Sunday, June 16, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 82 - I will not Wait for Decades to take revenge (Master Fu is jealous again)

 Early the next morning, the official website of Lei Yuan Research Institute updated the list of institute personnel, with Mu Wen Li's name in the middle position.

Although he does not have a half-length photo and detailed resume like other researchers, this name is enough to shock people.

You know, it’s okay if Professor Lei Yuan doesn’t accept apprentices. The entire Lei Yuan Institute receives countless resumes and application letters during the graduation season every year, but few students who graduate from the University of Science and Technology are selected.

There are only seven or eight people in the entire institute, with an average age of thirty-five. It has not recruited young people for five consecutive years. However, Professor Xu Mingjian, the researcher next to Professor Lei Yuan, graduated from the University of Science and Technology twenty-five years ago. He is also the only one who came from USTC.

It's not that Lei Yuan doesn't give young people opportunities, but that the small temple naturally can't use so many monks. The seven or eight people in the research institute are enough to operate, so if you want to recruit new people, you must go through his selection carefully. 

However, Mu Wen Li suddenly occupied the C position on the entire official website and became the youngest researcher in the history of Lei Yuan Research Institute. Cheng An before her was already 27 years old.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a stir in the University of Science and Technology, and there was endless discussion.

Many people know that Professor Lei Yuan's exhibit was broken when Wen Li entered school, and that incident also caused a big fuss.

Lei Yuan and Mu Wen Li are not completely unrelated, but now, Mu Wen Li has become the first person in the entire USTC to become a researcher at Professor Lei Yuan's institute in many years, and she entered when she was still a student. 

This is enough to make many people stunned. How exciting can Mu Wen Li's life be.

The Mu family happened to be having breakfast at this time. During this time, it seemed that the whole family was in a state of depression because of the incident between Nan Sheng and Mu Nuanxi.

However, the Mu family kept silent about Nan Sheng and Mu Nuanxi in order not to irritate Mu Nuanxi.

Mu Chenxing has moved to live near the school for the past two days for the competition in the second half of the year. He said it was to facilitate training. Mu Nuanxi had early classes in the morning and went out early.

At this moment, only Mukui Yuan, Mu Kun, his wife, and Mu Chenyu were left at the dining table.

"Chenyu, how is the company doing during this period?" Mu Kuiyuan looked at his grandson and asked.

Mu Chenyu, who was cutting an omelet with a knife and fork, looked up when he heard his grandfather's question, "The cooperation in D State has been progressing smoothly. The company's foreign investment has also increased in the past two days, and a new jewelry company has been established under its name. 

To adapt to the development needs of the market, Mu's must also innovate from the areas where it is good. The current prospects of the jewelry industry are good. Some jewelry companies that cannot continue to do so have publicly auctioned their mines, jade mines, gold mines, etc. 

Now we have to consider the possibility of opening up in the field of jewelry.

"Next time you buy a jade mine, take Wen Li to see it. That kid has talent in this area." Mu Kuiyuan said.

Lu Xue put down the fork in her hand. With so many things happening these days, why is the old man still obsessed with that wild girl?

Luoluo and Nuan Xi were both harmed by that wild girl, and the old man was still thinking about that stinky girl wholeheartedly.

"Dad, after all, this is the company's business. I heard that she was lucky enough to open the Violet Jade and made hundreds of millions, but it doesn't prove that she has talent in this area. There is no need to force her to put a high hat on her. This thing can't just be relied on just by luck." Mu Kun responded.

"I just asked Chen Yu to take her, but not to let her make a decision." Mu Kuiyuan finally explained.

Mu Kun handed the old man a piece of toast with cheese on it, "Don't worry about it. If you really care about her, help Lu Xue choose which family this girl will marry to."

"What do you mean?" Mu Kuiyuan was a little wary.

Lu Xue said happily to the old man, "Dad, several families have come to me, saying that since our family has decided on Luo Luo's marriage, the other children should also be married, and they all came to ask for Wen Li in marriage."

Many people in Ningzhou City have their eyes fixed on the Mu family. Mu Nuanxi and Nan Sheng were ambiguous in the past, and some people thought about marrying the Mu family. However, the children of the Mu family are still studying, and there is no extra time. 

But now that Mu Wen Li is here, and Li Mengluo's marriage agreement has been finalized, many people are emboldened to come to the Mu family to propose marriage.

Lu Xue took out a stack of photos and put them in front of Mu Kuiyuan. Four or five photos were spread out, and none of the men on them looked neat.

"This is Mr. Hu, who just opened a chain restaurant this year. He is 29 years old. He has no brothers or sisters in the family and is an only son. This is the son of the Wang family. He is 27 years old and currently works in his family's company..."

Lu Xue pointed at the photos and introduced them to the old man one by one. Every time she introduced one, the old man's face became gloomier.

