Thursday, June 13, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 81 - This Child is my Only Chance

 As of 7 p.m., Wen Li's social account had gained a total of 70 million followers, setting a record for the largest number of followers on the social platform in one day.

Luan Pei Studio has also gained five million fans, and the number of followers on its official website has also increased steadily. However, these five million fans are more or less directed at the frontal photos of Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu.

There is a hazy beauty about the two people in the photo, but in the only frontal photo, the faces of the two people cannot be seen clearly at all, only their seductive postures and luxurious clothes can be seen.

It is this mysterious style that makes them attract more people's attention. The more mysterious they are, the more fascinating they look. People's curiosity is always the easiest to catch.

This hazy beauty with a half-covered face while holding a pipa made many people go crazy. Of course, many fans began to frantically search for the male model who was paired with Wen Li.

Male beauty is the easiest way to drive many girls crazy.

Especially in the photo, this is not the Nan Sheng photo that Nan Pei originally released. Photos of Nan Sheng can often be seen on the financial channel. He is very handsome and the type that makes many women happy when they see him.

But it is not the domineering one in the photo, looking down on the world, He is so handsome, with a bit of evil aura but not unmanly.

These two are really so attractive.

Similarly, the effect is that the popular wedding dresses worn by the two have become popular. Although the price of haute couture is not low, it cannot stop many brides from wanting to wear the same wedding dress.

Girls are always willing to risk everything for their wedding. Every girl hopes to have a dream wedding. Part of this dream wedding is a set of beautiful wedding clothes.

The official website of Luan Pei Studio has been crowded, and many people are refreshing it frantically just to wait for the wedding dress to be online.

When Wen Li received Nan Pei's thank you call, she had already arrived in front of the teachers' office building of USTC.

"I knew I was right to find you. I'm so excited! We've been in business in Luan Pei for so long, and this is the first time we've had an overwhelming number of orders! Next time I'll definitely treat you to a meal and thank you!!"

Wen Li looked at the cake in her hand and replied to the person on the other end of the phone, "The design of the clothes is good, so it's natural for them to stand out. You don't need to put all the credit on me."

Although this controversy had a big impact on Wen Li in the early stage, it cannot be denied. With Wen Li being bashed all over the Internet, her popularity has actually increased.

When many people scold Wen Li, they will unconsciously start to search for photos of Wen Li, and they will naturally be attracted to her.

Too many people want to know about this illegitimate daughter of technology tycoon Mu, and it has to be said that IO's identity is indeed enough for her to attract so many fans.

Regardless of her nationality or the identity she used when she first participated in the WFRS competition, no matter which country she is placed in, the top 1 player in God's Domain will always be pursued.

A person who can reach the peak of one thing is already very powerful and can surpass many people.

"Celebrity benefits are there, and more importantly, the exposure this time is the highest in Luan Pei's history. Our official website has crashed many times, and the people in the technical operations department are going crazy. Wen Li, I was right when I first saw your temperament.” Nan Pei said smugly.

The assistant next to her raised her eyebrows. You are sure that you are interested in someone else's temperament rather than their appearance.

You can talk about facial control in such a high-sounding way.

"Don't worry, I will wrap your wedding clothes for you in the future. I will definitely design a good set for you."

According to Fu Yuxiu's love for Wen Li, it is probably not too late for the two of them to get married.

Wen Li smiled and hung up the phone.

At eight o'clock in the evening, many students at USTC were still in the library, and the laboratory building was still brightly lit. From the windows, you could see that many students were still busy, and most of the teachers were still in their offices.

Wen Li went upstairs in a familiar manner and arrived at the door of Jin Lewei's office.

The door is ajar. The entire hallway was lit up, and the lights inside could be seen through the doorway.

The person at the desk was writing with the eye protection lamp on, and her shadow faintly illuminated on the wall next to her.

'Knock Knock'

Jin Lewei raised her head when she heard the sound, poked the glasses on the bridge of her nose with her pen, and immediately smiled when she saw the person at the door, "Come in quickly."

Wen Li put the cake on the table, "Teacher Jin, why don't you take a rest at this late hour?"

"I knew you would come." Jin Lewei walked out from behind the desk, looking at the cake in front of her with soft eyes.

"Happy birthday." Wen Li had a gift box containing a chest-length underskirt that had been delivered to her.

