Friday, June 7, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 50 - The Village and the Soft Persimmon

 Just after passing the city gate, Xiao Cui opened the carriage window to get some air. She saw the two people standing at the city gate with sharp eyes and quickly turned around to talk to Murong Yun.

“That fast?”

Murong Yun's face became nervous when she heard this, and she opened her carriage window and stretched her neck to look over.

Seeing this, Xiao Cui on one side quickly asked the driver to drive slower so that Murong Yun could see clearly.

The carriage slowed down, and Murong Yun also found a clear young man in a green robe holding a red tassel spear inside the city gate. He was smiling with his eyes fixed on the opposite side, Baili Shuangxue, who was unparalleled in white clothes.

Even King Qi, who had been a nobleman since he was a child, deigned to hold the horse for the other party.

It was so fast, so fast. Murong Yun could only shake her head when she saw this. It had been less than five days since the second male lead came back. How could he fall in love so quickly?

Hormones are so powerful, Murong Yun could only complain in her heart. She was trying to squint her eyes to see Baili Shuangxue's expression clearly when suddenly Murong You turned his head and she immediately shrank back in fear.

She patted her chest with lingering fear and shouted: "Driver, let us go quickly."

Murong Yun ordered loudly, subconsciously not wanting the two of them to discover her whereabouts.

The small wooden carriage immediately fled raising dust all over the sky. The pedestrians on the road were so frightened that they covered their noses to avoid it.

"King Qi, what's going on?"

When Baili Shuangxue saw the young man in front of her suddenly turning his head, she was a little confused. Didn't he just say that the fruits in his orchard in the suburbs were ripe and he invited her to pick fruits?

Why did your complexion suddenly change?

She saw King Qi suddenly become ferocious, like some kind of modern dog with the ability to tear down a house. She didn't find it scary, but rather cute.

Although her body is the same age as Murong You's, she is an adult in her mid-twenties in modern times. Looking at the boy's straightforward behavior these days, it's like looking at her younger brother.


King Qi turned around, wondering in his heart that Murong Yun, a pampered woman, would actually take such a shabby carriage out of the city?

Although the carriage was running fast, but with the bright Princess Mansion mark on the back of the carriage and the arrogant behavior, who else could it be besides Murong Yun?

Although he was thinking about it, it didn't stop him from showing the token in his hand to the city gate guard. When the guard saw it, he immediately clasped his fists and gave way.

He then put away the token, led the two horses out, and continued the topic with Baili Shuangxue.

"Last year, a new variety of soft persimmons was introduced to our orchard. They are very different from the crispy persimmons native to Liujing. A'shue can pick and taste them herself later."

Persimmons, persimmons again, Baili Shuangxue thought of Murong Yun's behavior of sending persimmons a few days ago for no reason, and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Although it was Murong You who was standing in front of her, she thought of Prince Li, who was as clear as snow in the mountains. She wondered if he would prefer soft persimmons to Murong Yun's crisp ones.

"Okay, then I not only want to eat these soft persimmons, but I also want to carry back a basket of them."

Baili Shuangxue took the reins from Murong You's hand, raised her chin towards him, smiled brightly, mounted her horse swiftly, and ran out first, waving her whip.

Murong You was dazzled by that smile. He was stunned for a moment and his heartbeat was much faster. He quickly got on his horse and said to her in a high voice: "If you like it, it doesn't matter if I give you the persimmon tree. 

Murong Yun didn't know that besides Hua Zhu, there were two more people behind her.

She just wanted to burn the Huan Luo flowers cleanly.

"That's it? Why is there a village opposite here?" Murong Yun looked at the two villages facing each other and fell silent.

Speaking of which, both the original owner and she were the first to come back here.

However, the rich and powerful always pay attention to privacy and distance. It makes no sense that this is just a hundred meters across the street and there is a house.

"Princess, that is Prince Qi's Farm Village. These two Farm Villages were specially built by Your Majesty as a reward to the eldest princess and the old King Qi."

"King Qi's?"

Murong Yun's brows jumped. Thinking of the two people she saw at the city gate, she instantly had a bad feeling.

Fearing that things might change, he quickly asked Xiao Cui to knock on the door.


Xiao Cui kept knocking for a long time, but no one came to open it. Murong Yun was already anxious, but now she was even more anxious.

"You guys, go and kick the door open."

With a dark face, Murong Yun asked the guards of the princess palace who were following her to come forward and kick the door.

Although it was said to be a palm-thick door, the guard was not a vegetarian and directly knocked the door open.

The door fell directly to the ground with a loud bang. The people in the village were alarmed and came out cursing. Before anyone arrived, the yelling came over first.

"Which one is risking his life? Do you know whose Farm Village this is? But if you can do it, wait until I tell you. I will scare you blind people to death."

A woman in her thirties rushed out with her hands crossed, her face full of anger. When she saw a group of people at the door, her neck subconsciously trembled.

What kind of day is this? So many people have come to a place where no one has come for eight hundred years. It seems that those who come are not kind.

However, thinking of the owner of the Farm Village, the woman straightened her back, pointed her nostrils to the sky, and she pompously pointed at the fallen gate on the ground and arrogantly said: "Breaking the door, pay for it, even a thousand and eight hundred silver, won't end this matter!"

"Thousands and eight hundred? You're such a coward! Do you know who is in front of you?"

Xiao Cui has been following Murong Yun arrogantly for nearly ten years, and this is the first time she has seen a dog slave who is more arrogant than her!

"Bah! I don't care who you are, what you just broke down was the gate of the famous Farm Village, owned by Princess Shaohua."

"If I report this, you won't have a good time. Please pay for it quickly and I will spare your life. Don't be ungrateful."



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