"Shut up!" Mu Kuiyuan opened the photo in front of him, "Who are the people you are introducing? Just the Wang family, do you know if that person is sane? And you,... you are so busy trying to marry Wen Li off! "

Seeing that the old man was angry, Lu Xue hurriedly coaxed her, "Dad, as you said, they came to me proactively and said they wanted to marry our little daughter, so I couldn't refuse, so I just collected the photos." 

Since Mu Wenli didn't understand her, there was no need to think much about her. These people only dared to come after hearing about the reputation of Wen Li's illegitimate daughter.

If they had come to see Mu Nuanxi, Lu Xue would have kicked them all out long ago.

In other words, it is an illegitimate daughter that these people dare to take seriously.

"She is only twenty years old, and she is busy looking for someone to marry. Luoluo decided on it under special circumstances. Don't make this idea."

Lu Xue took back the photo angrily. Is the old man trying to protect Mu Wen Li? Even his granddaughter is not as good as this outsider. "Dad, I agree with this. Girls always have to marry, no matter who they marry." 

"Then why don't you let Nuan Xi come over to pick a partner?" The old man looked at her coldly.

Mu Kun's expression remained unchanged, "Nuan Xi has someone she likes. Besides, if Nuan Xi really wants to get married, she wouldn't dare propose marriage to someone like this."

"I'm going to put my words here today. If any of you dare to make small moves behind the scenes to get her engaged, don't blame me for being rude." Mu Kuiyuan stood up suddenly.

Aunt Ruan came over and helped the old man to the living room. Lu Xue also stopped and did not dare to say a word.

"Dad, there is no need for you to let Mu Wen Li get married. Grandpa really likes her. Even if you marry her off now, Grandpa will still give her a lot of things." Mu Chenyu advised coldly.

The old man had already started contacting people to make a new will in the past two days. He was afraid that the little equity he held would eventually be given to Mu Wen Li. It was precisely because of this that Lu Xue started to panic.

"That's not what I want to test." Mu Kun said pointedly.

If the man he saw in Jin Lewei's office that day was really from the Fu family, he would need to use some extraordinary means to force him out.

Since Mu Wen Li, a cheap daughter, can bring him such great benefits, of course, he must make good use of it.

After all, that girl's surname is Mu now, and as his "father", he also has certain decision-making power over his daughter's marriage. Mu Wen Li's marriage can bring the greatest benefit to the Mu family, which is the best.

"I'm going to work first, you guys eat first." Mu Chenyu stood up.

He didn't care much about Mu Wen Li's marital status, or what his father was planning. Where Mu Wen Li would go in the end had nothing to do with him.

"Bring someone skilled in business to tomorrow's auction, and be sure to arrange for more people to visit in private. The mining industry is highly risky." Mu Kun reminded them.

"I see."

During this period, Mu invested a lot of money in the base station construction project in D Continent. In addition, the innovation activity in the technology field is not very high, and the sales of several newly developed electronic products by Mushi are not very good.

Now there are only the chips left to support, but many people have chosen new energy chips in the past two years, and the market for original energy chips is getting smaller and smaller.

If Mu's does not transform, the situation may be very difficult.


When Mu Chenyu came out of the restaurant, he was stopped by the old man.

Mu Chenyu walked up to his grandfather obediently and said, "Do you have a problem with me?"

Mu Kuiyuan pointed to the sofa opposite, "Sit down, grandpa will talk to you."

The company wasn't pressing too hard, and it was still early for the morning meeting. Mu Chenyu obediently walked to sit across from the old man.

"Have three companies proposed to terminate cooperation with Mu's this month?"

Mu Chenyu nodded. Although the old man had handed over the company, all the old directors he was familiar with in the company were also there. Of course, he couldn't hide this matter from him.

This is already the seventh company this year, and the ones that have stopped are all cooperation with original energy chips.

"Do you know why?" The old man stared at him.

Mu Chenyu thought for a while, "Chips that are cheaper and more useful than Mu's original energy chips have been produced on the market, and original energy chips are outdated."

After so many years of use, this thing is already outdated.

"You have to know that the problem of the original chip is not simply obsolete. Mu's engineers were unable to upgrade it into something more in line with this era, so it will withdraw from this era."

Of course Mu Chenyu knew this, but innovation was not that simple and easy. Most of the engineers under Mu's name had exhausted their talents and could no longer make a comeback.

Mu Kuiyuan handed over the computer in his hand, and what stayed on the computer page was the official website of Lei Yuan Research Institute.

"Do you know why I always hope that you can become Lei Yuan's apprentice?"

Mu Chenyu looked at Mu Wen Li's name in the middle of the computer screen, obviously unable to react, "Lei Yuan has the latest new energy chip, but he has made it clear that he will not sell it."

More importantly, Lei Yuan never married or had children in his life, and his parents had died long ago. He had no brothers or sisters and was alone in this world.