Jin Lewei looked at the girl in front of her slightly, as if she saw her father taking her home for the first time.

The seven-year-old child is thin and small, dirty all over her body, and her bare arms are bruised and purple, but her eyes are very bright and cleaner than anything in the world.

In the blink of an eye, she has grown so big.

"What are you thinking about?" Wen Li opened the cake box, put the numbered candles on it, took out a lighter from her pocket and lit the candles.

After completing these actions smoothly, she pushed the cake in front of Jin Lewei, "Here."

Jin Lewei closed her eyes and clasped her hands together in a decent manner, making a pious wish.

Three birthday wishes.

Every year when Wen Li was away, she made a wish, hoping that the child would come back healthy.

"Thank you." Jin Lewei blew out the candles, cut a piece of cake for Wen Li, and handed it over.

She has always liked sweets, so she would not refuse them.

"You are still the same as before. You like sweet things the most after all these years."

Jin Lewei's eyes turned red when she saw her obedient and well-behaved look. She must have suffered a lot out there alone over the years.

"Aunt Wei, you don't have to cry every time you see me. I'm fine, really fine." Wen Li bit her fork and said without raising her head.

"What I regret most is that I agreed with those people and asked them to take you away. Then you disappeared without a trace for seven or eight years. I don't know if you are living a good life outside."

But just looking at her abilities, Jin Lewei could still guess that this child had a difficult journey.

"No matter how difficult it is, it's over. You don't have to be sentimental about the past. It's you who taught me to look forward." Wen Li said.

When she was brought to Jin's house, Jin Lewei told her that everything was in the past and she had to look forward.

Jin Lewei rubbed her eyes slightly and pointed to the box next to her, "I also asked you why you were so obedient that you accepted the sponsorship from the Dream Club and went to shoot an advertisement. It turned out to be for this dress."

This is something that has not yet been released on the market. She has been busy with classes these two days and has been reading several research papers. She just took the time to take a look and found that the skirts that will be released on the official website of Luan Pei Studio do not have this style.

She also patiently looked for various promotional photos of models sent by Luan Pei, but they still didn't have this style, but the label inside the skirt was clearly embroidered with Luan Pei's logo.

In an instant, Jin Lewei understood why Wen Li, who didn't care about being manipulated by others, became a model.

This child protects the people she cares about with all her life.

"Just a photoshoot, don't worry too much." Wen Li glanced at her.

Jin Lewei carefully closed the box, "It's a pity that I have to spend this time in the laboratory. When I have time, I will take you for a walk outside the city. This skirt will also come in handy."

"En." Wen Li put the empty paper plate on the table and looked at the electronic clock on the table, "It's almost time for me to leave."

"Leaving now?" Jin Lewei stood up.

Wen Li glanced at the red bow gift box placed behind the desk and said meaningfully, "I'm afraid that if I stay any longer, I will delay you."

Jin Lewei blushed slightly, "What are you talking about, kid?"

"Go ahead, happy birthday." Wen Li walked out the door and raised her hand.

Jin Lewei saw the girl's happy back, a smile on her lips, she tilted her head, and there was a photo of the three of them on her desk.

The year she graduated from college, Wen Li and the three of them took the photo together. The girl in the middle was still young, but she could see her breathtaking beauty.

Wen Li's temperament has softened a lot over the years. From not liking to talk or laughing to becoming what she is today, she has also tried her best to change herself.

Dad, have you seen that the child you have been trying to protect has grown up, and now she can find her own place.

Wen Li came down from upstairs, the elevator door opened, and a man walked out, wearing a simple gray sports suit, holding a bouquet of fiery red roses in his left hand, and carrying a cake in a transparent box in his right hand.

Wen Li walked past him and entered the elevator, and could see the curve of the man's mouth rising.

A faint smile appeared on her lips. Everyone has their own life trajectory and the direction they want to go.

It’s 8:30 pm on the campus of USTC.

Wen Li touched the crystal bracelet on her wrist, and a black skateboard appeared in front of her with a light blue halo.

She rode her skateboard along the forest path to the school gate. Along the way, she could see many young couples strolling on the campus.

There are too many crazy technology enthusiasts in this school. Every night you can see students looking for a wide space to test equipment. There are all kinds of new things made, and USTC also encourages students to innovate independently.

