Showing posts with label THE VICIOUS SUPPORTING WOMAN WHITE WASHED DAILY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE VICIOUS SUPPORTING WOMAN WHITE WASHED DAILY. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 68 - You Wait For Me

 "If A'Yun can't leave, how about eldest brother carrying you?"

Thanks to Murong Yun's efforts to impress him, Hua Fu completely treated her like a younger sister and became intimate with her when talking.

If he says that he will carry her on his back means that he is really ready to move.

Monday, July 1, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 67 - This Moon is Big and Round

Since entering the palace, Hua Zhu has never seen him show up except during holidays.

It was quite unexpected to meet him in this remote forest at this time.

After that, he saw the blood stains on the other party's white clothes, and his expression became solemn. Although Li Su was fostered at the general's residence, he had a good relationship with everyone in the general's residence.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 66 - Slandering King Qi Next Door

 "Come on, if you want to eat, just eat the fish baked by this princess. After all, the fish you caught yourself is not as delicious as the fish caught by others?"

With that said, Murong Yun unceremoniously handed the grilled fish in his hand to Li Su's mouth.

When she saw that he didn't move and was just looking at the fish, she lost her patience. Since she had been rejected for a while before, she was too lazy to talk to Li Su.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 65 - Big Fool

Really, I’m just chatting to death...

Baili Shuangxue racked her brains but had to change the topic to the two fools who were grilling fish below.

"Actually, County Princess and Prince Qi are very much like siblings."

Friday, June 28, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 64 - Technical Mud Rubbing

 She called out with deep affection, ignoring Murong You's disdain and Baili Shuangxue's surprise. Her face looked as if she had seen a direct relative in the world, and she carefully and covetously stroked every inch of the bone staff...

Sure enough, people only know how to cherish something after losing it.

"Murong Yun, have you damaged your brain?"

Thursday, June 27, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 63 - Lost and Found

 Although she said she had no friendship with Murong Yun, she still felt bad because it was her own mistake.

Now that she knows that the other party is still alive, she is of course extremely happy. The main thing is that her conscience finally no longer hurts.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

TVSWWD- Chapter 62 - Not for Catching Fish

 After hearing this, Li Su suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Want to eat fish?" Murong Yun continued to ask, with expectation in her eyes. 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 61 - Are you Hungry

 "...That's something you have to think about."

Li Su pulled out his leg, but Murong Yun held her tightly, and for a while, he couldn't pull out.

"Don't, think about it, you saved me, but if you just leave like this, this princess will be eaten by some weird things. Wouldn't your hard work be in vain?"

Monday, June 24, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 60 - Memory and Illusion

 At this time, Murong Yun, who once again lost consciousness due to the detoxification, was taken to a top-floor room in a daze.

That was the familiar top-floor room she saw when she opened her eyes, and it was also the place where she would be terrified when she dreamed about it at night.

The seven-story Que Pavilion tower has copper bells hanging under the eaves, which make a crisp sound in the breeze.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 59 - Toxins Old and New

 Fortunately, there was a water source not far from here. Li Su placed Murong Yun on a huge rock by the stream.

After that, there was a slight pause in his movements, but he still checked the injuries on her body.

Fortunately, when Murong Yun fell, there were many shrubs between the cliffs, which cushioned her impact a lot.

The only thing that was heavier was a slightly deeper wound on the back of her right shoulder. It should have been injured by a broken branch. When she landed, she hit a stone on the ground.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 58 - Really, It's the Last Time.

 Murong You looked at Baili Shuangxue, who was getting frightened and weaker. He could not bear to blame her.

"It's okay, you're not hurt."

As he said this, he looked at Baili Shuangxue up and down. She had attacked fiercely just now, and she might have scratches on her body.

Baili Shuangxue's face froze for a moment, then relaxed. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the other party was still thinking about her, so she shook her head at him.

Friday, June 21, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 57 - Mistake

 "Murong Yun, you stupid, crazy fool!"

Murong You saw the guards rushing over, gritted his teeth and cursed, blocking the attack with a spear in his hand, and at the same time, he protected Baili Shuangxue with one hand.

That is to say, Murong Yun didn't have the strength at this time, otherwise she would have to scold her back. If he hadn't been meddling in other people's business, Nanny Qin might have let her go now.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 56 - Half the Journey to Win Gold

 Murong Yun looked at her Nanny who was still groping around her waist. She almost laughed when she was tickled so hard that she could only try to hold back her laughter.

"The County Lord's token, please also lend it to the old slave."

Nanny Qin still calls herself a slave, and what she can do is not vague at all, but even if she strips Murong Yun, she still can't find that thing...

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 55 - Take Poison

 Nanny Qin grabbed the outstandingly handsome young man in her hand. Thinking of the name Murong Yun had called him before, she already knew the other person's identity.

"Thinking about it, this must be the princess's younger brother."

"Then Princess, now, do you want his life or your own life?"

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 54 - Murong Yun, Drink some Soup

 It was noon and the sun was shining brightly, but her body and heart were tightly entangled with coldness and she was unable to break away.

The more Murong Yun thought about it, the more she could no longer restrain her anger, so she whipped the Huan Luo flowers that were blooming.

This whip was filled with spiritual energy. After one whip, all the flowers within three meters were destroyed. The fiery red and slender petals were swept up by the spiritual energy, flying up and falling one after another.

Monday, June 17, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 53 - The Flower of Evil

 Murong Yun naturally didn't dare, so she retreated again. The further retreat made Nanny Qin suspicious.

"County Princess?"

Nanny Qin straightened up, her smile did not reach her eyes, and her tone of doubt was still kind. Behind her, Qin Lian's figure was tense, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 52 - She was Poisoned

 The slaves who had been indifferent around him, after seeing the whipping, all scurried away with their heads in their hands and moaned, obviously having a deep shadow of the whip.

"How dare you hide from the princess's whip? Come here, this one will be tied up too!"

Xiao Cui noticed something fishy in it with sharp eyes, and immediately opened her eyes wide, and immediately put her hands on her hips to command. The princess was beating him. That was his blessing. How dare he hide?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 51 - Dog Slave

 Xiaocui never expected that she would be despised by a servant of a country village. She almost exploded on the spot and laughed angrily:

"Hey, dog slave, someone come, tie up this dog slave!"

"You don't want your life. Wait until I report to the princess, and you will be able to face the consequences."

Friday, June 7, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 50 - The Village and the Soft Persimmon

 Just after passing the city gate, Xiao Cui opened the carriage window to get some air. She saw the two people standing at the city gate with sharp eyes and quickly turned around to talk to Murong Yun.

“That fast?”

Murong Yun's face became nervous when she heard this, and she opened her carriage window and stretched her neck to look over.

Seeing this, Xiao Cui on one side quickly asked the driver to drive slower so that Murong Yun could see clearly.

Friday, December 29, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 49 - Huan Luo Flower

 Murong Yun raised her head to Miao Miao with a helpless expression and waved the whip in her hand for practice.

On one side, Li Yunjin, who had already taken her place as a female official in the princess's mansion, was waiting on the side with Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui looked at this person who was trying to steal her job from the corner of her eyes. In order not to fall out of favor, she even worked much more considerately than usual.

Follow the Rabbit