Saturday, June 15, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 51 - Dog Slave

 Xiaocui never expected that she would be despised by a servant of a country village. She almost exploded on the spot and laughed angrily:

"Hey, dog slave, someone come, tie up this dog slave!"

"You don't want your life. Wait until I report to the princess, and you will be able to face the consequences."

The woman struggled and was tied up tightly by the two guards, and was thrown in front of Murong Yun. The woman raised her head unwillingly, thinking of cursing a few more words, but was shocked by the person's overly beautiful appearance.

She couldn't help but think of it. She heard that the master of Farm Villa, Princess Yunhua, was also famous for her beauty. This woman dared to break in so boldly with her servants. Could it be...

It couldn't have been such a coincidence. The woman suddenly got scared and didn't dare to stare at Murong Yun anymore.

"Why, are you scared now? Where is Nanny Qin? I would like to see how she manages this Farm Villa!"

Murong Yun glanced at the woman tied up on the ground, and then her eyes fell on the Farm Villa. Looking from the outside, there were no servants to take care of the huge Villa. Even in front of the screen wall, a lot of fallen leaves are scattered.

There are clearly carved beams and painted buildings, but they add a bit of desolation. No wonder they dare to plant them secretly. 

When Murong Yun asked this question, the woman was so frightened that she turned pale and collapsed to the ground. Because she was tied, she could not hold her thighs and beg for mercy. She could only crawl to Murong Yun and said in a trembling voice:

"The Aunt is resting in the backyard. Why don't the princess let this servant go in and call her out?"

"Having a rest? Its morning, it seems you people are more blessed than this princess."

Murong Yun smiled coldly. How could she let her go in first to report the news? She immediately walked in with a group of guards.

The further inside, the more angry she became. Where is her vacation Villa? The flowerbeds and backyards inside had been turned into cultivated land, with various spiritual plants planted there.

With such intensive planting, Si Luo still couldn't keep up with most of the inventory. It's conceivable that in addition to planting Huan Luo flowers, this nanny Qin also squandered a lot of money.

As for the Villa, in addition to its exquisiteness and the large ordinary medicinal fields outside, it is backed by a mountain with natural hot spring water. Therefore, at the back door, there are two excellent medicinal fields for cultivating spiritual plants.

The medicine field is usually used to grow extremely rare medicines, exclusively for the owner's use. 

Nanny Qin took advantage of this gap to secretly plant Huan Luo flowers for several years.

Since there were no servants or guards, Murong Yun had a smooth journey. From the entrance of the Villa they had entered the door five times, and walked directly to the last servant's room.

However, she didn't see Nanny Qin, but she saw a yard of slaves, all of them with shackled hands and feet, all of them skinny and unkempt.

When they saw Murong Yun, who was dressed in extraordinary clothes and rushing in with great momentum, they all turned their heads and glanced at her with numb eyes.

"This is......"

Xiao Cui followed closely, and was surprised when she saw that there were hundreds of slaves in the yard.

Although the princess had acted wantonly in the past, she never treated slaves like animals on such a large scale.

Each one of them had dark and empty eyes, which looked a little scary.

"Go check their palms."

Murong Yun said to the guards behind her.

In the original book, a runaway female slave bumped into Baili Shuangxue, and it was only when the slave saw the burns on the slave's hands while planting the Huan Luo flower that it was confirmed that someone had been planting the forbidden flower.


Two guards came forward and checked several slaves one after another. They all had burns on their palms. In severe cases, pus began to ooze and smell, which looked very scary.

And those slaves were obedient and allowed to be inspected. Under years of abuse, they would not resist even if someone directly drew a knife to take their lives.

Seeing this miserable situation, Murong Yun couldn't bear to look away, waved the guards to leave, and personally went up to find a slave who was in relatively good condition to ask.

She also spoke in a slow tone: "Where is the steward here?"

But the slave just glanced at her and picked up the bowl to prepare porridge as clear as water.

Yes, the reason why Murong Yun could see all the slaves in the courtyard was because she happened to meet them while they were having breakfast.

Although breakfast is only a few grains of rice and water.


When Xiao Cui saw that the slave didn't reply, she immediately stepped forward to educate him about the qualities a slave should have. However, as soon as she said a word, Murong Yun stopped her with her eyes.

After all, Murong Yun came to this world from modern times, and she still couldn't accept such inhumane behavior in her heart.

"Let the guards look for them. Don't disturb these slaves. It's so pitiful."

Murong Yun ordered softly, and the sympathy on her face shocked Xiao Cui. The princess would actually sympathize with these slaves. Didn't she drive all the beggars in Liu Jing out of the city last year?

However, she, Xiao Cui, has no objection to whatever the princess does.

Before the guards dispersed to look for someone, someone stumbled in from the side door. She was a girl in ragged clothes who looked slightly normal.

The shackles on the girl's feet prove her slave status.

"Help, please help me."

The girl finally saw someone other than the people of the Villa, her eyes lit up, and she ran towards Murong Yun as hard as she could.

However, after running a few steps, a whip suddenly appeared from behind and hit her ankle, causing her to fall hard to the ground.

Murong Yun's heart ached for her when she heard that voice.

"You still dare to run? In this village, I am the king, can you still expect those slaves to save you!"

A rude male voice sounded arrogantly. Before anyone came over, the whip in his hand was whipped at the girl again, until her skin was torn apart.


When Murong Yun saw this, she immediately stopped him and walked over quickly. At this time, the perpetrator finally walked over.

He is a tall and thick-set man, who looks to be about thirty years old. Moreover, his clothes are disheveled, and he is not a decent person at first glance.

Seeing him, Murong Yun immediately realized who the other person was.

Isn't it Qin Lian, the son of Grandma Qin? The book describes that it was this mother and son who secretly bought and sold slaves to plant Huan Luo flowers, and these accounts and names were all attributed to the original owner.

"Who are you? How dare you break into this place!"

At this time, Qin Lian saw this group of people who came, and he was not afraid at all. Compared with his mother, they were not a bit better.

However, Murong Yun didn't care about that. She thought that the whipped girl and what Qin Lian did in the book were all blamed on the original owner. Even the emperor ignored her for a while after knowing about it.

The original owner was almost completely betrayed and separated from her relatives, and completely turned into a villain. She no longer had a conscience and lived almost just to cause trouble for the heroine Baili Shuangxue.

But now, it is obvious that he wants to do some beastly things to this girl. 

"Trespassing? I am your master. Since you like beating people so much, I will let you have a taste of it."

Murong Yun looked at the whip stained with dark blood in the opponent's hand. It was obvious that he had hit many people with this whip, and it was stained black over time.

When she thought about the plot and these evil deeds, she got angry and took out her royal whip from her waist and swung it towards the ground.

The whip made a clear sound as it broke through the air. This whip in hers was much better than the one in Qin Lian's hand. With her careful practice over the past few days, she was able to play it decently.

"Are you? Princess?"

When Qin Lian heard this, he was shocked. A trace of venomous glare flashed in his eyes where no one could see him. The next moment, a whip hit his wrist hard, and the whip in his hand fell to the ground.

Murong Yun didn't answer, and she was very aggressive with the whip in her hand, but Qin Lian was not a wooden person. Although it was not obvious, his body was cleverly dodging. Murong Yun could only hit one of the five whips...


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