Love can make a person successful and can accomplish many things. If they can successfully gain Lei Yuan's trust, there will be no need to worry about not getting the chip in the future.

"Mu Wen Li." Mu Chenyu obviously felt a little incredible.

He had felt Lei Yuan's dislike for Mu. He once sincerely went to Lei Yuan's office to become a disciple, but was completely rejected.

When Mu Chenyu was kicked out, he saw the bone-gnawing malice in Lei Yuan's eyes.

He has never been so angry before, so naturally he hates Lei Yuan until now. Naturally, Mu Chenxing and Mu Nuanxi also ended in failure.

But why can Mu Wen Li successfully become Lei Yuan's researcher now?

"She is a smart child, and smart people can always resonate, so she succeeded. You know what to do, right? Resisting each other will only hurt both of you, and being able to achieve symbiosis is the mutual benefit of both parties." 

Mu Chenyu understood what the old man meant. If Mu Wen Li could successfully obtain the chip from Lei Yuan, or persuade Lei Yuan to sell the chip to Mu's family, it would be a savior and an opportunity for development for Mu's family. 

"Your father doesn't take a long-term view of things as you do, so I feel relieved to leave the Mu family in your hands. I'm sure that Wen Li can do this, and you won't see it better than an old man like me. 

Mu Chenyu nodded, "I understand."   

Watching Mu Chenyu leave, Mu Ting walked behind the old man and said, "You have already said what you said. The young master also understands what should be done."

"Chen Yu is tolerant and can give up personal honor and disgrace for the development of the Mu family. I believe he will do a good job." Mu Kuiyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He watched these children grow up and knew how far they would go to protect what was theirs.

But so far, the only one who can get the chip from Lei Yuan is Mu Wen Li. If the Mu family continues to treat her coldly, the child's heart will become cold, and everything may be irreversible.

"The eldest young master will understand what you are thinking. When they get the chip, Mr. and Mrs. will naturally be the same and will be impressed by Miss Wen Li. Don't worry." Mu Ting comforted him.

The old man likes to hear such words. He has worked hard so far just to hope that Wen Li can integrate into the Mu family and coexist peacefully with the three children and become a family.

But there always has to be someone who can take the first step, even if it is for profit. If Mu Chenyu takes the first step, the road ahead will be much easier.


Wen Li went to Lei Yuan's research room to sit for a while in the morning. Lei Yuan did not impose any restrictions on her in the entire institute. After all, she was now an employee who could officially enter by scanning her face.

She can enter freely and roam the entire institute, and after playing with Lei Yuan's works that morning, Wen Li gained a new understanding of this famous old man.

The first job Lei Yuan gave her after entering the institute was to re-strengthen the security system of the institute. After all, there were many valuable experimental products involved. Once the network system collapsed and someone invaded, it would be devastating. 

As soon as Wen Li left the institute and walked out of USTC through the southeast door, Su Jingjing's phone call came.

"I have found what you want to check. I have sent the past history of Lei Yuan and Mu family to your mobile phone. But I am curious about something. Lei Yuan and Mu Kuiyuan used to know each other, but Lei Yuan has never met with him in these years."

Information shows that Mu Kuiyuan and Lei Yuan once had a close relationship. The two of them were almost brothers, but Lei Yuan has frankly expressed his dislike for the Mu family more than once in recent years.

But, strangely, Lei Yuan chose to teach at the University of Science and Technology, a school invested by Mu's.

"What's the past between the two of them?"

Su Jingjing flipped through the information, "It seems that the woman Mu Kuiyuan married is Lei Yuan's lover!"

This is a bit too exciting.

The age difference between Lei Yuan and Mu Kuiyuan is a bit different, but it does not affect their friendship. I heard that Lei Yuan has never married a wife in his life, so it could be due to the hatred of his wife.

"Hate out of love?" Wen Li was also shocked.

"Not necessarily, but the information shows that Lei Yuan's girlfriend really married Mu Kuiyuan!"

Wen Li hung up the phone and looked at the information on the mobile phone page by page, including Mu Kuiyuan's wedding photos in the end.

Looking at the period photo, Wen Li fell into deep thought.

She was not a fool. She could see the darkness in Lei Yuan's eyes when he faced her. A person who never liked the Mu family finally allowed her, a person with the Mu family's surname, to join the research institute.

And knowing that she was at odds with the Mu family, even Tang Xiao knew how to do things with someone like her, who was at odds with Mu Chenxing. Of course, Lei Yuan also understood the truth.

Lei Yuan must be using her to do something to the Mu family.

On the contrary, Mu Kuiyuan tried every means to get the three children of the Mu family close to Lei Yuan, because he wanted something from Lei Yuan that could help the Mu family develop.    

Both of them have their own ideas.

