Monday, June 24, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 84 - Attack in the Mountains

 Jincheng Mountain.

It is located in the east of Ningzhou City, far away from the fireworks atmosphere of the city. Everything here is green, and the foot of the mountain is crisscrossed by countless streams. If you are used to the prosperity and indifference of the city, this kind of place can particularly arouse people's resonance.

There are two hills connected next to Jincheng Mountain. Although they are not extremely high, they can still overlook the entire city. Therefore, there are several observation decks set up on the hills, and you can drive your car directly up them.

Because it is far away from the city's hustle and bustle, it has become a good place for city dwellers to escape their worries. At the foot of the mountain, many businessmen have invested and established integrated leisure resorts.

As soon as Wen Li got out of the car, he was surrounded by two little girls. They trapped Wen Li on the left and right, with bright smiles on their faces.

The cars of several people were parked in the center of the entire villa. Ling Cheng, who was next to Xi Moran, led people to arrange security around them. This time, in addition to the young master and the young lady, there were also Nan Sheng and that one. Naturally, they had to pay special attention. 

If something happens, I'm afraid it won't be easy for them to explain to the Fu family.

"Young Master Nan." The person in charge stepped forward and bowed, "I have prepared it for you all. Do you want to have a meal first?"

Xi Moran looked back at the two little girls who were pestering Wen Li. The three of them were similar in age. Even though the face of the little ancestor of Fu Yuxiu's family was a little colder, she couldn't stop the passionate offensive of these two.

"No need for now, let them play for a while first."

Fu Yuxiu looked at the entangled Wen Li and ignored her look for help.

"Wen Li, let's go horse riding first. I heard from my brother that there are specially trained horses here. I haven't gone horse riding for a long time. I want to stretch my muscles." Xi Moqian said happily, holding Wen Li's left hand.

Li Li noticed that her face was not very good, rolled her eyes, and thought of another idea, "Maybe we should go hiking first. The back mountain here has a special hiking route. I heard that the scenery is very good."

"How about going fishing?"

"Or go swimming?"

"Or go picking fruit?"

Wen Li's head hurt getting stuck in between of their squabble. Whenever she moved her arms, she was locked tightly with them.

"Isn't this your first time in Ningzhou? Why do you know this?"

Everything in the entire manor was clearly explained, and these two people didn't look like they were here for the first time.

Li Li and Xi Moqian looked at each other, "Of course, my brother told us when we were in the car!"

To do a better job as an escort, Xi Moqian followed the principle of knowing oneself and the enemy and specifically asked Xi Moran about Miss Mu's background in the car.

At that time, her eldest brother just said lightly that as long as he could make Mu Wenli happy, their comics would be sold out immediately, and there would be no need to worry about nobody buying any of their future works.

This is obviously the meaning of the beautiful man beside his brother who has been silent. Although it is not clear why, Xi Moqian will do anything for their comics.

"Do you two have to follow me?" Wen Li glanced at her two arms that were bound.

The two of them nodded in unison and said in a high tone, "Definitely!"

"You don't have to think about getting rid of us. We will definitely follow you today." Xi Moqian pressed her face against Wen Li's arm.

It's really a bit annoying. They are obviously the same age, but why is Wen Li so much taller than her, and her figure is better and more curvy than hers.

She usually tolerates being shorter than Li Li, but the Wen Li she knows now is also taller than her.

"What benefits did they give you?" Wen Li pointed out.

Li Li was a little embarrassed, "Anyway, the two of us will follow you today."

"Since Wen Li doesn't know what to do, how about we go fishing first?" Xi Moqian suggested.

She could see that Wen Li had a different temperament, and he probably liked quieter activities. Moreover, they had just met, so she was afraid that Wen Li would dislike her if she took her horse riding.

Land softly and take your time, little by little.

"Wen Li, my brother just said that if we don't accompany you today, I will have to go hungry, and all my comics will be confiscated, and I will never be allowed to touch them again." Xi Moqian was pitiful 

Anyway, she doesn’t know the truth, and it’s best to coax the young lady who is soft-spoken but not tough-minded.

