Showing posts with label Master Fu's Ace Wife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master Fu's Ace Wife. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 86 - The Third Miss is Wen Yanxing’s Granddaughter (The Truth about Wen Li’s Life Experience!)

 At night, the midsummer sky has passed and gradually turned into an autumn night sky with sparse stars. It is not as bright as midsummer. The sparse stars hang in the sky accompanied by the light-colored crescent moon.

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, illuminating the entire campus along with the street lights. As darkness approaches, the number of people coming and going on campus gradually decreases.

During this time, except for the few roads to and from the dormitories, laboratory building, and library where there were still many students coming and going, the rest of the roads were already quiet.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 85 - 'll Be Responsible For You (Master Fu played a trick)

 Returning along the way they came, the original tranquility of the mountains had long been broken. The bodyguards walking in front of them looked around more vigilantly.

A group of people rustled toward the villa. Xi Moqian and Li Li were walking in the middle, and Wen Li was beside them.

Xia Chen walked at the end, carrying the small bamboo basket that Lu Min had just carried on his back, which contained the herbs Wen Li found in the mountains.

Monday, June 24, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 84 - Attack in the Mountains

 Jincheng Mountain.

It is located in the east of Ningzhou City, far away from the fireworks atmosphere of the city. Everything here is green, and the foot of the mountain is crisscrossed by countless streams. If you are used to the prosperity and indifference of the city, this kind of place can particularly arouse people's resonance.

There are two hills connected next to Jincheng Mountain. Although they are not extremely high, they can still overlook the entire city. Therefore, there are several observation decks set up on the hills, and you can drive your car directly up them.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 83 - She Can Live Her Life Without Catering to Other People's Eyes

 In the black RV, the air-conditioning was originally turned on, but now it was even more chilly. Fei Ran sat in the passenger seat and frowned slightly. He is holding the candied haws in his hand conflicted about whether to throw it or not.

He could feel the cold air coming from the young master's body. The young master was in a good mood this morning. He was always in a happy mood every time he wanted to see Miss Mu.

When they arrived at the school gate and the car hadn't stopped yet, they saw this scene. Soya's intimacy with Miss Mu was something they all witnessed during the last competition.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 82 - I will not Wait for Decades to take revenge (Master Fu is jealous again)

 Early the next morning, the official website of Lei Yuan Research Institute updated the list of institute personnel, with Mu Wen Li's name in the middle position.

Although he does not have a half-length photo and detailed resume like other researchers, this name is enough to shock people.

You know, it’s okay if Professor Lei Yuan doesn’t accept apprentices. The entire Lei Yuan Institute receives countless resumes and application letters during the graduation season every year, but few students who graduate from the University of Science and Technology are selected.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 81 - This Child is my Only Chance

 As of 7 p.m., Wen Li's social account had gained a total of 70 million followers, setting a record for the largest number of followers on the social platform in one day.

Luan Pei Studio has also gained five million fans, and the number of followers on its official website has also increased steadily. However, these five million fans are more or less directed at the frontal photos of Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 80 - Wen Li gained Ten Million Followers (Face Slap #6)

 At twelve o'clock at noon, at KRTAE restaurant, it is the time for office workers to have lunch after getting off work. This restaurant is located in the largest central square in the center of Ningzhou. Next to the square is the pedestrian street, which is a place with a huge flow of people.

The restaurant advertises a star rating, and a well-known intercontinental food appraisal agency has come to taste food here and has done a series of surveys and star standards. The restaurant's food is high-quality, and the price is naturally not low.

In addition, the restaurant adopts an advance reservation rule, so even if it is in a place with excessive traffic, it can still maintain a quiet dining environment for customers.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 79 - Mu Nuanxi Collapsed

 Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, the entire social platform was full of news about Luan Pei's temporary change of model.

Fans supporting Mu Nuanxi flocked to Luan Pei Studio's social platform account, clamoring for Luan Pei to give an explanation. Luan Pei's public relations held an emergency meeting to deal with it. Before the explanation announcement was issued, another piece of news was exposed.

The model in the photo is Mu Nuanxi's biological sister.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 78 - Public Opinion is Badly Guided

 The whole shooting process is very smooth, until the end of the shoot, the photographer is in a dreamlike state, to enhance the promotional power, Nan Pei invited photographers that are intercontinental well-known.

Such photographers have seen the world, let alone beauties. He has seen countless beautiful men, but this is the first time he has seen people with looks like these two.

The photographer's work was extremely smooth throughout the whole process. The two of them looked like a perfect picture just sitting there. They didn't need to deliberately pose, and they could easily take a blockbuster shot.

Monday, December 25, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 77 - You can Only Wear it Once (Master Fu is Jealous)

 The eldest daughter of the Nan family has been in a good mood these past two days, and she has been jumping up and down when walking. The bodyguards of the Nan family have noticed this.

Because the studio was busy in the past few days, Nan Pei has been in the studio for half a month. She finalized the shooting plan, and the rest of the new products were also shot one after another.

When Nan Pei came out of the studio, she looked at the clouds in the sky and felt that they were so beautiful and relaxed all over. Now she just needs to wait for the people from the Dream club to come and take the final promotional photos.

