Wednesday, June 19, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 74 - It's Useless even if the King of Heaven Comes

 Jiang Ning did not stay in the tea house for too long. After going to the pharmacy to grab some medicine, she returned to the Marquis Mansion.

At night, she took a medicinal bath according to the method taught by Mr. Xue.

The room was filled with mist and the faint fragrance of herbs. Jiang Ning asked all the maids to step down, she took off her clothes, entered the medicinal soup, and submerged her whole body in it.

The pores all over her body were opened, and then there was a slight pain in her knees, legs, and feet.

She pursed her lower lip tightly and turned pale.

As the effect of the medicine seeped into her body, the pain in her knees became more severe, but she endured it without making a sound.

After about half a stick of incense, the pain gradually disappeared, replaced by a sense of comfort.

Jiang Ning squinted her eyes slightly, enjoying the medicinal bath, and gradually fell asleep unconsciously.

Chunlan, who was still guarding the door, felt that it was time for the medicinal bath water to get cold, so she knocked on the door and reminded her, "Miss, don't catch a cold."

There was a splash, and a sound of water came out.

Jiang Ning stood up and wiped her body dry.

Chunlan walked in with new clothes. When she saw Jiang Ning's back, she couldn't help but be startled and tilted her head, "I see that the young lady's skin seems to have become whiter..."

Jiang Ning put on her clothes and looked at her hands, "Is it okay?"

"Yes." Chunlan nodded.

She saw that the young lady had really turned white and her skin had become delicate.

The prescription given by Dr. Xue can not only cure cold diseases but also nourish the skin.

Jiang Ning was very grateful. Doctor Xue's medicated bath had such a miraculous effect. After just one bath, she felt that the pain in her knees was much better. If she took it a few more times, the cold illness in her body would definitely be cured.

At the same time, the Chu family.

Chu Yunli was alone in the courtyard, seemingly admiring the moon.

At this time, a man in black flew lightly across the roof, jumped into the yard, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully, "Sir, we have found Doctor Xue."

"Where?" Chu Yunli turned around, his expression fluctuating.

"In a house on West Street."

Chu Yunli lowered his eyes. He had sent people to search for him for a long time but could not find him. Doctor Xue was hiding very well. As long as he wanted to get rid of the people who were following him, no one would be able to find his traces.

He found it so easily today, could it be a trap?

Cheng Li knew what the Lord was thinking and immediately told what happened today exactly.

After hearing this, Chu Yunli couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, suspicion flashed in his eyes, "It's Jiang Ning again...could she have the ability to predict the future?"

The same thing happened with Cloud brocade cloth.

She seemed to have known for a long time that the price would rise, so she borrowed money in advance to buy a large amount of brocade cloth.

What happened with Divine Doctor Xue this time... Could it be that she knew the news in advance and went to see Divine Doctor Xue especially?

Cheng Li shook his head and replied, "Miss Jiang probably doesn't know the identity of Divine Doctor Xue, and she happened to appear in Dong Lai Tower today." They had investigated what happened today, and it was definitely not deliberately arranged by anyone.

Chu Yunli's eyes were a little more thoughtful.


In the next few days, Jiang Ning took medicinal baths every day. The pain in her knees completely disappeared, her hands and feet were no longer cold, and the cold illness in her body had been cured.

It seems that there is no need to take medicinal baths anymore.

Jiang Ning got up early and walked to the yard to practice basic skills.

After recovering from the cold illness, her physical condition improved a lot, and she didn’t feel tired even after practicing in one breath.

After practicing, she took out the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The light of the morning sun fell on her body, and her skin was as clear as jade, and her hands were originally rough, but after being improved by the medicinal bath, they were now slender and jade-like, with white fingers.

After Chunlan saw it, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Originally, the young lady was also very good-looking, inheriting the advantages of the Marquis and his wife, but now... she is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away, as gorgeous as a peach and plum, as cold as frost.

Not only men, but also women could not help but be stunned.

Jiang Ning turned around and saw Chunlan, who was stunned on the spot, and asked, "What's wrong? Did I get something on my face?"

Chunlan shook her head and couldn't help but praise, "The lady is so pretty..."

Jiang Ning chuckled lightly and didn't take it to heart.

She moved her knees, and the cold illness in her body had been cured. This was all thanks to Divine Doctor Xue. She should go and thank Doctor Xue.

Jiang Ning didn't know what kind of thank-you gift to prepare. Doctor Xue was short of money, so giving money would be the most practical thing.

She prepared a box of silver and took a carriage to the West Street mansion. She didn't know if Divine Doctor Xue was still there.

The carriage stopped at the door of the house, and Jiang Ning just got out of the carriage——

The door of the house banged open, and several people were driven out in embarrassment.

Mr. Xue took the broom and kept waving it, driving people outside, "Go, go! Don't get in my eyes! Who is Doctor Xue? I don't know him at all, you've got the wrong person!"

Cheng Li hurriedly protected the master in the middle and let the broom fall on them. They did not dare to resist.

Chu Yunli's face darkened slightly.

Cheng Li couldn't help but ask, "My Lord, do you want to capture him?"

Jiang Ning saw the excitement at the door and walked over in no hurry.

Chu Yunli turned around coldly, "Let's go."

"My Lord, but..."

"Doctor Xue has a weird personality. Whether he wants to heal people or not depends on his thoughts. If he doesn't want to heal, even if he puts a knife to his neck, he won't be cured." Chu Yunli said with a stern face, "We are here to seek medical treatment, not to offend people."

Chu Yunli stepped back, took two steps, and saw a beautiful figure not far away. The woman squinted her eyes slightly as if she was watching the excitement.

Jiang Ning was originally watching the excitement and wanted to see who the person beaten by Divine Doctor Xue was. Unexpectedly, she bumped into Chu Yunli and was startled.

"Chu Yunli?"

Why is it him?

Chu Yunli saw the person in front of him clearly and walked over slowly, "Miss Jiang, what a coincidence."

"It's a coincidence..." Jiang Ning didn't expect to meet the future regent here, and saw him being driven out in embarrassment. She didn't know what to say...

She was a little confused. In her previous life, Doctor Xue no longer treated people, but later she followed Chu Yunli and worked for him.

But now this situation...

The relationship between the two seems not to be harmonious.

Jiang Ning looked at Chu Yunli and didn't know what to say, "Lord Chu, go slowly, I'll go over first." After saying that, she turned and walked into the house.

Mr. Xue threw down his broom and changed his angry expression, "Little girl, you are here, come on, let me check your pulse first!"

Chu Yunli outside the door "..."

The guards didn't know what to say.

When they walked in, Doctor Xue was furious, picked up a broom and drove them away.

Now it's Miss Jiang, Doctor Xue's face is gentle, like a kind elder. Is the gap so big?

Chu Yunli turned around calmly, "Let's go."

Doctor Xue grabbed Jiang Ning's wrist and checked her pulse. After confirming that the cold disease in her body was cured, she nodded, "Yes, it has been cured."

Jiang Ning looked at Divine Doctor Xue and thought of Chu Yunli at the door just now, and couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Xue, why did you drive them away?"

Doctor Xue paused, let go of Jiang Ning's wrist, and said calmly, "You don't need to ask more about this matter. Whether you want to be cured or not depends on my mood. If I don't want to cure, I won't cure. It will be useless even if the King of Heaven comes." 

Doctor Xue said calmly, but a cold look flashed in his eyes, which quickly calmed down and returned to his original look.

Jiang Ning didn't ask any more questions.

She was just a little curious about who Chu Yunli was seeking medical treatment for. It seemed that no one in the Chu family was seriously ill.


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