Friday, June 21, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 57 - Mistake

 "Murong Yun, you stupid, crazy fool!"

Murong You saw the guards rushing over, gritted his teeth and cursed, blocking the attack with a spear in his hand, and at the same time, he protected Baili Shuangxue with one hand.

That is to say, Murong Yun didn't have the strength at this time, otherwise she would have to scold her back. If he hadn't been meddling in other people's business, Nanny Qin might have let her go now.

She was surprised, are people so stupid to save people these days? 

What to save?

Sure enough, you have to rely on yourself to survive. After the two of them were entangled by the guards, Nanny Qin's movements became a little looser.

"Nanny, why are you in such a hurry?"

Murong Yun suggested, mainly because her guards seemed unable to resist Murong You for too long.

"The princess still knows the current affairs."

Nanny Qin was also surprised by Murong Yun's sobriety. After she recovered, she quickly led her to the top of the mountain. As for why she wanted to go to the top of the mountain.

Naturally, this was the escape route she had left for herself and her son.

On the top of the mountain, the flight settings have been prepared. As long as they get there, they can escape from the top by relying on the height and wind.

With the princess's guards buying time, the three of them finally reached the top of the mountain. Murong Yun watched Qin Lian take out a huge package from the branches of an ancient tree on the mountain road.

Watching him quickly and skillfully put the contents inside into a kite-like device, her face was full of shock.

Is there such a superb invention in this era?

"Mother, it's okay."

Qin Lian assembled the two kites and took out two cyan crystals from his arms to place them. Wind-based aura immediately roared around the two kites.

It turned out to be an extremely rare wind crystal.

"In that case, Princess, I won't embarrass you."

Nanny Qin looked at the big kite, and with Murong Yun's expectation, she finally showed mercy and prepared to release her.

Murong Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief, trying to hang on to her life.

Aunt Qin knew that her body could no longer support her, so she didn't take any precautions. She just tapped her acupuncture points, and then she and Qin Lian set up a kite and planned to jump off the top of the mountain.

Murong Yun quickly squeezed the white bone staff that she had held in her hand before Grandma Qin touched the acupuncture points.

The whole person had reached the limit. In order not to lose consciousness, she had to bite her tongue hard and use the pain to stay awake.

I thought I had finally passed the test, but I didn't expect that when Nanny Qin and Qin Lian were about to take off, a powerful golden aura quickly struck Nanny Qin from behind Murong Yun.

If Nanny Qin hadn't reacted quickly, the big kite on her shoulder would have been doomed.

"Want to leave? No way."

Murong You finally broke through the encirclement, running quickly with a spear in one hand and his handsome face full of pride.

With those guards, how could they possibly stop the genius?

When Murong Yun saw this middle-aged boy, she subconsciously felt unlucky.

Especially when the opponent waved his left hand, another golden light came out, and he hit the two big kites on the edge of the cliff extremely cunningly.

"It's really troublesome, Princess, I can only borrow you again."

Seeing this, Qin Lian smiled maliciously at Murong Yun, and the green aura in his hand quickly condensed into a vine, and with a flick, he rolled up Murong Yun, who was unable to move due to her sealed acupuncture point.

At the same time, two big kites flew up with the wind. Qin Lian adjusted his posture and blocked Murong Yun in front of the two kites extremely viciously.

Obviously, it is to ask the other party to not act against evil to prevent harm to innocents.

"Hold it!!"

Murong Yun spit out the blood in her mouth and finally couldn't help but curse.

"You idiot, who asked to meddle!"

What else can be done? I can only hope that this sick person won't really kill her.

"Stop? Never before has such an arrogant gangster slipped away from me."

Murong You jumped up and closed the distance again. In this short period of time, Nanny Qin and her son had already flown five meters away.

"Murong Yun, don't worry, I will definitely knock down these two birdmen and save you from the danger of fire and water."


Murong Yun wanted to cry but had no tears. She only wanted to spit out the fragrance to him. If he hadn't been so nosy, she would be safe now, right?

"A'xue, are you ready?"

Murong You squinted one eye, raised his spear, and pointed it at Murong Yun, the kite device on it.

Baili Shuangxue panted slightly, nodded towards him, and then ran towards the edge of the cliff quickly.

At the same time, the green aura quickly condensed in her right hand.

"Okay, then this King will do it."

Murong You charged up the spear in his hand and filled it with huge golden spiritual energy.

Murong Yun's eyelids twitched when she saw his action. She suspected that this Murong You wanted to take the opportunity to murder her!

"You, don't mess around!" Murong Yun was so frightened that her head didn't even hurt, and she stared at the opponent's movements closely.

But, when had Murong You ever listened to her?

Of course, the spear with a confident and hesitant look was used as a javelin and pierced directly.

Murong Yun looked at the gun coming from his pocket, his beautiful and pale face full of despair.

If she is guilty, please let the thunder strike her instead of meeting the devil Murong You!

"What a fucking ruthless person."

Qin Lian saw the other party's blow without caring about Murong Yun's life and death and quickly activated the kite to avoid it.

However, the accuracy of the spear was terrifying. The spiritual energy attached to the spear body not only cut off the vines binding Murong Yun, but also directly shattered the tail of the flying device.

In an instant, the two of them and a kite fell straight down from mid-air.

When Hua Zhu came over with his people, he saw this thrilling scene. His pupils shrank, and when he looked at Murong Yun who was falling straight down, his mind went blank for a moment.

"A'xue, now!"

Murong You couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this time. Baili Shuangxue shouted softly and finally landed on the ground. At the same time, she rolled the vines condensed in her right hand towards Murong Yun.

She also shouted: "County Princess, catch it quickly!"

Murong Yun silently looked at the vines, perfectly avoiding the corners of her clothes...

Catch? Her Acupoint is sealed and she can't move!!

How could there be such a crazy person in the world.

Murong Yun stared at the blue sky and white clouds, her whole body falling uncontrollably. Now she just wanted a shot of adrenaline to save her. She felt that her heart had stopped beating...

On the top of the cliff, Murong You was stunned for a moment when he saw this accident. Is Murong Yun... dead?

Until Baili Shuangxue's panicked and guilty voice sounded:

"King Qi, I'm sorry, I, I didn't expect that I would make a mistake."

Baili Shuangxue's beautiful face was pale, and she still couldn't recover, staring blankly at the whip in her hand.

Just a little bit, she was close to catching Murong Yun.

If she had known that she would make a mistake, she should not have come up with this method to save people.


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