Wednesday, June 26, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 85 - 'll Be Responsible For You (Master Fu played a trick)

 Returning along the way they came, the original tranquility of the mountains had long been broken. The bodyguards walking in front of them looked around more vigilantly.

A group of people rustled toward the villa. Xi Moqian and Li Li were walking in the middle, and Wen Li was beside them.

Xia Chen walked at the end, carrying the small bamboo basket that Lu Min had just carried on his back, which contained the herbs Wen Li found in the mountains.

After walking a long way, Xi Moqian and Li Li in the middle dared to look back, but what they saw was green, and the blood color just now was no longer visible.

However, their beating hearts still couldn't stop. If they hadn't entered here today, the chance that they would have been exposed to such evil in this life was extremely slim.

Groups of bodyguards had already gone up the mountain, following the trail they took out, just in time to pick them up halfway.


Seeing the few people coming out, the bodyguard's eyes were filled with obvious excitement. It was great that both Xi Moqian and Li Li were fine.

Who among them was not on tenterhooks on the way here just now? Under the protection of so many people, if something happened to them, these people would probably jump into the river.

"Miss, are you okay?" The person who came over looked Xi Moqian and Li Li up and down.

Feiran brought people over, and when he saw Wen Li with a cold expression in the middle, he also let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Miss Mu is fine.

"Brother!" Xi Moqian saw the three people following him and cried out in grievance.

Wen Li saw the tears in the eyes of the two little girls and felt funny. Before she could laugh out loud, a hurried figure approached her, and she was suddenly taken into a cold embrace and wrapped tightly.

"Are you okay?" The man's deep voice sounded in her ears.

He was already tall, and now he was hugging her tightly to his chest. Wen Li felt that her whole body was wrapped tightly, and the tip of her nose was pressed against his chest.

"I will never leave you alone again. I was negligent today." Fu Yuxiu lowered his head and kissed the girl's head again and again.

Wen Li could hear his beating heartbeat from where she was leaning, but she was a doctor herself and could hear what a normal heartbeat sounded like.

His heartbeat was very fast now as if it was caused by rapid exercise or extreme stress. She couldn't tell the difference clearly.

"Brother, I was almost scared to death just now." Xi Moqian cried and threw herself into her brother's arms.

Nan Sheng on the side was also helpless to catch Li Li who was rushing over. Feeling the fear of the girl in his arms, he raised his hand and stroked the girl's back.

"Don't be afraid anymore. Don't be afraid anymore."

He coaxed patiently and looked at the two girls wiping away their tears and crying. Nan Sheng stared at the motionless person over there who was held in the man's arms.

This seems to be a normal girl's reaction after being attacked.

But there was really no movement at all from Wen Li.

Having just received the news that they had been attacked in the mountains, Fu Yuxiu immediately rode through most of the manor. The violent and bloodthirsty aura that instantly emanated from his body was even more daunting.

"Let me see if there are any injuries?" Fu Yuxiu lowered his head and carefully inspected Wen Li's limbs, not even missing the details between her fingernails.

Xia Chen raised his head and looked at the sky. What a fuss. With the ability of their boss, no one would be dead.

Besides, she has such a competent bodyguard following him here. If anything happens to the boss here today, Boss Shi won't just kill him when he gets back.

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable anywhere." Fu Yuxiu held her face and examined her carefully.

Wen Li held his arm with one hand and said, "Go back first."

Over there, Xi Moqian and his sister had already left first. Nan Sheng was forced to take on such big trouble and could only follow him with his people.

Only then did Wen Li notice the clothes the man was wearing, a brown equestrian suit with a tight-fitting design that made the man have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He was already in poor health due to toxins and didn't have much flesh on his body.

The clothes looked really handsome and neat on him, and Wen Li suddenly remembered how he looked in his wedding clothes.

This guy is really a born clothes hanger.

The man hugged her down the mountain, looking down at the girl from time to time.

Xia Chen followed, looking at Wen Li being restrained by a man, he sneered, this scene was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Wen Li took two steps and felt something was wrong under her feet. She lowered her head and saw that half of the sole of her left foot was exposed.

The girl in his arms stopped, and Fu Yuxiu also stopped. He noticed the way she lowered her head, and the man followed her gaze and looked over.

Half of the white soles were exposed. Now they were stepping on wild vines. The dark green and white skin was particularly dazzling.

Wen Li tried hard to remember how the shoes were broken. After a while, she recalled that when she made a move, she kicked a dagger and the man pulled it back.

She lowered her head and wiggled her toes, which was why the shoes were so useless.

"Don't move." The man pulled her and "Hold me."

As he spoke, he knelt down. Because he had walked a while, Wen Li's exposed half of her foot now had a few small blackthorns stuck in it.