"Yes, we are already very pitiful. We are rejected by people everywhere when we sell comics. The adults at home are against us. If they don't allow it, no one will dare to cooperate with us." Li Li started to talk to Wen Li in an emotional tone. 

The two of them looked like the eldest daughter who was opposed by her family and started her own business. They suffered a lot and encountered obstacles at every turn.

"What are your names?"

"Xi Moqian."

"Li Li."

Wen Li would not be deceived by such poor acting skills. The eyes of these two people were rolling, and their weirdness was beyond words.

Both of them seem to be pampered children, and those who are favored can always be confident.

"Wen Li, it's just for today. Can we follow you? We will try not to disturb you. Just let us follow you." Xi Moqian took advantage of the victory and made a request.

As long as she can promise to follow Wen Li and the three of them act together, her brother will have nothing to say when it's over and he will definitely be of great help to her.

"That's it, let's go play." The two decided independently.

Wen Li also understood that even if she found a place to sleep today, she would still be guarded by these two people.

Fu Yuxiu took two steps over, put the white hat on her head with one hand, and adjusted the brim of the hat for her.

"Wear a hat and play again."

Seeing the expression of the girl under the brim of the hat glaring at him, Fu Yuxiu smiled and lightly tapped her forehead with his fingertips, "Now that you are out, let's have fun. The scenery here is different from the city. At your age, you should be able to play outside without any worries."

Thinking of this, Fu Yuxiu's eyes darkened. If she had grown up according to her original trajectory, the lively and cute little girl would have become more cheerful, and she would not have suffered so much.

Li Li looked at the man who put the hat on Wen Li, and her face turned red. This man's appearance was really outstanding. It was impeccable up close and could make people blush.

What's more important is that he has a doting expression and looks particularly fond of Wen Li. Since ancient times, affectionate men have always attracted people's attention.

Nan Sheng and Xi Moran arrived at the racecourse here. The racecourse here is owned by Nan Sheng privately. When Nan invested, he specially set aside this part. The entire racecourse is not open to people but only to selected people.

There are famous horses shipped here from all over the world. Not only are their pedigrees noble, but their prices are also extremely expensive. Nan Sheng will come here to take a look from time to time.

"It's pretty good. Andalusian horses, purebred horses, and all kinds of horses are all collected. It doesn't embarrass your reputation as a lover of famous horses." Xi Moran looked at the smooth and beautiful horses being held by the staff in the stable. 

"We haven't competed for a long time. Now that we're all here, how about a competition?" Nan Sheng changed into a riding outfit and walked out.

Xi Moran looked back at the man coming behind him, "Want to compete?"

Fu Yuxiu looked at the two people gearing up and rarely nodded in agreement. He hadn't moved his muscles for a long time.

"You dare to ride? If that little girl comes here and sees her patient looking so heroic on the horse, she will think that you have been pretending to be sick to win her sympathy." Nan Sheng walked out with the horse and taunted the man.

Fu Yuxiu's eyebrows were stained with a smile. The little guy had always known what kind of illness he had, and his physical body was really weak.

Otherwise, Wen Li would not be so easy to deceive.

"Isn't it okay if you don't arrange for someone to watch over them? Your little ancestor is neither light nor heavy, and this neighborhood is deep in the mountains with wild forests. If she can't be found, there will be big problems." Nan Sheng reminded.

Xi Moran smiled and said, "You should worry about yourself. Yu is famous for his riding skills. I think you are going to lose."

Nan Sheng pulled the reins and climbed onto the horse, looking majestic and proud, raising his chin.

"Hurry up and change your clothes. If you lose today, you have to send me all the good horses you have hidden!"

Fei Ran brought over the prepared riding uniform and noticed the man's vague gaze. He lowered his head and said, "Miss Mu is fishing behind, and Lu Min is following her."

The man took the clothes and went into the dressing room. When he came out, he was still buttoning the buttons with one hand.

"Keep an eye on them."

Today's weather is suitable for children to do activities on their own and let her play by herself. She had encountered a lot of messy things in the past.


In the other direction of the racecourse, closest to Jincheng Mountain, is the entire villa's fishing and leisure area. The pavilions are elegantly arranged, and various freshwater fishes are raised in specially built ponds.

