Saturday, June 22, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 77 - Your Brother is so Kind to You

 Jiang Ning lowered her face, took two steps forward, and politely greeted Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu smiled and nodded, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes getting deeper. She looked Jiang Ning up and down and praised, "This child is blessed to be fair and pure."

Old Madam Jiang also laughed and said kindly, "That's true. Ever since I brought Ning Ning back, things in the house have become much smoother, and my body feels much better."

Old Madam Jiang's face is gentle, and to outsiders, she really looks like a grandmother with a deep relationship with her granddaughter.

Jiang Ning stood calmly while looking at her nose and heart.

Is everything smooth in the house?

Could it be that she had forgotten that some time ago Jiang Mengyue was grounded and Jiang Minglan was punished to kneel in the ancestral hall? Old Madam Jiang was really capable of telling lies. To betroth her to the Second Young Master Lu, she was praised as a lucky star.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu smiled even more and nodded.

Mrs. Lu looked at Jiang Ning and felt satisfied everywhere. It would be better if she could marry into the Lu family safely.

Jiang Ning stood politely, and when Mrs. Lu asked questions, she obediently answered her questions.

Jiang Mengyue on the side squeezed the handkerchief tightly, with a smile on her lips at first, but then her face turned stiff, because Mrs. Lu never looked at her from beginning to end, not even asking a question.

She almost poked holes in the veil. She had never been treated so coldly.

After a while, Old Madam Jiang waved her hand and said, "Okay, I don't have to restrict you anymore. Go out and play. It's boring to hear us old ladies in the house talk."

Jiang Ning and Jiang Mengyue responded and walked out of the room.

Across the courtyard, many people were standing under the corridor. Among them, the one surrounded in the middle was Miss Lu Xinyi of the Lu family who celebrated her coming of age birthday today.

Jiang Mengyue walked over slowly and greeted everyone.

Everyone's eyes fell on her, to be precise, they fell on the clothes she was wearing. They couldn't take their eyes away. The Cloud brocade fabric was special, the silk yarn was fluttering, and the pearlescent silver threads were looming. The skin was like jade, which was absolutely beautiful.

Lu Xinyi's eyes also fell on Jiang Mengyue, and she couldn't help but ask, "Is this dress made of Cloud brocade cloth?"

Jiang Mengyue smiled slightly, feeling proud in her heart, her tail raised to the sky, but she didn't show it on the surface, "Yes."


Everyone was surprised and came over one after another with envy on their faces.

"Where did you buy it? All the silk shops in the capital don't sell it..."

"Yes." Lu Xinyi couldn't hide the envy on her face. Cloud brocade cloth was hard to find. She originally wanted to buy two pieces of cloth to make clothes and wear them when she got her haircut, but she searched all over the capital and found none. 

Jiang Mengyue raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes full of smiles, "I don't know where it was bought, but my third brother gave it to me."

"Your brother is so kind to you."

"Yes, yes...why doesn't my brother have such thoughts?"

Jiang Mengyue suddenly became the focus of all the ladies. Everyone surrounded her and looked at the clothes she was wearing with envy.

Jiang Mengyue smiled lightly and glanced at Jiang Ning from the corner of her eye. Jiang Ning was forgotten in a corner and couldn't say a word.

Ho ho, Jiang Mengyue smiled proudly in her heart.

So what if they were biological siblings, Jiang Minglan only had her as the second sister in her heart, not her at all.

Jiang Ning didn't even look at Jiang Mengyue at this moment, nor did she think about squeezing into the circle of noble ladies. She was thinking about how to cancel the marriage with the Lu family.

Jin Weilan was watching in the crowd, and when she saw Jiang Ning's figure, she walked over.

Seeing Jiang Ning's thoughtful look, she coughed.

Jiang Ning came back to her senses and raised her face, "Weilan?"

Jin Weilan felt extremely unhappy. She pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Mengyue, "Look, her tail is about to go up to the sky! The clothes she is wearing are thanks to you. If you didn't give up the fabric to Jiang Ming, where would she have the chance to show off."