In addition to various competitions held every year, the prize money for student invention competitions is also high.

Under such an environment, Wen Li, who went out on her skateboard at night, seemed much more normal.

After all, a male student was sitting with a remote-controlled car in front of him who was waving his arms hard in the hope of flying. Another student was kneeling on the ground and trying to move the device to his side.

When she was about to run out of the path near the complex, a figure appeared and stopped right in front of her.

Wen Li put her foot down to control her speed and stopped one meter away from the person in front of her.

"Classmate Mu Wen Li?" The man called out tentatively.

Wen Li stepped on the skateboard with one foot and looked at the pale man in front of her.

This man happened to be standing under the street lamp, and the light from above hit his face, which was very white with some brilliance.

"Who are you?"

After seeing her face clearly under the brim of the hat, the man relaxed and suddenly became happy.

"Hello, I'm Cheng An." The man raised his hand and handed over a business card.

Wen Li took it and saw the string of small characters at the bottom of the business card.

Researcher at Lei Yuan Research Institute.

That is Professor Lei Yuan's own research institute, located in a courtyard in the southeast corner of the University of Science and Technology, where researchers are also coming in and out.

Lei Yuan does not teach any undergraduate or graduate students in the school. There is an open class every Monday, but every class is full.

However, many postgraduate and doctoral students from the University of Science and Technology will choose to apply for jobs in his institute after graduation. If they really have real skills, they may be admitted.

"Are you free now? Professor Lei would like to invite you to sit in the research room." Cheng An looked at this girl who caused quite a stir as soon as she entered school.

There had been constant rumors about her these days, and the endless comments made him curious about the girl in front of him.

She has an outstanding appearance and a top-notch brain. This is what the Internet calls beauty and intelligence coexisting.

"Not available at the moment." Wen Li returned the business card to him.

Cheng An was not angry, and still had a smile on his face, "Professor Lei said that you may not be willing to deal with people, so let me give this to you. If you are interested, you can go to the institute at any time."

Wen Li looked at the photo in his palm. It was a hollow mechanical ball.

"No, I'll go with you now."

Cheng An was surprised. This is Professor Lei's new work this year. It is indeed quite tempting, but to Wen Li, is it so tempting?

After one glance, she agreed to go to the laboratory with them.

Cheng An followed Wen Li in the car towards the southeast corner of the University of Science and Technology. The entire campus covered an extremely large area, and it would take a long time to walk without auxiliary transportation.

However, at this speed, Cheng An felt a bit disadvantaged as he looked at the girl getting further and further ahead. The school's speed limit meant that his four-wheeled car was outpaced by the skateboard.

The small courtyard in the southeast corner is said to be a small courtyard, but it is surrounded by a hook fence specially built by the University of Science and Technology. The courtyard inside is quite large, with two three-story buildings and facial recognition is required for entry and exit.

After Cheng An parked the car, he saw Wen Li leaning against the door and staring at him. He raised his eyebrows. The little girl was quite obedient and did not rush in directly.

"There are no fixed working hours in our institute. We can adjust them according to the research projects..." Cheng An started introducing Wen Li as soon as he walked in.

The entire courtyard occupies a small area. To ensure the confidentiality of research, strict access control is required. There are only seven or eight researchers in the entire institute.

Professor Lei Yuan has a somewhat weird temperament. He has only recruited two new people in the past five years, and neither of them graduated from the University of Science and Technology.

But the harder it is to get into a place, the more people want it. Every year during the graduation season, countless people submit their resumes to graduate schools.

But it’s just that Lei Yuan doesn’t like it very much.

Cheng An took Wen Li to the middle building. As soon as she entered the door, it was a closed space. It was neat and tidy. Cheng An took a sterilized lab coat from the cabinet and handed it to her.

"To enter the laboratory, you need to wear this."

After Wen Li put on her lab coat, she stood in front of the air cleaning machine. The airflow from the machine washed away the dust on her body, ensuring that dust and the like would not be brought into the laboratory.

Entering the glass-sealed space, the entire room is divided into three transparent glass-sealed areas, where you can see a dazzling array of mechanical parts, unfinished semi-finished products, etc.

The researcher who was still working looked back, then quickly looked away and continued working.