Seeing this, Xia Chen quickly walked to the two of them, took off his shoes and handed them over.

"Boss, wear mine."

There was a faint light in the young man's eyes. It seemed that he had been waiting for so long and finally waited until the boss needed him.

These shoes are just needed.

Wen Li reached out and was about to take it, but was interrupted by the man, "You still want to walk now, do you not want these feet anymore?"

His words were displeased, and his black pupils reflected the plainness in her eyes.

Thinking of the way Xi Moqian threw herself into Xi Moran's arms and cried just now, that should be a normal girl's reaction, but she...

Thinking of this, the man squeezed the soles of her feet tightly, and when he felt her shrinking, he said, "I thought you didn't know it hurt."

"I didn't feel much pain originally, but if you pinch it off, it will really hurt." Wen Li replied.

There was a thorn on the sole of her foot. Strictly speaking, this kind of thing does not cause strong pain, but this person just pinched the sole of her foot. The skin and the black thorn collided together, so the pain was naturally strong.

"Come up, I'll carry you back." Fu Yuxiu said.

"I can go by myself." Wen Li said.

Xia Chen could feel the gloomy pressure on this man, but he still held his head upright and held his shoes in both hands.

As long as the boss needs it, he will always step in.

"Either come up here, or we'll hang out here, it's your choice." The man squatted on the ground and didn't move.

Feiran looked up at the sky. The young master could be rejected by Miss Mu countless times. He still didn't want to watch this scene.

The sun was getting bigger and bigger, and it was pointless to waste time with him. If someone was willing to help her save energy, Wen Li would certainly be happy.

With a warm touch covering her back, Fu Yuxiu clasped her legs and wrists with both hands and stood up with her behind his back.

Xia Chen froze on the spot, looked at the shoes in his hands, and put them back on his feet.

Wen Li's chin rested on his shoulder. Although she was in the mountains, the man carried her on his back and walked very steadily, and every step was as smooth as walking on the ground.

"You don't look like a sick person at all." She suddenly opened her mouth.

Of course, Fu Yuxiu heard what she meant and lifted the person on his back, "My physical fitness is stronger than you think."

Wen Li didn't bother to argue with him. She rubbed her face comfortably against the man's back and closed his eyes to rest.

The person in front walked very steadily. Xia Chen followed behind and was always vigilant. If the person's strength gave out, he would push up and make sure the boss was not injured.

The person on his back was silent. She was presumably resting. His eyes were dim and he clasped her legs and wrists with some strength.

In the past, she was still a small one on his back, but after all, she has evolved a little differently between now and then.

The two little girls were frightened. Xi Moqian took people to the room in the Manor Hotel. After spending such a day in the mountains, the skirts on both of them were already ruined.

A waitress was arranged to help the two of them take a bath and change clothes. Xi Moran and Nan Sheng sat in the outer hall and waited for the people behind them to return.

Nan Sheng was already used to it when he saw Fu Yuxiu coming back with the little girl on his back. Just as Xi Moran was about to speak, he was stopped by Fei Ran behind him.

Only then did Xi Moran see Wen Li lying on Fu Yuxiu with her eyes closed and not moving at all. Was she asleep?

Fu Yuxiu didn't even look at them, he carried the person directly into the room next to him. Feiran, closed the door neatly and stood guard in front of the door.

"They are probably all tired. Let the food be served first." Nan Sheng ordered the waiter next to him.

"Why did you run to the back mountain?" Xi Moqian rubbed his temples, feeling a severe headache.

He doesn't need to guess to know that Xi Moqian must have brought her there. This girl is always out of tune. The more she is not allowed to do something, she still wants to try it.

"Don't talk about her for a while. She's scared to tears. She probably saw something she shouldn't have seen." Nan Sheng said and glanced at Fei Ran who was guarding the door.

They are the most sensitive people to the smell of blood, and the smell of blood on the little girl of Fu Yuxiu's family is stronger than what the other two were exposed to.

Xi Moran picked up the coffee cup. Xi Moqian was used to being pampered in the Xi family. The only daughter could not help but have a bit of a flamboyant temper.

There are a lot of bodyguards every time she goes out. She has never seen such a scene. It is because she was never been exposed to the dangers of the human world, so she can be so unscrupulous.

What happened this time may not be a bad thing, it just scared people, but maybe it can make her a little more obedient.

Inside the closed door, Fu Yuxiu carefully put down the person on his back. Looking at her sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, he raised his hand and touched Wen Li's forehead.

The doctor soon arrived. After checking Wen Li's condition and how deeply she was sleeping, he spoke.

"There is nothing wrong with this young lady. There are just some wild thorns on her feet. It will be fine if they are picked out with a needle. She is too tired. She will be fine when she wakes up."