Wen Li moved her neck and leaned against the gray stone pillar with her eyes closed to rest. There was a fishing rod set up in front of her. The water surface was sparkling but very quiet. From time to time, one or two bubbles could pop up.

She moves her body comfortably, and this kind of life is a way to support her in old age.

Xi Moqian directed the bodyguard to put the fishing bait on her and then threw the fishing rod into the water. Li Li followed closely beside her.

Both of them are very impatient, and they have to lift the fishing rod to take a look at it from time to time.

"I just heard from the waiter that there is a huge koi here. Let's see if we can really catch it. I can take it back to show off to my father." Xi Moqian said to Li Li excitedly.

"But the ponds here are all connected, and fish are running around everywhere. The probability of us catching it is really very small." Li Li was sweating profusely and looked at the pond not far away with the water glistening in the sun.

The waiter carefully brought ice water and snacks over. Today, the manager had ordered that these people were distinguished guests of the entire manor and could not be ignored.

"Hey." Li Li grabbed the waiter who put down his things and was about to leave, "Is there any way to block the flowing pool?"

Otherwise, this fish would be running around, so when would it be possible to catch it?

The waiter was stunned by her words, but he still answered with a high level of knowledge, "This fishing pond was originally modified based on a wild lake. The bottom of the water is connected to each other, and the top is completely blocked. 

Li Li drooped his head and walked to the fishing rod resignedly.

"I think this is pretty good. The process of waiting for the fish to bite is the most beautiful. I will definitely gain a lot in a few days!" Xi Moqian was full of fighting spirit, clenching her fists and burning.

Wen Li, who was in the pavilion next to her, opened her eyelids and glanced at her. It was estimated that these two people would not be able to hold on for at least half of the minimum amount of time.

While waiting, Xi Moqian flipped through her phone and took it out. The two started playing games one-on-one. After playing two games, no fish took the bait, and there was no movement at all from the fishing rod.

"Did you just talk?" Xi Moqian turned back and looked at the two bodyguards behind him.

The two of them shook their heads expressionlessly. They hadn't said a word since just now, and even their breathing was controlled, for fear that the eldest lady would be dissatisfied and the mistake of not catching fish would be blamed on them.

In the end, the little ancestor was still dissatisfied and it was too difficult.

Xi Moqian squatted by the water and opened her eyes hard. Weeds grew vertically in the lake, and it was hard to see whether there were any fish.

"I'm so tired, my back hurts from waiting." Li Li knelt down beside Xi Moqian with her head hanging down.

Xi Moqian's patience had long since run out, "Let's go over and see how Wen Li is doing."

Originally, they thought Wen Li had caught nothing, but when they saw the fish swaying its tail in the bucket next to her, the smiles on their lips suddenly disappeared.

"How come you can catch so many!" Xi Moqian began to feel unbalanced.

Wen Li closed his eyes and said, "The most important thing when fishing is to keep quiet."

Neither of these two have a quiet temperament. They were making a lot of noise playing games just now. They would go to the fishing rods from time to time to have a look, but they didn't catch anything.

"Wen Li, can we stop fishing? Please, let's go there for a walk. I heard there are a lot of fun things over there. Let's go and have a look." Xi Moqian squatted in front of Wen Li, moving eagerly. 

"Yes, yes, I just saw a fence behind. Beyond the fence is the mountain. There must be a lot of wildflowers blooming in the mountains this season. We might even encounter hares, squirrels, etc. in the past. It's better than here. 

As long as you don't fish, you can do anything.

"You said you can do anything as long as you follow me, and you regretted it so quickly?" Wen Li lazily opened her eyes.

The two little girls were a little embarrassed, but they still said in unison, "But this is so boring!"

It is simply the most cruel torture in the world.

"Let's go alone. I promise not to let these tails follow us." Xi Moqian said softly.

Wen Li looked past her at the two expressionless bodyguards behind them. The security work in the entire manor was impeccable. After all, the identities of the three men were there, and there were many enemies behind them.

Listening to Xi Moqian's words, she could often sneak out to play like this.

"Let's go, let's go, it must be fun in the mountains."