"Professor, I brought Mu Wen Li." Cheng An walked to Lei Yuan who was playing with parts wearing a transparent goggle mask in the middle and spoke.

Lei Yuan turned around and saw Wen Li standing in the rest area wearing a lab coat through the glass.

"Just do the work."

Cheng An nodded, walked to Lei Yuan's workstation and began to continue the work at hand.

"Little girl, sit down." Lei Yuan backed out of the experiment.

Wen Li sat down opposite him. The resting area of ​​the entire laboratory was very simple, unlike any research institute she had ever been to.

"You may not be used to sitting on this sofa. If it is too comfortable, it will affect people's will, so I changed it to a harder one. Are you slumping?"

Furthermore, there has never been a girl in their research institute, and even a group of men can wait on them. When they are busy, they don't rest for days and nights, and they even have a very short time for meals.

"Don't worry about this, I want to know what Professor Lei wants me to do?" Wen Li said.

What attracted her to come was not the photo given by Cheng An. But the portable mobile signal transmitter Lei Yuan made this year.

It's a small gadget, but it's really exquisite.

"I want you to come over, of course, I have to be sincere. You are in IT, and you can do it to the extreme. I know this. Our semi-automatic intelligence needs the help of talents like you."

Wen Li heard the meaning of Lei Yuan's words, and she chuckled, "I remember someone said that Professor Lei Yuan doesn't like to accept apprentices."

She is from the Mu family because he has no choice but to be annoyed by the Mu family. Lei Yuan even publicly said that he would never have a child from the Mu family under Lei Yuan's door.

Lei Yuan shook his head, "This is not about accepting you as an apprentice, but about cooperation."

This little girl's ability is already superior to that of many people. As his apprentice, he really has nothing to teach her.

Although he was unwilling to do so, he had to admit that among the children of the Mu family, a talented person actually emerged in the end.

Could it be that God is helping Mu Kuiyuan.

"I have no interest in cooperating with you." Wen Li refused.

"I have investigated the relationship between you and the Mu family. You were lost when you were five years old. When you returned to the Mu family, you were not taken very seriously. You also know what the Mu family relied on to make their fortune. You are indeed very capable."

In wealthy families, it is common for brothers to compete for family property. Even biological mothers can abandon their children. For the sake of wealth, many people abandon their true feelings.

In particular, Mu Shi still has four children. Mu Shi still has the status of a technology tycoon in country G. Even though the profits in the past two years have been declining year by year, they are not as good as those companies that have just been listed.

But one thing is that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Mu Wen Li has not been in the Mu family for the past fifteen years. If it comes to the distribution of inheritance in the future, Mu Wen Li, a child who has not grown up with him, will definitely not be taken seriously. 

"You also have to think about your future, so if you cooperate with me, your reputation in Mu's family will also increase."

Wen Li looked at him without saying anything, and Lei Yuan immediately smiled. He knew that he looked like a bad guy who was seducing an ignorant girl.

"Furthermore, I have heard of a lot of powerful alliances between Ningzhou's wealthy families. The Mu family has recently been in contact with the Ren family, which started with automation. I heard that the only son of the Ren family is not very normal."

If they really wanted to get married, how could the Mu family be willing to let Mu Nuanxi go, naturally it was Mu Wen Li who had no relationship with them.

Wen Li stared at Lei Yuan for a long time, "I heard from the outside world that Professor Lei is a typical workaholic in science and technology. He is deaf to the outside world and has an eccentric temperament. Only experimental matters can distract him. When will he be interested in the Mu family?" 

Lei Yuan looked at her and saw the sarcasm in the girl's eyes.

"You can always see a lot of things in your life, not only the Mu family but also other families in Ningzhou. However, there has been a lot of similar news since you returned to the Mu family. I can't help it even if I don't want to see it."

The temples on both sides of Lei Yuan have turned gray, but the whole person is still very energetic.

"And I can see that you are still very interested in me. The eyes of gifted children can't deceive. The automation technology I researched can just come in handy. You can also think of it as me soliciting you, I'm an old man who has also lived for a long time, almost his whole life, and to be able to see such a powerful child like you, of course, I've risen up with a love for talent."

Wen Li glanced at the entire laboratory. Although Lei Yuan's laboratory ranked very low on the continent, it was quite famous. It was naturally famous in G country.

