Thursday, June 27, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 82 - It Seems You are Worth a Lot of Money if I Sell You.

 Shuangyue didn't know what the young lady was going to do, but she saw the dark light flashing in the young lady's eyes, which was exactly the same as when she sneaked out to do bad things behind the Lord's back.

"Let's go." Jiang Ning said.

Princess Hualian was helped into the luxurious carriage by her maid. Princess Hualian's frightened heart finally calmed down a little bit.

"What happened? How could the horse suddenly stumble?"

Princess Hualian's face turned pale, and she was filled with fear when she recalled what had just happened.

The maid advised, "Princess please go back to the Prince's Mansion first..." She was afraid that the Princess might get in trouble, she had not recovered from the cold, so she sneaked out, fell off her horse, and was almost injured.

When she rolled to the ground, her clothes were covered with dust.

She was very disgusted. She was a princess, so how could she wear dirty clothes? She immediately said, "Go to the silk shop first!"

The maid opened her mouth but did not dare to refute, and asked the guards to drive the carriage to the silk shop first. The princess has a habit of being clean and can't stand any mess at all. She always prepares several sets of clothes when going out, but today she was in a hurry and didn't bring any spare clothes.

The carriage drove to the entrance of the silk shop and stopped.

Princess Hualian couldn't bear it. Her body was stained with dust. She always felt a smell and wanted to change into clean clothes immediately.

As soon as the carriage stopped, she jumped out and hurried into the silk shop.

After she walked into the silk shop, a cold gaze stared at her.

Jiang Ning watched Princess Hualian walk into the silk shop quietly and looked up at the silk shop. This place... didn't seem to be difficult to sneak into.

After a while, Shuangyue came back, holding a black cloak and a black cloth to cover her face.

Jiang Ning put on a cloak and covered her face with a black cloth. Only her eyes were exposed, so no one could see her appearance. 

After this period of martial arts practice, Jiang Ning's physical fitness became much stronger, and she also learned Qinggong from Shuang Yue.

She has a high level of understanding, and with the help of Doctor Xue's pills, she has become as light as a swallow. Her Qinggong has reached the entry-level, and it is no problem to sneak into a house or something.

At the same time, Princess Hualian chose the most expensive dress. Although it was not as good as the one specially made by the embroiderer, it was still eye-catching.

She picked up her clothes and went into the private room to change.

"Hurry up!"

County Princess Hualian opened her arms and let her maid take off her clothes.

She couldn't stand it anymore. Her clothes were dirty and made her feel itchy and uncomfortable.

The maid walked over and was about to undress the princess.

Suddenly, there was a creak, a slight sound, and then two figures rushed in. A black shadow struck the maid on the back of the neck with one hand. The maid did not react and fell softly to the ground.

Princess Hualian saw the dark figure that suddenly broke in, and was about to scream.

Another black shadow rushed over and covered her mouth to prevent her from shouting.


Princess Hualian's eyes widened, full of panic. There was a group of guards outside. How did these two people break in?

But before she could think about it, she felt severe pain in the back of her neck, and her vision went dark and she fainted.

Jiang Ning pushed open the back window and jumped out.

Shuangyue knocked Princess Hualian into the sack, picked her up lightly, and jumped out of the back window, and the two of them quickly disappeared without a trace.


A moment passed.

The guards in the silk shop were waiting a little anxiously. She is just changing clothes. Why did it take so long?

They waited patiently for another moment.

The private room was silent and without any movement.

The guards finally couldn't help it, and they turned their eyes away from each other. Finally, one of them walked over and cautiously said, "Princess, Princess..."

There was no response from the room.

"Princess, it's getting late, it's time to return home." The guard said.

He was a little confused, why was there no movement at all in the house, half an hour had passed, why didn't the princess come out? 

The guard carefully put his ear to the door to confirm the movement inside. There was indeed no sound inside.

"Princess?" he called cautiously.

