have called Fei Ran because he couldn't reach him.

"Went to pick up your little girl?"

Fu Yuxiu didn't say anything, and the person on the other end continued, "I'm holding a reading club on the top floor of Ningzhou Hotel today. Please bring your little girl over."

Today, there is a large reading club in Ningzhou Hotel. The famous writers from country G will go there, and it is quite lively.

"Why, when did you become a scholar?"

Xi Moran's name is rather bookish, but he has never been a literate person.

"I was dragged here."

Fu Yuxiu was convinced that the only person who could drag Xi Moran over was probably the young ancestor of the Xi family.

"Everyone here is of the same age. Your little girl should like this place very much. She can get along with normal people of the same age. Maybe her cold temperament will change." Xi Moran said.

"Be there in a moment."


Ningzhou Hotel, a five-star hotel named after Ningzhou City, is the largest luxurious hotel in the entire Ningzhou City.

This hotel handles all the affairs of the entire upper class in Ningzhou. Engagements, weddings, and full-moon drinks are basically held here.

This book club was hosted by Ningzhou Publishing House, and some famous writers from country G were invited, covering all walks of life and fields. The entire top floor of the hotel was booked, and the scene was huge.

To ensure the tranquility of the writers, the entire reading club is not open to the public, and only some industry insiders are invited. Of course, sponsors cannot be excluded. The whole atmosphere is still very good, with a strong book atmosphere and melodious music.

All the writers who came to participate had works of various sizes. Round tables and sofas for reading were also set up throughout the venue. Several rows of bookshelves were filled with books, making it easier for writers to understand each other and communicate with each other.

Xi Moran found a quiet round table and sat down. He took a book from the bookshelf and spread it out, but he didn't put his eyes on it. There was a thick stack of comic books beside him.

Ling Cheng took a step forward and whispered a few words beside him. Xi Moran waved his hand and Ling Cheng obediently stepped aside.

Such outstanding men are rare in the entire venue. Many women were holding books and wanted to come over, but were blocked by the expressionless Ling Cheng.

When Nan Sheng arrived, he saw the people at the round table at a glance. He let go of his female companion in his arms and walked over to Xi Moran.

"You came all the way from the imperial capital to attend such a reading party. Your little ancestor is really capable." Nan Sheng sat down opposite him.

Xi Moran has been pestered all morning and now has a severe headache.

"Where did your little ancestor go?"

Ling Cheng looked at his master, helped Xi Moran, and said, "The lady came with her friends, over there."

Nan Sheng looked in the direction Ling Cheng was pointing. Two girls wearing one blue and one white skirt were particularly eye-catching. They looked young and beautiful, and the one in the white skirt looked very similar to Xi Moran.

As for the other one, Nan Sheng squinted and could only see the side face, but the lines were exquisite. It looked a bit like the little girl from Fu Yuxiu's family.

"You're looking at her so seriously, what are you doing?" Xi Moran paid attention to the way he looked at his sister.

"Who is that next to your little ancestor?"

Xi Moran suddenly thought, "The daughter of the Li family, Li Li."

Nan Sheng finally understood why the two of them were so close. The Li family in the imperial capital was a family on par with the Xi family, a famous family that had been passed down for hundreds of years.

Wen Li was dragged out of the car by Fu Yuxiu as she slept in a hazy state, and the man half-hugged her into the elevator.

"Don't you think you've been sleeping a little too well lately?" The man lowered his head and reminded her in her ear.

With her temperament developed in a high-pressure environment all year round, she had indeed slept too much during this period.

"I know, I will pay attention."

Wen Li had already felt it without him telling her. Since arriving in Ningzhou, her sleepiness had become a bit serious, and she would have weird dreams every time.

It was like a scene she had actually experienced, very familiar, but she couldn't recall it at all.

"What place did you bring me to?" The two stood in the elevator waiting for the floor to arrive.

"With your temper, you don't like places that are too noisy. This is just the right place for you to go."

As soon as Fu Yuxiu finished speaking, the elevator door opened, revealing a warm white background wall, with the words "Shu Xiang Ya Mo" written on the standing sign next to it which means Literary reputation Elegant ink.

Wen Li didn't feel very good. Sure enough, when the two of them walked in, they saw books arranged in various shapes. The middle was decorated with warm white velvet. Many people were coming and going. 

Their footsteps were absorbed by the beige carpet under their feet. After politely shaking hands, they only talked lightly, and the volume was controlled so as not to disturb others.

Wen Li subconsciously wanted to turn around but was restrained by the person next to her, and his deep laughter came to her ears, "Don't run, why are you scared?"

"Don't you like calligraphy, which is a kind of self-cultivation? Then you shouldn't object to this. Be obedient and I'll take you out to play later." Fu Yuxiu rubbed her head and led people inside.

After Nan Sheng and Xi Moran said a few words, they saw the two people coming over. The little girl was obviously reluctant to come in. Fu Yuxiu half-armed the person's waist and lowered his head to coax her in the ear.

Nan Sheng sighed when he saw the little girl in his arms.

The world has really changed, and this man will bring the girl to this place to show off his love in a brazen way.

