Thursday, June 20, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 75 - This Kid Wants to Trick his Obedient Disciple

 Doctor Xue turned around and walked into the room.

Jiang Ning also walked in and saw more than a dozen jade boxes of various sizes placed in the house. The jade boxes were valuable enough to show that they contained precious things.

Doctor Xue opened a jade box, which contained Tianshan Snow Lotus. The snow-white petals were blooming in layers, as delicate and beautiful as if they had just been picked.

The rest include purple monkey flower, silver tree fruit, golden yangzhi and other very precious and rare herbs.

Needless to say, these must have been sent by Chu Yunli.

Except for him, no one else could collect such valuable things.

Doctor Xue's face was calm. Any of these medicinal herbs could be sold in the world for thousands of taels, but he was not troubled at all. 

The sound of herb rustles was heard.

Doctor Xue stopped and looked at Jiang Ning, "Little girl, do you have time? Give me a hand."


Jiang Ning looked at the precious herbs with some hesitation. She had never handled herbs before.

Before she could refuse, Doctor Xue put a basket of herbs in front of her and said, "Let's sort these out."

Jiang Ning glanced at the basket of herbs and started to work.

Mr. Xue cured her cold illness, but she had nothing to repay. Now that she heard that Mr. Xue needed help, she was extremely happy.

She began to handle the herbs seriously, imitating Mr. Xue's actions, cleaning them and storing them in categories.

Mr. Xue glanced out of the corner of his eye. Originally he just wanted the little girl to do something, but when he saw the little girl's skillful movements, he couldn't help but be stunned. The medicinal materials were processed carefully and accurately.

Mr. Xue stopped what he was doing and asked in surprise, "Have you ever studied medicine?"

Jiang Ning shook his head, "Never."

"Then how did you identify these herbs?"

The herbs in the frame all look roughly the same, with just a few green leaves. A layman can't really tell the difference between these herbs.

Jiang Ning replied, "Their smells are different. This herb is bitter, this herb is a bit astringent..."

The more Doctor Xue heard, the more shocked he became. Unless it was an old doctor who had been in the industry for decades, he would never be able to tell the difference just by the smell of the herbs, but this young girl in front of him could do it.

Doctor Xue's eyes lit up, he put down the knife that was used to cut herbs and poured three cups of tea. Then he took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve and poured the powder into one of the cups of tea.

"Little girl, come here and tell me which cup of tea is poisoned?"

Jiang Ning walked over and looked at three identical cups of tea.

No matter from looking at it or smelling it, it is difficult to tell which cup was laced with medicine.

Jiang Ning looked at it intently for a while, then pointed to the cup in the middle, "This is it."

Doctor Xue was no longer surprised, but shocked. The cup of tea in the middle was poisoned by him. Even a martial arts master would not be able to detect that the tea was poisoned, but this little girl just smelled it. 

Divine Doctor Xue was a little excited and stared at Jiang Ning closely, "Are you willing to become my disciple?"

He has never seen such a good seedling, even better than he was back then.

As long as the little girl studies medicine seriously, she will definitely be able to surpass him.

Jiang Ning was startled. She didn't expect that Divine Doctor Xue would suddenly say that and wanted to accept her as a disciple.

The miracle doctor Xue Zhenyang is famous all over the world, and countless people want to become his disciples. There are even rich men in the south of the Yangtze River who use half of their family property for an apprenticeship ceremony to let their sons become disciples of the miracle doctor Xue.

But Divine Doctor Xue had not accepted any disciples. It seems that he accepted an apprentice in the early years and then never accepted another apprentice again.

Doctor Xue was a little nervous. He had not been so uneasy for a long time.

"Mr. Xue wants to accept me as his disciple?" Jiang Ning couldn't believe it.

Doctor Xue's voice trembled, "You, are you willing to become my apprentice?"

After Jiang Ning was stunned for a while, she came back to her senses and nodded without thinking, "I do." Of course, she is willing. It is rare for Mr. Xue to accept a disciple. She had great luck today.