"I can see that you kid, is eager to learn, how about it?"

After a while, Wen Li nodded, "Okay."

Lei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "In the future, you can enter and leave the institute at will. Now that we have reached a cooperation, we will be colleagues. When the time comes, don't dislike me, an old man."

According to information, Lei Yuan is seventy years old this year. Because he is obsessed with research, he has never married in his life.

"Cheng An." Lei Yuan called.

Cheng An, who was playing with the cutting machine, stopped and poked his head out of the glass door, "Professor, you called me?"

"Take Wen Li around and let her get familiar with this place."

Cheng An glanced at Wen Li. The professor had convinced Mu Wen Li. This little girl didn't look like the kind of person who would be easily persuaded.

"Go, kid." Lei Yuan said to Wen Li.

Cheng An was very responsible and took Wen Li around the entire building. The first and second floors were laboratories, and the third floor was Professor Lei Yuan's outstanding works over the years.

Wen Li has seen the results of many research institutes, but in the field of semi-automation, Lei Yuan does have a strong say.

"Our professor has made many outstanding achievements over the years, but this is what made him famous back then."

Cheng An pointed at the things hanging on the wall and introduced them proudly.

"Is this a chip?"

Cheng An nodded, "Although the professor has withdrawn from this field in recent years, he made a name for himself with this chip."

"This chip has never been sold."

Wen Li remembered the reason why the Mu family tried so hard to keep the Mu family's children close to Lei Yuan. Lei Yuan never married and had no children. No one would inherit the unsold chip.

What Mr. Mu is thinking about is probably this chip.

"The professor said that when he is a hundred years from now, he will donate this to the country." Cheng An said.

Lei Yuan's health has not been very good these years. He has been to the hospital several times this year. I think he can't hold on anymore.


"Cough cough cough..." Lei Yuan covered his lips and coughed hard, gasping for air.

The man in a white lab coat came out behind him and handed him a handkerchief and poured him a glass of hot water.

"Why are you doing this? It's time to go to the hospital for treatment." The man sighed.

Lei Yuan gasped, looking at the mottled blood on the white handkerchief, a smile appeared on the old man's lips.

"It's still early. My bones can still hold on. Ahem...'

Xu Mingjian shook his head, "I've read your examination report, and your body can't hold it anymore. Professor, just put down some things."

It may not be a good thing to keep some obsessions for a lifetime, and it is time to let go of those that should be let go.

"Don't worry, I have been waiting for this opportunity for so many years, and there is absolutely no way I will give up."

Lei Yuan's eyes were firm. He had been waiting in despair, but he didn't expect that God had arranged for Mu Wen Li to appear.

That child was an opportunity for him, an opportunity that he could never give up.

Xu Mingjian was also afraid that if Lei Yuan's obsession for so many years was achieved and the breath in his chest dissipated, he might...

"Ming Jian, remember to send the news out tomorrow. Mu Kuiyuan has always hoped that the children of the Mu family could become my apprentices. Of course, I must tell them such big good news."

Lei Yuan clutched his chest and panted heavily. He looked very weak, but his eyes were extremely determined.

"Do you really think Mu Wen Li can help? She is a child of the Mu family." Xu Mingjian reminded.

Lei Yuan shook his head, "Although she is a child of the Mu family, she did not grow up in the Mu family and has no feelings for the Mu family. She is exactly what I need."

Unlike Mu Chenxing and Mu Nuanxi, Mu Wenli does not have such deep feelings for the Mu family, and it is impossible to protect the Mu family.

It's hard to say about human feelings. Judging from all the information he could collect, it seemed that there was quite a lot of rift between Mu Wen Li and the Mu family.


Xu Mingjian was still worried that the professor was too radical, what if Mu Wen Li was not what they thought.

It's hard to talk about feelings in the first place, and children who have been abandoned cherish their feelings very much. If Mu Wen Li's treatment of the Mu family is not what they imagined, then they won't lose more than they gain.

"Ming Jian, you don't have to try to persuade me. I know what I'm doing. This is my only chance and I can't give it up no matter what."

He has been waiting for this opportunity for so many years. If he doesn't seize it this time, he may never get another chance.

His body may never be able to hold on to such an opportunity again.


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