"Do you choose such an elegant place for dating these days?" the man sarcastically said.

With his temperament, it would be a proper date to just take the person to the room and knock him down.

This kind of reading club can satisfy the little girl's girlish heart. After all, most of the writers here are girls.

"Regardless of whether you are in love or not, such a literary and artistic place is not suitable for you at all." Fu Yuxiu replied and pulled the person to sit down next to him.

Nan Sheng rolled his eyes. He didn't come here voluntarily anyway. If Xi Moran hadn't been involved this time, he wouldn't have bothered to come here.

As a result, he had to be ridiculed by this man.

"Miss Mu, you're welcome. Feel free to do whatever you like." Xi Moran sat up straight and looked at Wen Li. 

"That's too much. It's not like you're in Seeking Jade Relic. Just let her mess with it as she pleases." Nan Sheng replied.

"Why are you feeling distressed?" Xi Moran teased.

Although the entire reading club is sponsored by Ningzhou Publishing House, the name of the sponsor is Nan's.

Even to enhance the taste, all the artworks installed in the entire venue were brought out by the Nan family, and many of them are collections.

For no other reason, than the person in charge of this event is a friend of Nan Pei. The eldest lady of the Nan family has spoken, but she doesn’t have to go to the top.

"Go and have a look, do whatever you like." Fu Yuxiu motioned to Wen Li.

Nan Sheng shook the goosebumps on his body. He was not tinkering with anything casually. As long as his beloved liked anything, this person could find it for her in the world.

Wen Li had been hungry for a long time. If she hadn't been held hostage by this man, she would have gone there to look for food. The chefs at Ningzhou Hotel were all top-notch, and the snacks they made were naturally exquisite and delicious.

Looking at the direction she was going, Xi Moran chuckled, "This baby of yours is really easy to guess. She doesn't even look at the artwork and famous books in the room, but she is particularly interested in the snacks on the table."

The aura on her body is quite strong, and she is more realistic than these great artists and writers who only talk about romance and not reality.

"No, after all, she is still young." Nan Sheng replied.

The only thing that didn't change about Wen Li's temperament when she was a child was her preference for sweets. No matter what the occasion, she always went straight to her favorite snacks.

"She doesn't need to change, and she doesn't need to cater to anyone's eyes." The man said calmly, but his eyes were fixed on the back figure without moving.

Xi Moran was convinced that if someone like Fu Yuxiu took someone under his wing, he would naturally make her have a worry-free life.

He has the right to be so spoiled. As long as Fu Yuxiu is here, Mu Wen Li can certainly show off as much as she wants.

Wen Li bit into a piece of macaron, and the sweet taste made her feel better.

"Little sister."

A sweet female voice is heard as if calling her.

Wen Li tilted her head and saw two girls, one white and one blue, standing in front of her. They had outstanding looks and were about the same age, with sweet smiles on their faces.

"Hello..." Xi Moqian's eyes flashed with surprise, "You are so beautiful!"

Li Li next to her was speechless. Talking to others like this could easily be misunderstood, okay?

The two little girls are both very good-looking. Xi Moqian's face is very similar to Xi Moran's. When she smiles, she has pointed little tiger teeth, which are very bright and soft. However, Li Li's appearance is more gentle, that kind of look that makes one feel comfortable.

"I'm sorry, she's a bit stupid. We are the authors invited to this book club, and this is our work." Li Li smiled apologetically at Wen Li.

A beautifully published comic book was stuffed into Wen Li's palm. The two girls on the cover were lifelike, and every stroke of the painting carried the characteristics of this era.

"The two of us are the authors of this comic, so please give us your support."

Wen Li's eyes fell on the author's name, which was Sheng Si Mo Li (Inseparable to Life and Death)

What kind of name is this.

"Miss, which book is yours? I'll help you promote it. I can buy hundreds of copies at a time." Xi Moqian looked around Wen Li.

She didn't see any book in her hand. There seemed to be something different about this young lady.

And it seemed like it was the first time she had seen someone dressed like this to attend a book club. The female writers who came here were not glamorous, and most of their clothes were bright colors, and none of them wore such dark colors.

"I'm not a writer." Wen Li replied.

Li Mo looked at the cake in Wen Li's hand curiously. She seemed to have enjoyed it just now. Is this delicious?

With this thought in mind, she reached out and took one.

"It's okay. Then you should help read our books. Let me tell you, they are the best comics in the world. I guarantee you won't lose money if you get into this book."

"And now, if you purchase more than ten of our comic books, it will come with an autograph from the author."

Xi Moqian praised her book so much that her eyes were sparkling, like stars twinkling.

Li Li tasted the cake and frowned slightly. It was not as delicious as the one made by the chef at home. Why did she like it so much?

"Did you two draw it together?" Wen Li weighed the comic book in her hand.

Hearing Wen Li's words, Xi Moqian nodded, "The two of us are co-authors. She is responsible for the script of the story, and I am responsible for the character design. Of course, she is also the designer of my background."

The two of them worked together to create this book.

Seeing their hard work, Wen Li smiled and said, "I will read it."

