Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 81 - Naturally, I will Repay You in Full

 Elsewhere, several eyes were fixed on the carriage parked in the alley.

They stared at it for a long time, but it did not have the intention of driving away.

A man walked over and reported in a low voice to the people in the luxurious carriage, "Miss, the carriage has been parked in the alley for about an hour, and there is no movement yet..."

The carriage curtain suddenly opened, revealing an angry face. It was Princess Hualian, "Go around and take a look!"

"Yes." The guard responded and walked around to find out what was going on with the carriage.

Walking around to the front, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

The carriage was empty. There was no one inside, not even the driver.

They stared at an empty carriage for an hour.

When Princess Hualian learned about the situation, her lungs were so angry that she was about to explode. Her cold had not recovered yet and she began to cough violently, "Cough cough cough..."

The maid immediately went to her back and said, "Princess, why don't you go back first? You haven't recovered from the cold yet. The doctor said you can't bear the cold..."

Princess Hualian finally regained her composure, turned around, and slapped her maid in the face, "Does this princess want you to tell me what to do?" She was so angry that when she was bored in the room, she would only think about the incident that happened in the Lu family. 

Finally, she sneaked out and kept an eye on the Marquis Mansion.

She wanted to teach Jiang Ning a lesson so that woman would never appear in front of the world.

Princess Hualian's eyes were cold, and she clenched the whip in her hand. This whip was made of soft vines and had barbed thorns on it. If it hits a person, it can take away a piece of flesh.

She asked people to stare at Jiang Ning and follow closely, preparing to find an opportunity to teach Jiang Ning a lesson.

But she didn't expect that halfway through the tracking, the person was lost.

"Trash! They're all trash! How come you guys can't even keep an eye on a carriage!" Princess Hualian scolded angrily, with an annoyed look on her face, "When did she get off the carriage?"

The guards didn't dare to say anything, and they didn't know what was going on. They were obviously keeping a close eye on them, but suddenly everyone disappeared.

Princess Hualian shouted coldly, "Why don't you hurry up and find her!"

"Yes!" the guards responded and immediately went to find her.

Jiang Ning stayed in Doctor Xue's courtyard all afternoon and didn't come out until it was almost time for dinner. She promised her mother that they would have dinner together, so she had to go back early.

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue walked out of the alley and prepared to let Yu Er prepare another carriage to return to the Marquis Mansion.

Not long after walking out of the alley.

Shuangyue's footsteps suddenly stopped, and her face turned cold.

Jiang Ning noticed Shuangyue's strangeness and turned to look. Shuangyue nodded slightly, her eyes hinting that someone was staring at them again.


It's really difficult.

Jiang Ning's face also darkened and she frowned.

She said quietly, "A new preserved meat shop has opened on West Street. Let's go and buy some."

Shuangyue followed Jiang Ning and responded, "Yes."

The two people did not return to the Marquis Mansion, but walked slowly towards West Street. Several people who were secretly following them also followed. One of them made a gesture to report to Princess Hualian.

Jiang Ning did not return to the Marquis Mansion immediately because she wanted to see what the person following her wanted to do.

"Princess, we found her!" the guard reported.

Princess Hualian's eyes lit up and she said, "Keep an eye on her, don't let her run away, report her every move to me!"

Princess Hualian couldn't wait. She got out of the carriage with a whip, turned over, and rode a horse. She was good at equestrian skills, and she was a good rider.

Jiang Ning walked slowly to West Street, looked left and right, and bought some miscellaneous things.

In the darkness, a cold gaze stared at her.

Jiang Ning stopped in front of the oil cake stall. The freshly baked oil cakes were sizzling with oil and exuding fragrance, which made people look at them sideways. 

"Two fried cakes," Jiang Ning said.

The stall owner responded with a smile, "Okay! The freshly baked pancakes are so fragrant!"

Shuangyue took out a few coins from her sleeves and prepared to hand them over.

Suddenly, there were exclamations everywhere.

A woman galloped forward on her horse, very fast, without reining in the reins, and without caring about the people on the street.

Vendors fled in panic, and the streets were in chaos.

"Get away! This horse is crazy!"

"Avoid it, avoid it quickly!"