MFAW - Chapter 76 - Just a Poor Guy who Writes Codes

 Luan Pei Studio is one of the best traditional ancient clothing studios in the entire G country. Over the years, it has also cooperated with large and small star actors and successfully promoted ancient clothing out of the continent, and Nan Pei also played an important role in all of it.

Nan Pei once studied at a well-known domestic design school and then went abroad to study for three years. During this period, her designs, large and small, also won many awards. However, such a designer with a keen sense of fashion in the field finally chose to take the road of ancient clothing heritage.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 75 - Do you Want to Know Who Gave Birth to you?

 In the early morning, a piece of news exploded on Ningzhou City.

The youngest daughter of the Mu family was suspected of being disliked and moved out of the Mu family a few days ago.

The incident of being lost was actually fake, and Mu Wen Li's true identity was the illegitimate daughter of Chairman Mu.

It is unknown who released the news but in the blink of an eye, it overwhelmed the whole city.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 74 - Nan Pei Came to the Door, Modeling Cooperation

 As early as when Mu Kun led a group of people into the University of Science and Technology, Wen Li received the news. The Mu family had a certain status in Ningzhou. Mu Kun was used to being domineering, so he probably didn't expect to run into trouble with Wen Li. 

Wen Li took Fu Yuxiu out of Jin Lewei's office. During the whole process, except for seeing Aunt Wei looking at Fu Yuxiu with a happy smile on her face, she didn't find anything wrong.

USTC at six o'clock in the evening, students were already busy heading to the cafeteria, and there were few people on the main streets.

Friday, December 22, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 73 - Cut the Body to Pieces

 IO showed up in Ningzhou and participated in this year's National competition as a college student. A piece of news detonated in the entire G country. IO's identity is particularly important to G country, and she is even a student at Ningzhou University of Science and Technology. 

This is particularly important for Country G, which has not seen any talent in the Intercontinental League.

However, IO wore a peaked cap the whole time when she was on stage, covering half of her face. Many people only knew that she was the youngest daughter of the technology giant Mu Family. She is now studying at the University of Science and Technology, and there are few news reports about Mu Wen Li's return to Mu's.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 72 - Fu Yuxiu’s Two Choices

 The final results of the Domestic competition were announced. Team Dream successfully won the Domestic Championship, the PTR team was in second place, and ESD was in third place.

These three teams will also face competitions in various divisions in the second half of the year. Since they have won the top rankings, it represents their strength, not to mention that Mu Wen Li of Team Dream is IO.

This was the first Intercontinental Alliance list bigshot to appear within G country, and he is also a member of the Intercontinental Alliance God's Domain, so she deserves to be the TOP.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 71 - Wen Li is IO, TOP1 in God’s Domain (Vest Drop)

 The entire venue was filled with applause and shouts. The National Information Security Competition was held for the fifteenth time. For the first time, talents who could directly separate themselves and collapse the system appeared.

And the most important thing is that this talent is actually Mu Wen Li, the most discussed and despised person in the venue, the youngest daughter of the Mu family who has just returned.

What a magical operation this is.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 70 - Wen Li Created a Historical Miracle (Face Slap #5!)

 The National finals arrived as scheduled.

The national media created a lot of momentum for this competition, and the overwhelming news was broadcast continuously. Especially the guest invited to this competition was Soya, which was enough to focus the attention of the entire circle.

The media in Ningzhou's morning news were mentioning it repeatedly. Naturally, they also introduced the ten participating teams. There were many star teams in this competition, and several of the favorite teams were introduced more vividly.

Monday, December 18, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 69 - Mu Kun is Back, Quit the Game

 The G Country Science and Technology Competition is a round-robin competition. Each year, the venue for the competition is selected based on the situation. The venue for each event is one of the best cities in the entire G Country.

Teams from each region compete in preliminary rounds, and the finals are decided in another city. This competition is equivalent to the highest level of competition in domestic information security networks.

It has been officially held 15 times so far. Every year, the teams that qualify in this competition will eventually develop very well. However, there have also been several champions who eventually developed into the top ten in the Intercontinental League competition.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 68 - Li Mengluo Suffered the Consequences ; Wen Li's Life Experience is Revealed

 A group of people went upstairs in great force. Every room in the Mu family was well soundproofed, but before they could reach the door of Wen Li's room, everyone heard the sound.

It was an emotional whisper, with a low sound that made people blush, and everyone who heard it knew what was happening inside.

Mu Kuiyuan was walking at the front, and when he heard such a voice, his face turned red, his blood pressure soared, and he almost couldn't stand.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 67 - Mr. Soya Entered the Third Lady’s Room Unclothed

 One night, the computer science rankings of the University of Science and Technology in Ningzhou changed. Mu Chenxing was defeated by his sister and dropped from first to second place. The girl who had been looked down upon since she entered school made a comeback through the school competition.

She won the first place in one fell swoop. Those who looked down on Mu Wen Li in the past were also impressed. Many people said that Mu Wen Li relied on the connections of the Mu family to enroll in school, a wild girl who grew up in a remote country, but in just one night the wild girl became a hot favorite to win the championship.

Follow the Rabbit