Xi Moqian now completely forgot what Xi Moran said and only focused on finding fun places.

Wen Li raised her head and glanced at the lush trees in the mountains behind. She remembered that Fu Yuxiu's herbal medicine was missing something and that herb was the easiest to find in this season.

The more inaccessible a place is, the better it is for growing.

"It's better to take those two people with you. There are not only flowers and grass in the mountains but also snakes." Wen Li stood up and reminded her calmly.

Xi Moqian and Li Li were so frightened that their expressions changed. How could they have forgotten this?

The thought of that slippery creature growing in dark, damp places made them have goosebumps.

"Lu Min!" Wen Li called.

A figure rolled down from the eaves and landed right behind Xi Moqian and Li Li.

"Miss Mu." Lu Min nodded.

"Tell him that you and I will go into the mountains to collect herbs."

Lu Min nodded, pressed the wireless earphone, and spoke.

The two people who were startled by the sudden appearance of the young man quickly came to their senses. What was Wen Li going to pick?

After receiving the response, Lu Min replied to Wen Li, "Miss Mu, wait a moment, more manpower is needed to protect your safety."

"It's long-winded. Even if you go to collect some medicine, you won't have to climb mountains of swords and descend into seas of fire. Just come with me." Wen Li stood up and shook the wrinkles on her body. 

Xi Moqian and Li Li followed Wen Li and Lu Min with two bodyguards to the fence gate near the back mountain. There was a heavy lock on the gate.

"You can't get through. You two go find someone to unlock the door." Xi Moqian turned around.

One of the two bodyguards left to find the person in charge to come and unlock the door. Wen Li looked at the door in front of him, a little impatient, and gestured to Lu Min.

The latter stepped forward and took out the weapon from his arms.

There was a clash of steel, the silenced gun was put away, and Lu Min kicked the door open and walked over.

"Miss Mu."

The two little girls following her looked at each other. Wen Li was too temperamental. She couldn't even wait for a while and had to take action.

From here to there, the biggest feeling is the temperature change. The temperature in the villa is already cool, but it is only after entering the mountains that I know what it means to be extremely cold.

The ancient trees that have been growing for hundreds of years are lush and green. The green leaves cover the entire mountain and the path they are walking. The sunlight shining through the gaps between the branches and leaves is fine and moving in a trance.

"I think I saw a squirrel, look at it!" Xi Moqian excitedly wanted to take a photo with her phone, but after searching for a long time, she found that it didn't seem to be there.

"Where's my phone?"

Li Li squatted on the ground picking wild flowers, "After we played games just now, we put it next to the fish pond and forgot to take it. You just discovered it now."

Sure enough, the scenery in the mountains is the best. These flowers, plants, and trees are all wild, without human intervention. They are all-natural and extremely charming.

After staying in the reinforced concrete city for a long time, the mountains and forests are particularly comfortable.

"This is for Wen Li, do you think it looks good or not." Li Li waved the wreath in her hand.

"This is good, I want one too!" Xi Moqian happily started picking flowers.

The two little girls had a great time under the care of the bodyguards, while Wen Li took Lu Min to an inaccessible place.

Herbs are classified according to where they grow, and their natural medicinal properties are also classified differently.

Lu Min took a dagger in his hand and quickly chopped off the wild thorns blocking them. Because no one entered, the ground was covered with a thick layer of corroded leaves, and the crisscrossing wild thorns made it almost difficult to move.

"Miss Mu, please be careful where you step." Lu Min reminded.

Wen Li followed him. The further she walked in, the more gloomy she felt. She looked around and soon saw dark green leaves under a birch tree.

"Wait." she called out.

Lu Min turned around and saw Wen Li squatting under the tree, pushing aside the covering vines with one hand.

"Be careful, I'll do it." Lu Min knelt down to take over.

"Don't touch it." Wen Li pushed aside the surrounding grass and looked at the grass in the middle, "It's poisonous."

Lu Min quickly retracted his hand, took a small shovel from his backpack and handed it over.

"Wen Li, what are you doing?"

Xi Moqian and Li Li, who finally followed the two of them through the bushes, looked at Wen Li who was squatting on the ground.

