Monday, June 17, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 72 - Little Girl, Your body is a Little Weak

 Jin Weilan was still watching the excitement. When she saw Jiang Ning walking over, her heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly called out, "A'ning."

Jiang Ning walked over, stood in front of the servant, and said coldly, "The man is old. If you hit him with a stick, he will die."

The servants saw someone standing in front of them and stopped. When they took a closer look, they saw that she was a beautiful girl with extraordinary clothes. She must be the daughter of a wealthy family. They didn't dare to make a move.

The middle-aged man saw Jiang Ning and looked him up and down, "Who are you? Didn't you hear, this bad old man is cursing me..."

Jiang Ning looked at the middle-aged man. His face was pale and his eyes were black and blue. There must be something wrong with his body.

She was not a doctor, but she could see that the old man was not lying.

But she didn't intend to get involved in trouble, she just wanted to save the old man.

"It's just nonsense words, Just shouting about beating and killing is too overbearing."

"A'ning!" Jin Weilan hurriedly walked out, fearing that Jiang Ning would get into trouble.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw Jin Weilan. Although he didn't know Jiang Ning, Miss Jin still recognized her. He quickly changed his expression and said, "Miss Jin."

Jin Weilan took Jiang Ning's hand, looked at the middle-aged man, and said, "A'ning is right, your approach is too overbearing. This old man just said nonsense, there is no need to beat him to death with a stick."

The middle-aged man's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to say something, but he was concerned about the strength of the Jin family, so in the end he waved his hand without saying anything more, "Everyone, step aside."

The man looked down at the dirty old man and said in a cold voice, "You are lucky today!" After saying this in a cold voice, he turned around and walked into the Dong Lai Building.

The crowd around them all dispersed when they realized there was no excitement to watch.

Jiang Ning turned around and helped the old man, "Is the old man injured? Can you stand up?"

The old man didn't let Jiang Ning help him. He quickly got up and patted the dust off his body. He was violently pushed to the ground, but he didn't suffer any injuries at all.

"Thank you very much, little girl." The old man thanked him.

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, "As long as nothing happens."

The old man touched his body as if he wanted to find and take out something to repay her kindness, but he was so poor that he had nothing but these dirty clothes.

The old man looked embarrassed, "Little girl, why don't you... let me check your pulse."

Jiang Ning was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

The old man thought for a moment and added, "I won't charge you any money."

Jin Weilan frowned, quickly pulled Jiang Ning to her side, and whispered, "Ignore him, he may have a brain problem. He has to check the pulse of every person he meets, no wonder he gets beaten..."

The old man coughed awkwardly.

At this time, a gurgling sound came from the old man's stomach.

Jiang Ning looked at the old man. The man in front of her had a strong body, but his face was haggard and thin as if he hadn't had a good meal for a while.

She took out the broken silver from her purse and handed it over, "Here are these for you."

The old man raised his head in confusion, his face moved, and he was a little touched, "Thank you, I haven't eaten for several days... I originally wanted to check up people today and earn some money, but I didn't expect that person didn't believe me at all... 

“I can't take your money for nothing.”

The old man grabbed Jiang Ning's wrist and said, "Let me check your pulse."

Jiang Ning originally wanted to avoid it, but the old man grabbed her wrist and placed two fingers on her pulse gate as if he was really diagnosing her pulse.

And when you get closer, you can smell a light medicinal fragrance on the old man's body.

The old man did not lie. Only those who have been exposed to medicinal herbs for many years can have this medicinal fragrance on their body.

The old man's face was solemn and he frowned slightly, "Little girl, your body is a little weak..."

When Jin Weilan saw the old man acting so haphazardly, she hurried over and pulled away, "What nonsense are you talking about, old man! How can there be any problem with A'Ning's health? Go, get the money, and leave!"

The old man thought for a while and said, "You have suffered from cold before. The cold air entered your body and your body became weak. Every year, your hands and feet will suffer unbearable pain in the cold winter... If you don't take care of it in time, the cold syndrome will only get worse."

Jiang Ning lowered her eyes with deep eyes after listening to the old man's words.

When she was in the countryside, she had to work every day. In the cold winter months, she didn't even have a cotton coat. She only wore thin clothes when she went out to wash and cook. Over time, her body became sick.

"A'ning, don't listen to his nonsense!" Jin Weilan fumed.


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