As soon as Lu Zhizhou got off the car, he ran into a little girl standing on the roadside in a daze. He smiled and saw a vendor selling candied haws on the roadside and paid for a bunch.

Putting the skateboard in her hand on the ground, Wen Li was blocked by a flash of red as soon as she stepped on it.

She stepped back, and after seeing clearly that it was a bunch of candied haws, Lu Zhizhou's handsome baby face came closer.

"Li girl, do you miss me?"

Wen Li put his feet down from the skateboard and looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, "Why are you here?"

This street is a pedestrian street close to the University of Science and Technology. This person has disappeared for many days and appears here for no reason.

"I'm here to find you, here." Lu Zhizhou stuffed the candied haws into her hand and took the skateboard from her hand.

"You are a girl, don't always use this to get around in the future. Tell me where you want to go and I'll take you. This is too dangerous." Lu Zhizhou said while holding the skateboard for her.

This man's thoughts were never the same as hers. Wen Li was thinking about Lei Yuan. Since it was a man's matter, it was better to find a man and ask again.


"Lu Zhizhou." Lu Zhizhou corrected her.

Wen Li didn't know why this person was so obsessed with his name. 

"Let me ask you, if your girlfriend was robbed by your good friend and they got married, would you hate that man for many years? For thirty or forty years?

Her question stunned Lu Zhizhou, but since the little girl asked it, and it was still an emotional question, he naturally answered it seriously.

 "I can."

"The hatred for taking your wife is irreconcilable, right?" Wen Li stared at him.

It was hard for Lu Zhizhou to see her looking so serious, so he burst out laughing and rubbed her head with one hand, "What are you doing, are you going to cheat on my friend?"

"But it's a pity that I don't have any friends...oww..."

The tone of his last word suddenly rose, and it instantly changed from a happy tone to a painful tone.

Wen Li was blocked by a layer of shadow from the sunlight on her body. As soon as she turned sideways, she saw the man holding Lu Zhizhou's hand with one hand and holding her to him with the other hand.

"Do you want to know my answer?" Fu Yuxiu lowered his head, put his handsome face in front of Wen Li, and said softly, "I will not wait for decades to take revenge."

His tone and appearance were gentle at first, but there were bursts of cold air around him for no apparent reason.

Lu Zhizhou grimaced in pain and watched helplessly as the man took Wen Li over.

"Watch your paws. Next time, they won't be completely on your body."

After speaking, the man let go of his hand.

After gaining his freedom, Lu Zhizhou took two steps back. After ensuring a safe distance, he could see clearly what the man who had just stood against the light and pinched his wrist looked like.

"You are..." Lu Zhizhou narrowed his eyes, why did this man appear here.

Wen Li was a little confused by this unexpected situation, and after reacting, she broke away from his arms.

"Why are you here?"

What happened to this street today, these two people popped up here.

"I came here to pick you up for dinner. I didn't expect to see this situation." The man said as his sharp eyes swept over Lu Zhizhou's face unceremoniously.

The car had just arrived and he saw a girl coming out of the gate. Before he got out of the car, he saw Soya who bought her candied haws and raised his hand to rub her head.

Seeing this scene, his face darkened again and again.

Lu Zhizhou's face darkened as he felt uncomfortable with his arresting gaze.

Last night Wen Li promised to go over and detoxify Fu Yuxiu, but he didn't expect this man to come over before the time was up.

"Li Girl, come over here." Lu Zhizhou called.

This man is not simple. With this little girl's indifferent nature, it's better not to have too much contact with him.

"Don't eat too many desserts before eating. Give this to me first." Fu Yuxiu took the candied haws in Wen Li's hand and handed it to the side.

Fei Ran resignedly stepped forward and took the candied haws and bit into it. His movements were smooth, without any hint of weakness.

Lu Zhizhou reacted, followed by a loud roar, "That's my candied haws!"

Why did it fall into this man's mouth?

"Don't eat outside in the future, especially food given by strange people. If you eat it, your stomach will be bad. Let's go." Fu Yuxiu hugged the person and was about to leave.

"Li Girl." Lu Zhizhou called.

Wen Li always felt a severe headache, and a sad gaze was always behind her, which made her back feel cold.

"Let go first, I have something to tell him."

Fu Yuxiu held her hand tightly. Seeing the cold look in the girl's eyes, the man reluctantly let go.

Wen Li walked up to Lu Zhizhou and reached out to take the skateboard, "Give me the skateboard."

Because of the contact, Lu Zhizhou certainly knew the background and temperament of the person opposite him. Although he didn't know how he got into trouble with this girl, he didn't want to embarrass Wen Li.

"I'm leaving first. You have to give me a good explanation tomorrow about what's going on."

Looking at Lu Zhizhou who was reluctant to leave, Wen Li always felt that something was wrong.

Why is it that the revenge she just asked about taking away my wife seems a bit similar to this...


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