Learning medical skills is equivalent to having the ability to protect yourself.

After everything is resolved in the future, she can still be a doctor who saves the world and the people.

Doctor Xue laughed. He had not laughed so heartily for a long time.

Jiang Ning bowed to Divine Doctor Xue and performed the apprenticeship ceremony. Divine Doctor Xue waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be so reserved in the future. Just call me grandpa... I have a granddaughter who is as old as you."

Jiang Ning shouted "Grandpa Xue."

Hearing the title of grandpa, the smile on Doctor Xue's face froze slightly and his nose felt sour.

Jiang Ning saw the sad look on Doctor Xue's face, and couldn't help but said, "It's better to keep it as it is." She didn't want to poke wounds, as long as she called Grandpa, Doctor Xue would be able to think of her granddaughter.

Doctor Xue shook his head, "You are also my granddaughter. I have two granddaughters..."

Listening to Doctor Xue's gentle voice, Jiang Ning's heartstrings were touched and she made up her mind to help Doctor Xue find his granddaughter.

The next day, Jiang Ning went to the house on West Street to learn medical skills from Doctor Xue.

But she didn't expect that it was not only her but there was also another guest.

Jiang Ning saw a familiar figure and walked over, "Mr. Chu, what a coincidence."

Chu Yunli turned around and looked at her with a stern face, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Yes."

This time Chu Yunli came alone without any bodyguards. He was beaten out by Doctor Xue with a broom last time. He originally thought that he would not come again, but he did not expect that he would lower his body and continue to seek medical treatment.

When the door opened, Doctor Xue caught a glimpse of Chu Yunli and snorted coldly. Then he looked at Jiang Ning and said softly.

"A'ning, come in."

Jiang Ning responded and walked in.

Chu Yunli looked at Jiang Ning walking in with thoughtful eyes.

He has seen many people and can basically see through them at a glance, but he can't see through this woman... He seems to still be able to recall her calm look when she rescued him.

Jiang Ning...

Chu Yunli murmured in his heart.


Every day after that, Jiang Ning would see Chu Yunli.

Chu Yunli persisted in seeking medical treatment. If Doctor Xue refused to agree, he would stand in front of the door.

Jiang Ning greeted him solemnly at the beginning and then turned a blind eye. She was already completely familiar with his presence.

Jiang Ning carried the stone mill and walked to the yard, put the hard herbal seeds in, and crushed it hard.

The herb seeds were very hard, and after knocking for a while, her hands hurt. Sweat began to form on her forehead, and her wrists became sore.

She pursed her lips tightly and struck hard.

Chu Yunli stood in the yard and caught a glimpse of her beating hard. Because she was beating it too hard, a blush appeared on her fair face. Her face was serious, but because of a lack of strength, she was not able to crush the medicinal seeds as she wished.

She frowned slightly and stared at the stone mill, feeling very distressed.

The sunlight reflected on her body, making her fair and slender hands almost transparent.

Chu Yunli stared at it for a while, then strode over.

Jiang Ning was still beating hard, and her thumb and fore finger are numb and painful. At this moment, a hand reached over and took away the stone grinder in her hand.

She raised her face and saw Chu Yunli sitting next to her.

With a little force, the herbal seeds turned into powder.

"Is there more?" Chu Yunli's voice sounded cold.

Jiang Ning pushed the basket to his side, and Chu Yunli took it, pounding all the herbal seeds into powder. His movements were smooth and easy, and you could see the well-proportioned muscles on his arms when he exerted force.

Jiang Ning held her chin in her hands and watched him quietly grinding the herbs.

Chu Yunli felt a little uncomfortable being stared at. He didn't know whether the person beside him is looking at him or at the stone mill.

He didn't know why he cared. Unknowingly, he straightened the moon board and knocked harder.

Doctor Xue was passing by and was startled when he saw the two people sitting side by side.

Wait, this kid...

This kid wants to trick his obedient disciple away!


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