Fu Yuxiu stared at the person on the bed. During this period, she fell asleep very frequently and deeply. She was a doctor herself, so she would not be unaware of it.

The doctor was already squatting on the ground gently and trying to pick the thorns from Wen Li.

"Get out."

The doctor who received the man's signal packed up his things and left the room quickly.

Seeing the doctor taking deep breaths at the door, Xia Chen snorted.

It's really useless, isn't it just seeing that man? Why should he be afraid like that?

In the room, Fu Yuxiu knelt on one knee and carefully picked out the black thorns on the soles of the girl's feet one by one.

He moved carefully and very seriously. There were more and more black thorns on the small white porcelain plate next to him with his eyebrows downcast. After finally cleaning it, he looked sideways at the contents of the plate.

"Why, must you be so strong..." 

His words seemed to be asking her, but also seemed to be asking himself.

The light and shadow flowed, the sun and the moon were reversed, Wen Li slept until dusk, and the warm orange sunset shot into the room from the window.

When Wen Li opened her eyes, what she smelled was the cold scent of grass and trees, and what she saw was the man's open chest.

He was lying on his side, holding her tightly in his arms with both hands. The nightgown opened as he moved, and the man's strong chest could be clearly seen.

"Woke up?"

Almost as soon as she moved, the man opened his eyes and held her tighter.

"Are you hungry?" He lowered his head and rubbed his chin on Wen Li's head twice.

Wen Li, who was trapped, sat up suddenly. Her blurry eyes which had just woken up from sleep became clearer. She looked around to observe the environment.

Fu Yuxiu is half lying down with his upper body propped up, looking at the girl with a suddenly stern face.

"This is where?"

"Manor, you fell asleep and were so tired that I didn't wake you up." The man answered her.

Wen Li felt she was always drowsy. It seemed that the medicine she had taken had an effect. She shook the dizziness out of her head and looked at the man lying next to her.

Both of their clothes were properly worn. Although nothing happened, she always felt that something was wrong with the way this man looked at her.

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and the ends of his eyes were raised, giving him a hint of wickedness and a hint of spring.

"Let's go out for something to eat." Fu Yuxiu rubbed her head and stood up.

Wen Li could see the nightgown hanging loosely around his body. It was messy and sexy, and it became a bit sultry as the man moved around.

She covered her face and sat on the bed, "It's all such a mess."

When the two came out of the room, Fu Yuxiu had already changed into a set of clothes, and Wen Li had also changed her pair of shoes.

Nan Sheng and Xi Moran were sitting at the dining table waiting, while Xi Moqian and Li Li still looked lackluster.

"After waiting for so long, You two are really messing around." Nan Sheng said.

After receiving a sharp gaze thrown by Fu Yuxiu, he consciously closed his mouth.

Xi Moqian was seated next to her brother, Li Li was next to her, and Wen Li was seated next to Fu Yuxiu.

The food has been served a long time ago. they originally wanted to stay here for two days, but after Xi Moqian's experience, he wanted to go back early, she may have left a psychological shadow.

So after this meal, Xi Moran will also return to the imperial capital with the two little girls.

Nan Sheng looked at the two people with their heads drooped, and thought it was quite funny. They were chirping all the way when they came, as happy as two little sparrows, but now they are like a defeated little rooster.

"Wen Li, how is your health? You didn't look very well just now." Nan Sheng asked with concern.

She was directly carried back by Fu Yuxiu. God knows what she just experienced.

"I'm fine." Wen Li replied.

Fu Yuxiu put her favorite vegetables in a bowl and said, "Eat more."

Li Li's eyes fell on Wen Li. She was obviously such a gentle person, so how could she be so ruthless?

The speed with which Wen Li acted was unmatched by any of their bodyguards.

"I don't have a good appetite." Xi Moqian put down her chopsticks, but she still hadn't recovered yet.

She always feels that the smell of blood lingers at the tip of her nose, especially after seeing the food on the table, she feels even more uncomfortable.

Wen Li looked back and saw that Xia Chen came in from the door as she ordered, holding two exquisite gift boxes in his hands.

"This is a small gift for you. What happened today was also caused by me. You have been implicated for no reason. This is also my apology." Wen Li said.

The two boxes in Xia Chen's hands came to Xi Moqian and Li Li respectively.

Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows, this girl knew how to deal with people.

The two boxes had the same packaging, neither big nor small. Xi Moqian and Li Li looked at each other and expressed their gratitude to Wen Li.

"Thank you, but we can't accept this gift." Li Li said.

Their good upbringing lets them know that they cannot just accept things from others, especially from people they have just met.

It's for their own protection and for their sake.

"Open it and take a look before deciding." Wen Li said.

After listening to Wen Li's words, Xi Moqian also became curious about what kind of gifts Wen Li could give them with such an indifferent temperament.