After receiving Wen Li's response, Xi Moqian jumped up happily and turned around to high-five Li Li in celebration.

"Thank you. Most of the people here are literary writers. Indeed, we two cartoonists are not very popular here, and they are not willing to read comics. You are the first person to tell us so seriously today." Li Li thanked her.

This young lady looks cold, but she is very kind-hearted.

"The people here are all adults and have a lot of exposure to texts. Few people like to read comics. Your promotion is in the wrong direction."

Xi Moqian and Li Li looked at each other, and neither of them felt that they were wrong. Since it was a book club held by a publishing house, they could also ask other authors to help them read it.

By the way, you can make recommendations on your own social accounts. Then your popularity will increase, and of course, more and more people will know about it.

"Anyway, thank you, little sister." Xi Moqian said cheerfully.

Wen Li nodded slightly and continued to look for delicious snacks. Xi Moqian stared at her delicate profile. This person was good-looking, even her side profile was good-looking.

She had never seen such a beautiful face in all the years she had been in the imperial capital. How could such a beautiful person exist in a small place like Ningzhou?

"This one is more delicious." Li Li said while pointing to the strawberry cake on the plate.

She had just tasted them all with great care, and this strawberry cake was the most delicious among them.

"Li Li, I just thought her profile looks a bit like yours." Xi Moqian said very seriously.

Li Li was unimpressed, "There you go again, why do you say someone looks like me these days?"

Two days ago, she pointed to a photo that went viral on the Internet and said it looked like her when she was with heavy makeup, but half of the face in the photo clearly didn't have heavy makeup.

Some people are like this. They are born with a good foundation and make people envious and jealous.

"These days, it's getting harder and harder to manage the girls at home." Nan Sheng looked at Xi Moqian and Li Li and sighed.

Who doesn't know those two young ancestors? The ladies from two aristocratic families in the imperial capital have been domineering for many years.

They are both in their sophomore year at Imperial University this year, so it is enough for a young lady from such an aristocratic family to accept the path paved by her family step by step, but these two families obviously do not follow the ordinary path.

Nan Pei built his own studio and it became a hit.

Xi Moqian made a fuss about becoming the best cartoonist in G country, locking herself up and drawing cartoons all day long. It was not a harmless thing anyway, so the Xi family simply ignored her.

She was originally a good talent in oil painting, but she decided to take a path that she was not good at.

"Your little girl is obviously different from those two. She looks different in temperament. Isn't she the same age?" Nan Sheng looked at the three girls standing together in the distance.

Xi Moran thought for a while, Mu Wen Li was 20 years old this year, and Xi Moqian and Li Li were also 20 years old.

With the same age and different experiences, these two seemed far less calm and demure than Wen Li.

"Brother!" Xi Moqian jumped over holding the book in her arms.

"Did you help me sell this?" Xi Moqian said, looking at the thick stack of comics in Xi Moran's hand, and then her face wrinkled.

"Brother, you didn't help me." Xi Moqian said and started to push the books next to Nan Sheng and Fu Yuxiu.

Because of the special status of these two people, Xi Moqian had never seen them before, but coming from a wealthy family, even if she had never seen them in any situation, and she would not be frightened by the unfamiliarity at all.

"Are you all my eldest brother's business partners? In this way, if you want to discuss business with my eldest brother, each of you must buy ten books first." Xi Moqian seriously said to Nan Sheng.

Li Li stood next to her and pulled her sleeves, "Too little."

After all, he is also a friend of Brother Xi, so he should have at least buy a hundred copies.

"Little?" Xi Moqian turned around and asked very seriously, gesturing with his fingers, "How many?"

"Two hundred." Li Li stretched out two fingers, "At least two hundred."

The two little girls were discussing in front of so many people. Xi Moran was speechless, and Nan Sheng burst out laughing.

Fu Yuxiu saw the little girl over there who was still eating seriously, and couldn't help but get up and walk over to her.

"You two come here and help me with something. If it's done well, I'll buy five thousand copies." Xi Moran waved.

As soon as the two of them heard about Five Thousand Books, their eyes lit up. They rushed over and stood next to Xi Moran, one on the left and the other on the right.

"We will listen to your orders." Xi Moqian hugged his brother's arm.

Xi Moran freed himself and pointed over there, "Did you see that little girl over there?..."

Both of them looked at Wen Li, who was next to Fu Yuxiu.

The man's fingertips gently removed the cream on her cheeks, and said in a helpless tone, "We haven't eaten yet, so you should not eat dessert to fill yourself up."

"You brought me here." Wen Li reminded him.

"I brought you here, but I didn't make you eat like a greedy cat." He took the wet wipes next to him and wiped her hands.

"I'll take you to play after I'm full. The weather is nice today. I'll take you out for an outing."

Wen Li chewed the food in her mouth and did not respond.

Watching Fu Yuxiu throw the wet wipes into the trash can, Nan Sheng sighed. This man really doted on the little girl Wen Li as a treasure.

Not only were her hands wiped, but he even found her some playmates.

These two little girls are just companions for their sweetheart. The girl is a bit cold-tempered, so he wants to make her more lively.

It really bothered the old father.


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