"You, you know that your third brother will give the cloth to Jiang Mengyue, why do you still give it to him!"

Jin Weilan was so angry that she felt unhappy when she saw Jiang Mengyue being held in high esteem by the stars.

Jiang Ning shook her head, "It's just a set of clothes. Don't worry about it. Besides, being admired by the stars is not necessarily a good thing." She said lightly, looking in Jiang Mengyue's direction, her eyes full of meaning.

Jin Weilan didn't know what Jiang Ning meant, she just felt angry.

Jiang Mengyue stood in the middle of the crowd. The protagonist among the ladies changed from Lu Xinyi to her, as if she was the one celebrating her birthday today.

She felt that there was light on her face, and the previous bad luck was swept away.

She smiled faintly, wanting to see what Jiang Ning's face looked like now. She must be very uncomfortable... Her brother gave his best to others, not her sister.

At this moment, a cold snort came.

Everyone turned around and saw a beautiful woman dressed in gold and expensive clothes.

The woman's eyes were raised, her expression was high, and her appearance was extremely beautiful, but there was a bit of arrogance about her that made people afraid to approach her.

When everyone saw the woman, they couldn't help but flinch and their faces became nervous.

"County Princess Hualian."

This girl is Qi Hualian, the daughter of Prince Qi Yang. She has a distinguished status and is higher than the ladies present. Unexpectedly, Lu Xinyi invited Princess Hualian to her coming of age celebration.

Lu Xinyi walked over with a smile, "Princess, you are here."

Princess Hualian's gaze penetrated the crowd and landed directly on Jiang Mengyue.

Everyone did not dare to block her gaze and stepped aside. Soon the people around Jiang Mengyue dispersed, leaving her alone.

Princess Hualian stared at Jiang Mengyue's clothes with a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

She likes Cloud brocade cloth very much.

She once saw Concubine Xue passing through wearing it in the palace. She was as beautiful as a fairy descending to earth.

She immediately sent someone to the silk shop to buy it, but after searching the entire shop, she could not find the brocade cloth. Now she saw a noble girl from a small aristocratic family wearing clothes made of Cloud brocade cloth, which made her jealous.

Princess Hualian's cold gaze fell on Jiang Mengyue. Jiang Mengyue shuddered subconsciously and wanted to avoid it.

"Hmph." Princess Hualian snorted coldly.

Jiang Mengyue's face was pale and her spine felt cold.

She didn't expect to meet Princess Hualian at the Lu family, and she was also targeted by the princess because she was wearing clothes made of Cloud brocade cloth.

I heard that Princess Hualian is very vindictive and anyone who is targeted by her will not get any favors.

Jiang Mengyue couldn't help but regret in her heart. Why did she wear this dress to show off? If she wore Cloud brocade cloth that even the princess didn't buy, wouldn't she be inviting jealousy?

She thought hard and finally gritted her teeth.

Seeing the maid passing by carrying tea, she walked towards it, and then "accidentally" bumped into the maid, and the tea poured all over her body, "Oh!"

The maid rushed into the noble lady, turned pale with fright, and immediately knelt down, "It's all my fault, I didn't see the young lady..."

Jiang Mengyue looked at the wet dress and felt a pain in her heart. This was a dress made ofCloud brocade cloth, and it was ruined.

She gritted her teeth, and it was better to be ruined than to be targeted by Princess Hualian.

She waved her hand and said magnanimously, "Forget it, it's not your fault alone. I was walking in a hurry and didn't see you."

"Thank you, miss!" The maid burst into tears of gratitude and quickly kowtowed in thanks.

Lu Xinyi saw her walking over and frowned, "Why are you so careless? Second Miss Jiang's clothes are all wet..."

"Its nothing." Jiang Mengyue forced a smile, "It's just a piece of clothing. I brought a spare set in the carriage. Is there a place in your house to change clothes?"

"Yes, I'll ask the maid to take you there."

"Thank you, Miss Lu."

Jiang Mengyue ruined a dress. When Princess Hualian saw it, she curled up her lips and felt better.

What she can't get, no one else can get.


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