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue also turned around and saw the woman coming on horseback. Their eyes fell on the woman and they recognized her as Princess Hualian at a glance.

Princess Hualian shouted that the horse was going crazy and galloping in panic.

When she saw Jiang Ning in front of the fried cake stall not far away, a cold smile appeared on her lips and she tightened her grip on the whip.

Jiang Ning...

"Miss!" Shuangyue grabbed Jiang Ning's arm and dodged to the side. In a few breaths, Princess Hualian's horse rushed in front of them, and there was no time to dodge.

Shuangyue's face darkened, and she immediately protected Jiang Ning with her body.

Princess Hualian raised her whip high and was about to slap her. She could predict that when the whip fell, the skin would be torn apart, and it would be best to destroy that charming face.

Yes, she's going to ruin that face!

Jiang Ning doesn't have that foxy face, how can she appear in public again.

She once ruined a woman's face. The woman had a delicate appearance and pretended to be like a little white rabbit, making people feel pitiful. She even deliberately dropped the handkerchief and asked Lord Chu to pick it up and return it to her.

She became angry and used a whip to destroy the woman's face.

Haha, she is a high-ranking princess. It doesn't matter if she ruins someone's face. No one dares to blame her. If the Marquis Mansion is sensible, they will not pursue this matter.

Princess Hualian had a cold smile on her lips.

When the whip is about to strike——

Suddenly, the horse's back jolted.

"Hululu——" The horse roared, knelt down on its front hooves, and fell to the ground.

Princess Hualian on horseback flew forward heavily before she could swing her whip.

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue hid aside, while Princess Hualian rushed towards the oil pan, which was still sizzling with oil.

"County Princess!"

The guard who was hiding in the dark changed his face. He rushed over with his Qinggong without thinking about anything. He hugged Princess Hualian and rolled her around on the ground several times, barely avoiding the oil pan.

If it were a step later, Princess Hualian would fall into the oil pan.

The people were stunned for a moment, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Princess Hualian felt pain all over her body and struggled to get up.

She obviously rushed over, preparing to use the whip to destroy Jiang Ning's face, but the moment she was about to succeed, her horse stumbled and she almost flew into the frying pan...

When she thought of what had happened just now, Princess Hualian's face turned pale, losing all color, and her shoulders were shaking with fear.

Jiang Ning stood aside and looked down at Princess Hualian with cold eyes.

Princess Hualian was vicious and cruel. It was not enough to push her into the water, but now she even wanted to beat her with a whip.

She originally didn't pay attention to Princess Hualian.

But now...whoever bullies her will definitely pay back a hundredfold.

"County Princess, are you okay?" The maid hurried over and helped Princess Hualian up. Princess Hualian was so frightened that she lost her mind.

"Princess, let's go back..." The maid helped Princess Hualian leave.

Jiang Ning watched Princess Hualian leave with cold eyes.

After the farce on the street ended, Princess Hualian galloped on her horse, causing chaos in West Street. However, no one in the people dared to say anything. She was a dignified princess, and no one dared to cause trouble.

Some stalls were overturned and goods were scattered all over the floor. The vendors shook their heads and could only think it was bad luck.

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue stood on the side of the street. A murderous intent flashed in Shuangyue's eyes, and she secretly committed Princess Hualian to her memory for daring to commit murder in broad daylight and still attack her master.

Her Lordship has told her that there is no need to hold back on anyone who threatens Miss Jiang.

She didn't care about the identity of Princess Hualian, she only knew that this person had offended her.

"Shuangyue." Jiang Ning looked back, thoughtfully, "Is it you who took action?"

"Huh?" Shuangyue was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Ning recalled what had just happened. When Princess Hualian waved her whip, a stone flew from nowhere and hit the horse's front hooves with great force. The horse fell down on the spot.

Jiang Ning raised her face and looked in the direction where the pebbles came from. In the elegant room of the tea house, a figure turned around calmly.

It was a man wearing white clothes, with a tall figure, but his appearance could not be seen.

Jiang Ning looked away and shook her head, "It's nothing, go back."

"Miss, do you want to go back home?" Shuangyue asked.

Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes slightly, and a dark light flashed in her eyes, "No, how can I go back after receiving such a big gift? Of course, I have to pay it back in full."


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