The guard suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, "Princess, I'll offend."

He quietly opened the door, but there was no one in the room...

No, a person is lying on the ground!

The guard suddenly opened the door and looked at the maid who was on the ground. His face changed greatly, "What happened? Where is the princess!" The guard hurriedly called out to wake up the maid. The maid just passed out and was not seriously injured. She woke up faintly.

"Where's the princess?"

"Well..." The maid felt a pain in the back of her neck. After being confused for a while, she realized what she was doing and widened her eyes. "I don't know what happened. Suddenly, I fainted from the pain in the back of my neck."

The maids and guards became anxious. The princess was missing. She was clearly changing clothes in the house.

"Someone must have broken in!"

They were careless, thinking that no one would dare to take action against the princess. Unexpectedly... someone actually dared to kidnap the princess.


Princess Hualian didn't know what happened. When she woke up, her body was curled up and she couldn't stretch out. Her eyes were dark and she couldn't see anything.

"Ahhhh..." she screamed in horror.

She remembered that she was changing clothes in the private room just now when two men in black suddenly broke in, and then she fell into a coma.

"Sir, she's awake." A cold, low voice came, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman.

The sack kept twisting, but it was tied so tightly that it was impossible to break free.

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue looked down at the sack.

Jiang Ning's eyes were slightly cold, and she turned around and saw the whip with barbs lying on the side.

Qi Hualian wanted to whip her with this whip, and she aimed it at her face. If the whip had fallen, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning's eyes became colder.

Her eyes signaled Shuangyue to open the sack.

Shuangyue walked over, swiped the dagger, and the tied hemp rope broke. Princess Hualian inside struggled and quickly broke free. 

"You...who are you?"

"Bold maniac! Do you know who I am! I will never let you go, I will definitely skin you!" Princess Hualian yelled angrily.

Jiang Ning stepped forward, easily clamped her hand, and slapped her in the face.

Slap! a crisp sound, with great force.

Princess Hualian has never been beaten before. She is a noble princess. She has always hit others. When has she ever been beaten by others, let alone slapped? Her face is burning, not just pain. 

" dare you hit me? I'm going to kill you!" Princess Hualian shouted angrily.

Slap! Two more slaps were handed.

Princess Hualian felt her head was buzzing and blank, and her face was burning with pain.

Jiang Ning showed no emotion at all and acted swiftly.


Princess Hualian was a little scared. She was kidnapped here by two men in black. She glared at the person in front of her, "Do you know who I am? I am the princess! I will never forgive you if you treat me like this." 

When she finished speaking, Jiang Ning slapped her again mercilessly.

Compared to Hualian County, who actively wields his whip and wants to ruin other people's looks, these slaps are nothing.

Princess Hualian was slapped one after another, and her ears were ringing.

She revealed her identity, but the man in black in front of her remained unmoved and continued to act ruthlessly.

"You..." Princess Hualian felt fear in her heart and did not dare to be as arrogant as before. Her aura weakened and she said weakly, "What do you want? I will give you everything, please let me go..."

"I'll give you money..."

"Silver?" Jiang Ning raised her eyebrows. Her entire face was hidden under the cloak at the moment, so she couldn't see her appearance.

Princess Hualian nodded repeatedly, "Yes! I'll give you money, and you let me go! As long as you let me go, I can put everything behind you!"

Jiang Ning smiled lightly, stretched out her hand to lift Princess Hualian's chin, and looked at her face, "It seems like you would be worth a lot of money if I sold you..."

Princess Hualian's face turned pale and she was trembling all over.

Jiang Ning waved her hand and asked Shuangyue to put Princess Hualian back into the sack.

When Shuangyue was putting her in, she tied Princess Hualian's hands and stuffed a rag into her mouth to make her unable to make a sound.

"Hmmp..." Princess Hualian's eyes were full of fear and she kept struggling, but in the end, she was knocked into a sack and then picked up and taken to no one knows where.


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