Just as Nan Sheng was about to talk to Fu Yuxiu, a scream hurt his ears.

"Ah!!!" After Xi Moqian screamed, she hugged the box and started laughing crazily. This look was completely different from the sluggish little girl just now, it was a sharp contrast.

"What's wrong?" Nan Sheng looked at her strangely.

Even if Wen Li gave him a box of gold, he wouldn't be like this, and the dignified young lady of the Xi family wouldn't be so poor.

Seeing his sister's crazy look, Xi Moran felt a little clearer in his heart. The entire Xi family knew that giving gifts to young ladies was the most difficult thing.

The girl who runs the jewelry business has all the clothes and cosmetics she needs, and she never lacks money in her wallet, so it is very difficult to send things to Xi Moqian that she will like.

"This is the collector's edition of Su Jing's comics!!" Li Li almost jumped up holding the box.

Xi Moqian ran up to Wen Li holding the comic book and said, "Wen Li, how did you get this? This collector's edition has disappeared. I searched for it for a long time and couldn't find it!!"

Su Jing is a god-level existence in the entire comics industry. She has only published two works in her life, but they have become the best-selling comics. Now Su Jing has been writing for five years, but her works are still at the top of the best-seller list. 

But this author has never held a book signing or participated in any show. Even the editor who contacted her at the publishing house has never met her. She is known as the most mysterious cartoonist in the industry.

Comic books signed by her are now sold for tens of thousands per copy, but they are still rare to come across.

She has been looking for this signed collector's edition for a long time and even offered a price of 200,000, but she still can't find it. For many comic lovers, this is a priceless treasure, and they will naturally not sell it.

But Wen Li actually has this thing.

"It seems that you like this gift very much." Wen Li looked at the cheerful Xi Moqian in front of her.

Xi Moqian nodded crazily while holding the box, "I like it, I like it!!"

I like it very much.

"Thank you Wen Li!" Li Li also hugged the book and refused to let go.

Wen Li has read this comic. It tells the story of a girl saving the world. She is a typical cheating girl with multiple identities and vests, but she can vividly display human nature, and the ideas she embodies are in line with many people's values.

However, she only glanced at it and stopped reading. The reason why she has these two books is because the author Su Jing who makes many people crazy is Su Jingjing herself.

That's right, the girl who picks her feet in front of the computer every day.

At that time, she forcefully handed Wen Li two collector's editions, saying that the heroine of this comic was based on her, and let her read it.

Wen Li didn't listen much at that time, so she threw the book in the storage. Only today did she remember to take it out. It turns out that Su Jingjing was not bragging, she was indeed the ceiling of the comics industry.

"But Wen Li, why do you know that I like this?" Xi Moqian wondered.

Wen Li took a sip of water and said, "The style of your comics is very similar to this one."

Xi Moqian scratched her ears in embarrassment, but said happily, "I didn't expect that we have the same interests. I will definitely show you the serialized comics in the future!"

Unexpectedly, there would be such a misunderstanding. Wen Li said seriously, "I'm not interested in this..."

'Someone insisted on giving it to me' is the second half of the sentence, but she didn't continue saying it after seeing the light in Xi Moqian's eyes.

In the end, Li Li and Xi Moqian happily followed Xi Moran on the plane back to the imperial capital.

Before leaving, Xi Moqian invited Wen Li to come to the imperial capital to attend the comic exhibition. You can imagine how much joy the signed comic brought to the two of them.

Fu Yuxiu hugged the person back and glanced at Wen Li in the car.

"You haven't told me who attacked you yet."

Judging from her confident look, she must know who attacked her.

"Don't worry too much, I can handle it myself."

Fu Yuxiu knew this girl's temperament and moved closer to her. The two of them were a little close.

"Okay, then I won't care about this matter and let's talk about the two of us."

The breath exhaled from his nose sprinkled on Wen Li's neck, and she frowned, "What's going on between the two of us?"

The man chuckled, holding her shoulder with one hand, holding the back of her head, and forcing her closer to him.

Their eyes met, and Wen Li saw the burning emotion and madness in his eyes.

"We slept on the same bed today. According to the norm, shouldn't you be responsible for me?"

Wen Li was stunned by his words, "Nothing happened to us."

Nothing happened and no responsibility.

"We slept on the same bed. Does it matter if nothing happened?" The man kneaded her palms as if he had the newest treasure.

Wen Li subconsciously said, "It matters. Besides, shouldn't you be the one who should be responsible for me?"

She quickly regretted saying this.

Before she could react, the man in front of her pressed her into his arms tightly, and a voice full of laughter and joy rang in her ears.

"Okay, I'll be responsible for you..."

At the same time, a message came from Wen Li's mobile phone.

Mu Kuiyuan has left the Mu family...


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