Lu Min saw the woven garlands on their heads and sighed inwardly. They were able to play carefree no matter where they went. They were really children soaked in a honey jar.

"Is this what you are looking for?" Xi Moqian squatted next to Wen Li and watched her pull out the plant and wrap it in a handkerchief.

The two of them had been in the flowers just now, and one of them had a light fragrance of flowers on their bodies.

"This is for you." Li Li put the purple wreath in her hand on Wen Li's head.

"The three of us look a lot like flower fairies, don't we?" Xi Moqian shook her head.

Wen Li saw the garland on her head. Girls always like these things the most. This is also their nature.

"Otherwise, let's keep going. Maybe there will be some weird monsters or something inside. It will be as exciting as an adventure." Xi Moqian cheered.

"Don't think about it. Brother Xi will be looking for us soon. Let's go quickly." Li Li took her hand.

"I don't, Wen Li, why don't you accompany me?" Xi Moqian turned to hold onto Wen Li's hand and said, "Aren't you looking for these strange herbs? It's okay for me to accompany you."

Anyway, as long as I can play in the woods for a while, digging in the soil is fine.

Soon the lively atmosphere collapsed instantly. Not far away from the few people, several birds suddenly fluttered their wings and flew up.

Lu Min raised his head. This place was inaccessible. They came directly from the back of the villa, and their location was deep inside the mountain.

Hikers will not come here, and if they march normally, they are unlikely to cause migratory birds to fly away.

"Take them back." Wen Li handed the herbs to Lu Min.

The bodyguard behind Xi Moqian understood what she meant, and pulled the two little girls around, one on the left and the other on the right.

After all, it was a lady from a noble family who came out. Although Li Li didn't know what is happening, she could feel something was wrong in the air.

"Don't touch me." Li Li stretched out her hand to pull Wen Li, "You come with us."

Something must have happened. Xi Moqian looked helplessly in the direction of the migratory birds and soon saw a group of men in black running in front of them in unison.

"We can't leave." Xi Moqian took two steps back, "Who are they?"

Li Li looked at the fierce-looking people in front of him. About eleven or twelve men came, all wearing black combat uniforms, with their trousers legs bunched up and wearing military boots.

There were daggers in their waists, and what was even more eye-catching were the black weapons they carried on their backs.

It looks like the person coming is not good.

"Are you Mu Wenli? Please come with us." The leader's eyes fell on Wen Li.

He put away the detection instrument in his hand. According to the intelligence, the girl in gray sportswear in front of him was Mu Wenli.

"He doesn't seem like a good person." Xi Moqian hid behind Li Li.

The man had a bald head, but half of his head was tattooed with a green dragon pattern, extending all the way to his neck, which looked shocking.

"Are they here to take Wen Li?" Li Li sounded a little scared.

"What should we do?" Xi Moqian also panicked and hurriedly looked at the bodyguard behind her, "Hurry up and tell brother to come over."

The bodyguard had already used radio to contact the people over there, but the signal inside the mountain was not very good and intermittent.

The two held each other's hands tightly and stood behind Wen Li.

They have never encountered such a situation. They are protected by bodyguards when they come in and out. The family also pays special attention to them and protects them carefully. The flowers in the greenhouse have never been exposed to such a violent storm.

"Miss Mu." Lu Min stood in front of Wen Li, "I'll stop them. You go back the way you came to find the young master."

These people are armed with weapons, and if they break free forcibly, they may cause a counterattack.

"These people were specially sent out to find me. Who hired you to mobilize so many people?"

She has been away from there for such a long time, and all the information is well sealed. No one can find her here.

"You'd better think carefully about who you have offended recently. You dare to offend the eldest lady of the Mu family. I think you really don't want to die." The bald man shouted angrily while carrying a gun.

Lu Min frowned, "Did Mu Nuanxi ask you to come?"

The eldest lady of the Mu family is really speechless, how come she always does some unbelievable things.

"You follow us quickly now, otherwise the people behind you will die."

After the bald man finished speaking, the people behind him had their guns pointed at several people.

Xi Moqian and Li Li were trembling a little, but they still held Wen Li's hands tightly.

