Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 55 - Take Poison

 Nanny Qin grabbed the outstandingly handsome young man in her hand. Thinking of the name Murong Yun had called him before, she already knew the other person's identity.

"Thinking about it, this must be the princess's younger brother."

"Then Princess, now, do you want his life or your own life?"

This question...Hua Zhu wants to roll his eyes after hearing this?

Needless to say? For a woman like Murong Yun, ten of him probably wouldn't be able to hold a single of her hair.

Of course, Nanny Qin also knew that her question was quite ridiculous, and she felt happy after asking it.

"I have forgotten that the princess is of course..."

Seeing this, Murong Yun once again clenched the bone staff in her hand, took a deep breath, and suddenly took a step forward to everyone's surprise.

At the same time, she dropped the long whip in her other hand.

"What's the use of catching him? He's just a bastard in the general's palace."

Murong Yun's answer lived up to expectations, and even Hua Zhudu raised the corners of his lips with irony. This is Murong Yun, the Princess Yunhua.

"As expected of the princess, indeed."

Nanny Qin used her fingers hard and planned to kill him. Seeing this, Murong Yun hurriedly said:

"Killing him will have no effect. It is better to use him in exchange for the princess."

Even someone as thoughtful as Nanny Qin was so shocked by Murong Yun's words that she forgot about her movements.

"You, what did you say?"

Nanny Qin looked at the person in her hand again. Apart from being good-looking and being Murong Yun's younger brother, there was nothing special about him, right?

Is there anything special about him?

Hua Zhu, whose face turned red after being pinched, finally breathed a sigh of relief and was immediately looked at by Aunt Qin making him have goosebumps.

But these are not as shocking as Murong Yun's words.

"Murong Yun, are you crazy? Just be normal, okay?"

When Hua Zhu heard her extremely selfless words, his first reaction was not to be moved, but to question the reality of this world.

Either Murong Yun is crazy, or this world is fake.

"This princess said to use him in exchange for me!"

Only Murong Yun looked a little normal in comparison: "No matter what I say, a County Princess, is better than a concubine's son, right?"

Hua Zhu felt that he was despised by Murong Yun again, but this time, he was no longer angry, but a little sour, and his nose was a little sore...

I don’t need you to exchange me. Don’t try to bribe me.

Hua Zhu wanted to hum arrogantly, but unfortunately, his neck was pinched by someone and he couldn't help it.

Nanny Qin finally recovered from the shock, but she still asked again in disbelief: "Is the princess sure? Replace with him?"

"Do you want me to regret it? Although I have some strength, my guards are not vegetarians."

Murong Yun deliberately looked like she regretted it. Aunt Qin didn't know whether it was true or not, but Murong Yun was right. Even they mother and son could might not defeat those guards.

As for Murong Yun, she had a noble status and had no guarantee of any backhand. She could not afford to fail.

"Okay, of course, I am willing, but the princess has to eat this first."

Nanny Qin had a new plan in mind. If Murong Yun could return to the Murong Yun she used to be, then her living value to her master would be far higher than that of a dead person.

She had a plan in mind, took out a small bottle from her arms with one hand, and threw it towards Murong Yun.

After seeing Murong Yun take it, she continued:

"As long as the princess takes this medicine, I will naturally let Mr. Hua go."

"Also, This slave and Qin Lian will also retreat."

Does that mean you only want her to eat? Not only releasing her, but won't even take her life?

Murong Yun looked at the tiny medicine bottle in the palm of her hand and opened it. There was only one round, blood-red pill in it.

This color looks like it is made of Huan Luo flowers...

It was really poisoning her blatantly.

"Why, is the princess hesitating?"

Aunt Qin watched Murong Yun look at the pills without moving, fearing that she would regret it. She put a little force in her hand, and Hua Zhu gritted his teeth and groaned.

"That's enough, I will eat it."

Murong Yun thought, after all, she was a vicious female supporting character. She had not yet reached the point of receiving the box lunch, so she should not be poisoned by the cannon fodder in the book.

And depending on what Nanny Qin meant, this was poison at most, but not a poison that could seal her throat with blood.

If she didn't eat, Hua Zhu, the unlucky child, might really die.

So, Murong Yun endured the fear and swallowed it with her eyes closed. At worst, she would be poisoned to death. Maybe she would go back after waking up?

Hua Zhu watched with difficulty as Murong Yun wrinkled her face. When she swallowed the pill, she almost choked because the pill was too big... But at this time, he had no intention of making fun of her.


Murong Yun didn't expect the pill to be so big. She almost choked to death without being poisoned. She couldn't help complaining to Nanny Qin:

"I am just asking, but can you make a condensed version next time? This production is too poor."

Aunt Qin: "..."

She felt that this was not the important point, but if Murong Yun could actually eat it, it would save a lot of trouble.

This is a poison refined from a large amount of Huan Luo flowers. It has lost its addictive properties, but it can make people irritable, cranky and over time, even crazy.

Worse still, memory loss.

After the poison attacks, Murong Yun will probably be even crazier than before.

"Mother Qin, I, the princess, have eaten this. You wo't go back on your word, will you?"

When Murong Yun saw that Nanny Qin didn't move, she realized that she might have done something stupid, so she took the medicine without any guarantee. What if the other party regretted it?

Fortunately, although Aunt Qin is a bad person, she seems to have some credibility.

After she reminded her, she let go of Hua Zhu, but...

She was coming for her!

"Protect the princess!!!"

The guards roared and tried to stop Nanny Qin. However, Qin Lian, who had already received the hint from Nanny Qin's eyes, moved faster. He took out a dagger from nowhere and put it directly on Murong Yun's neck. 

As a result, the guards did not dare to move rashly.

"You don't respect martial ethics, didn't you agree that you would retreat? Are you planning to kidnap the princess?"

Murong Yun's eyes fell on the snow-white dagger with cold light on her neck, and she almost cursed.

"Don't be afraid. I said I won't hurt the princess. I just want to ask the princess for a favor."

Aunt Qin flew down beside the two of them and continued:

"Old slave knows that the Luan guards around the princess have special signals. If the princess is not in hand, mother and son may not be able to leave alive."

So, after feeding her poison, she also wanted to use her as a shield?

If it weren't for the fact that her life was still in these two hands, Murong Yun would have wanted to curse directly.

However, the situation is stronger than the person. Not only can she not scold, but she must also speak reason:

"Actually, this princess has no intention of killing you."

That’s weird!

"So you don't have to do this."

If her neck wasn't in their hands, she would have killed them on behalf of heaven.

Nanny Qin didn't care what she thought. Mother and son took Murong Yun hostage and forced the guards to retreat.

"Back off, wait for us mother and son to escape, naturally we won't hurt your master."

Nanny Qin looked around cautiously, then reached out and reached for Murong Yun's body for a while.

Murong Yun almost lost to her reflexes and hit her with a stick, but for the sake of her own life, she still endured it.

"Nanny, what are you looking for? I will look for it for you."


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