Monday, June 24, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 60 - Memory and Illusion

 At this time, Murong Yun, who once again lost consciousness due to the detoxification, was taken to a top-floor room in a daze.

That was the familiar top-floor room she saw when she opened her eyes, and it was also the place where she would be terrified when she dreamed about it at night.

The seven-story Que Pavilion tower has copper bells hanging under the eaves, which make a crisp sound in the breeze.

A woman with disheveled clothes was rudely thrown out of the building.

The man in red holding a silver shell fan, with a sarcastic look on his majestic face, looked down at the woman on the ground: "Run, Nan Chu is destroyed, where can you run to?"

"Murong Yun, the cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unpleasant."

The woman struggled to raise her upper body. Her legs had been interrupted while fleeing. At this time, she could only crawl like an animal in such a shameful way.

Even so, despite her struggle, her face was still beautiful, with a slightly pale face filled with resentment and unwillingness.

At this time, Hua Zhu was less childish than before, and his face looked a little more evil. He squatted down gracefully, raised Murong Yun's chin with his fan bone, and enjoyed her miserable state with great enjoyment.

Still not satisfied, he continued with a victor's attitude and a happy face:

"Are you not convinced? But no one will save you. Your uncle, the Emperor, has fallen."

"When the Hua family was ruined, and my father died in battle, and my mother committed suicide, you should have thought of your own fate."

"But now, someone wants to see you more."

As he spoke, the sliding door behind him was opened, and a slender figure gradually appeared...

Even after killing the Murong clan, the white clothes on his body were still as white as snow. As he grew older, some of his youthful aura faded, but his immortal aura remained undiminished.

He has reached the highest position in the world, but he has not been tainted by authority in the slightest.


Murong Yun, who was on the ground, had a face full of resentment and unwillingness, gnashing her teeth, like the last angry and trapped beast, staring at him without blinking, and her voice seemed to be quenched with poison.

Li Su's face was cold, and his crystal gray-blue eyes seemed to be filled with eternal ice.

Murong Yun knew that he must be extremely happy. Who in the world would not applaud her current fate?

But she doesn't accept it, she hates it! Why, she was of noble birth, why do these people, all these people, want to go against her!

Li Su ignored her resentful shouting and took the jade bowl handed by the person behind him with his slender jade fingers. A very cold and indifferent voice sounded:

"Most good things are not strong, and the colorful clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is brittle."


"No, I won't drink, I won't, no."

Murong Yun seemed to be trapped in a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. She struggled hard but couldn't get out of it.

She is not, she is not the original owner, she did not do evil...

In the hazy moment, Li Su and Hua Zhu disappeared in front of her. She went from the top-floor room to a quiet place, where there was a tall persimmon tree covered with festive little persimmons.

She looked at her broken leg in confusion... It was fine, it was not broken, but it had become shorter. She raised her hands again, and they were chubby little fleshy hands...

She turned into a little radish.

"A'yun, come on, come to mother. There are persimmons to eat here."

Under the persimmon tree, a gentle female voice came. She handed the persimmon in her hand to Murong Yun, trying to attract her...


Murong Yun involuntarily raised her feet to step forward. The next moment, her eyes were filled with white light.


She shouted, gasped and opened her eyes, and what she met was Li Su's eyebrows...

Li Su? Murong Yun's face was a little dull, and her chest was still palpitating. Did she just see something? Is this what happened to the original owner?

Also, who is that person under the persimmon tree? 

Murong Yun's thoughts were confused for a moment. She tried hard to tell herself that those were all illusions caused by Huan Luo flower poison, but her body could not stop trembling with fear.

It was so real, those scenes were so real.

At the same time, Li Su's eyelashes moved slightly and he opened his eyes. There was an unprecedented shock in his eyes.

Just now, his spiritual energy was tugging at him, and he was also pulled into an illusion.

He saw himself...feeding Murong Yun poison.

Brittle Glass...

Why is there such a scene? Is it because of Murong Yun's poison, or is it because what she sees is her memory, but why does she have memories of things that have never happened?

Li Su was confused for the first time in his history.

Fortunately, the weird spiritual plant drained his spiritual energy and released him.

Come to think of it, Murong Yun was suppressed by the spiritual plant, and the poison could not do anything to her for a while.

It was also at this time that Li Su realized that the two of them were too close, with Murong Yun still lying on his chest...

He stood up quickly, but because of the loss of too much spiritual energy in his body, he staggered.

When Murong Yun looked at the pale Li Su, she couldn't help but think of the scene where Huan Luo flower showed her, and for a moment she didn't dare to look at his face.

Moreover, she also realized that when the other party detoxified her, Miao Miao had sucked out the person's spiritual energy again, and this time, she had no intention of returning some to him.

Although she didn't know the reason, Murong Yun thought that it was the plant's natural tendency toward light that allowed Miaomiao to do such embarrassing things again and again.

While she was thinking, Li Su raised her feet to leave. She was so frightened that she subconsciously hugged...the other person's thigh.

"You, where are you going?"

Murong Yun didn't want this to happen, but she was still injured. There were wolves in this forest. What if Li Su left without leaving bodyguards and she was eaten by a wolf...

Li Su's face was still pale. He was determined to find someone to restore his spiritual energy, but he didn't expect that Murong Yun would suddenly do this.

"Let go."

There was an obvious weakness in Li Su's voice. He had already made an exception for her by saving Murong Yun.

"No, if you leave, who will protect this princess?"

Murong Yun almost closed her eyes and hugged his thighs. She really wasn't taking advantage of the situation.


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