"Do not go……"

The two little girls' trembling voices rang in Wen Li's ears, holding her arms tightly.

She turned around and saw the two people's pale faces smiling softly. They were obviously so scared, but they could still hold on to her.

"Close your eyes," she said.

The two of them didn't understand why and made no move.

Wen Li raised her hand and lifted Li Li's palm to cover Xi Moqian's glasses. She also clasped Xi Moqian's hand in front of Li Li's eyes.

"Stay still and don't look."

The two nodded obediently.

The bald man saw that he was being ignored, "I'm talking to you!"



The hand he just raised was hit, red blood burst out, and the bloody smell of rust filled the air.

Xi Moqian and Li Li's bodies trembled and their eyes closed tighter.

"When did you-?" The bald man endured the pain and held his wrist, staring at Wen Li.

"Don't act rashly. The guns used by snipers are much faster than yours." Wen Li reminded.

The situation was reversed. Lu Min raised his head and looked around. He seemed to remember that Wen Li was always accompanied by a young man, but he didn't see him today.

Xia Chen stayed on the tree opposite them, observing the situation of the people opposite them through the scope.

"You overestimate your capabilities, and you really dare to attack the boss."

The bald man signaled his men not to act rashly, but his eyes were looking around, looking for the sniper hiding in the darkness.

When I received the mission, no one said that this weak little girl was so powerful.

"You have one last chance to tell the truth. Who asked you to come?" Wen Li took a step forward, and his shoes broke the dead branches under his feet, making a snapping sound.

"I won't tell you what I said once, a second time!!"

The man's roar resounded throughout the mountain, followed by gunshots all around, completely disturbing the tranquility of the mountain.

Lu Min looked at these people who were holding guns and shooting at the surrounding trees indiscriminately. These people's method was to complete the task regardless of the casualties.

"It seems that he doesn't want to listen anymore." Wen Li shook her head and kicked out a stone with her feet.

The flying stone hit the bald man's wrist hard with air-piercing energy, and the gun in his hand fell with a sound.

The bald man gestured, and the people behind him rushed forward regardless. Lu Min rushed forward with a cold face and broke one of their hands neatly.

The person who passed Lu Min came directly to Wen Li. The bodyguard responsible for protecting Xi Moqian and Li Li stayed by their side, always paying attention to the situation.

Li Li tilted her head and saw from the fingers of Xi Moqian covering her eyes that Wen Li stepped neatly on the chest of the person under her feet. What came from the man's cry of pain and the sound of his ribs breaking.

But she only saw disdain and contempt on Wen Li's face.

Xia Chen jumped down from the tree and looked at the mess. They could just retreat. These people were really looking for death. They had to fight the boss forcibly.

"Did Mu Nuanxi really do it?" Xia Chen put the sniper rifle on his shoulder and looked at the fallen people on the ground.

"They followed the signal from the bottom of the mountain." Wen Li said as he bent down and took out an extremely small black tracker from the heel of his shoe. "These people are professionals. Mu Nuanxi's level is beyond their reach."

Moreover, the bald man couldn't wait to let her know that it was Mu Nuanxi who came to them which is a little suspicious.

"Then who put this on you?" Xia Chen stared at the receiver in Wen Li's hand.

"Of course, it's the person who came into contact with me this morning." Wen Li crushed the black vessel with her fingertips.

Lu Min checked carefully, and after confirming that the person on the ground would not wake up soon, he turned around and said, "Miss Mu, go back the way you came. I'll stay here and wait for someone to come."

These people must be captured and tortured.

Wen Li turned around and saw the two little girls still covering their eyes.

Just when Xi Moqian was about to let go, she felt herself being turned in a different direction.

Wen Li pushed their backs and led them away, "Don't open your eyes and keep walking forward."

The smell of blood in the air told the two of them what had just happened, and the color on Xi Moqian's face was gone.

Li Li glanced sideways at Wen Li, who was walking among them. Her fingers were long and slender, and she had a beautiful hand shape.

But just now she was able to break someone's hand off so easily.

"Keep moving forward and don't think about anything." Wen Li reminded.

She who has never seen darkness is best never to touch it...


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