Thursday, June 6, 2024

ARDA- Chapter 68 - Still Can't Beat Her

 The courtyard was deserted, and the servants were no longer lively as before, and all of them were lifeless.

The smile on Jiang Minglan's lips could not help but freeze. When she walked in, she saw a thin figure sitting by the bed, quietly drawing.

"Second sister, the weather is perfect today, the weather is windy and sunny, why are you cooped up in the house?" He walked over and put the roast duck on the table.

Jiang Mengyue heard the sound and turned her head. When she saw Jiang Minglan, she reluctantly raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, "You're here..."

"Why are you so listless?"

Jiang Minglan noticed that Jiang Mengyue was in a low mood, and couldn't help but feel distressed, and walked over.

Jiang Mengyue shook her head, "Nothing... You came just in time. I haven't painted a portrait for you for a long time. Come, sit here, and I will paint one for you."

Jiang Minglan sat down obediently. No matter what the second sister asked him to do, he would do it. He only hoped that the second sister could be happy, but since being grounded, the second sister had become listless.

He clenched his fists subconsciously, it was all Jiang Ning's fault!

If it weren't for Jiang Ning, how could the second sister be grounded?

Jiang Mengyue picked up the brush, looked up at Jiang Minglan, and smiled gently, "Don't be so stern, just smile."

Jiang Minglan came back to her senses and smiled slightly.

From this angle, you can see the way Jiang Mengyue bowed her head submissively. What a good second sister... Even if she was wronged, she didn't want to make others worry and forced a smile on her face.

He had to find a way to make his second sister happy.

The two people sat quietly, one was painting and the other was looking at her.

After a long time, Jiang Mengyue put down the brush and said, "Look, how does the painting look?"

The man in the painting was so lifelike that Jiang Minglan couldn't help but smile, "What a handsome painting! Second sister, your painting skills have improved again! Give me the painting, I'll give you a gift in return!"

Jiang Mengyue shook her head, "There is no need for any return gift. The roast duck you brought is the best return gift."

"How is that possible?" Jiang Minglan put the painting away carefully and smiled brightly, "Just wait!"

Jiang Minglan left.

Jiang Mengyue's gentle expression also faded, and instead, she showed a sarcastic smile.

Look, as long as she hooks her hand, Jiang Minglan will be on her side. What can Jiang Ning do to fight her?

Grandmother, father, third brother... all regard her as a treasure. So what if Jiang Ning gets her mother's favor? Hey, she still can't beat her.

Jiang Ning didn't think about the second young master Lu's matter anymore. There was no need to rush the matter. She hadn't gotten married yet, and the Marquis Mansion would not make a marriage arrangement before she got her hairpin. (During a girl's coming-of-age ceremony, they are bestowed a hairpin.)

She picked up the book given by her elder brother, looked through it, and gradually felt relieved.

At this time, Jin Weilan's maid at the gate of the Marquis Mansion sent a letter asking her to meet at Jin's Silk Shop.

There was nothing else going on in the house, so Jiang Ning made some preparations and went out to answer the appointment.

The carriage drove ricketyly to the front of Jin's Silk Shop. Jiang Ning got off the carriage and walked in.

The owner of the silk store saw Jiang Ning and immediately came over, "Miss Jiang, please wait a moment, I will go to the warehouse to get the fabric!"

"What fabric?"

The owner of the silk shop smiled and said, "Our lady has prepared something for Miss Jiang and asked me to tell you to be sure to take them with you."

In the eyes of the owner of the silk shop, Jiang Ning is simply the God of Wealth. It was Miss Jiang who proposed the idea of ​​buying the cloud brocade cloth some time ago. The silk shop bought a batch of brocade cloth and made a huge profit.

Cloud Brocade cloth is in hot demand in the capital, but the only one that has the product is Jin's Silk Shop.

Because of this brocade cloth, Jin's silk shop's reputation has improved a lot, and now many famous families come to order clothes.

Now Cloud Brocade cloth has almost been sold out, with only the last two pieces left. Miss Jin ordered the pieces of cloth to be packaged and given to Jiang Ning.

When the boss went to pick up the goods, Jiang Ning took a leisurely stroll around the silk shop, looking at the fabrics, thinking that it would be a good idea to use this material to make clothes for her mother.

At this time, a figure walked into the silk shop. It was Jiang Minglan.


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