Saturday, June 1, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 63 - Old Madam Jiang is Back

 Jiang Ning was a little surprised. Why would her elder brother send someone to find her?

The servant continued, "The eldest young master said that he sent a copybook a few days ago, and now he wants to check how the lady's calligraphy is doing, so as not to waste the copybook."

Jiang Ning was silent. She didn't expect that her eldest brother would attach so much importance to her studies. She just gave him an inkstone, and he personally compiled calligraphy books for her and supervised her calligraphy practice.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ning followed the servant to Jiang Mingcheng's courtyard.

Jiang Mingcheng prepared pen and ink in the study room and was slowly grinding the ink. When he saw Jiang Ning, he said lightly, "Come here and write."

Jiang Ning walked over, picked up the brush, and silently wrote poems.

After practicing for a few days, she already has the style of Jiang Mingcheng's calligraphy.

Jiang Mingcheng was studying ink on the side and watching Jiang Ning write. He didn't expect much at first, but he was a little surprised when he saw that the words written by Jiang Ning had some traces of his style.

Although the strength is not strong enough, the writing power is as skillful as an experienced one, as if she has practiced calligraphy for a long time.

After finishing writing, Jiang Ning put down the brush and said, "Brother, how was my writing? Where do I need to improve?"

Jiang Mingcheng was silent for a moment and pointed out a few places. But generally speaking, there was no problem at all.

"I didn't expect you to work so hard and make such great progress in just a few days."

Jiang Ning smiled slightly, "Brother gave me a copybook, so of course I have to practice calligraphy hard to avoid smearing Elder Brother's face."

Jiang Mingcheng's cold face showed some appreciation, and he nodded, "You did a good job."

Jiang Ning raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Mingcheng. She didn't know her eldest brother well, but calling her here today didn't seem to be to just check her calligraphy practice. 

Jiang Mingcheng paused, with a somewhat hesitant look on his face, and slowly said, "What happened to Minglan is what he deserves. You don't have to take it to heart."

"He is a stubborn person and will not come to you to apologize. You don't need to pay attention to him."

Jiang Ning was a little stunned. Her eldest brother called her over just to say these words?

Jiang Mingcheng looked at her with a gentle expression, "Don't wait for him in the yard..."

Jiang Ning is speechless.

Jiang Mingcheng came looking for her because she had been staying in the Ning'an Courtyard for two days. He thought she was waiting for Jiang Minglan, so he reminded her especially.

In fact, Jiang Ning really wanted to say that she was not waiting for anyone at all, she was just seizing the time to practice her homework.

"Brother..." I was about to explain.

Jiang Mingcheng's eyes were a little warm, and he patted her shoulder, "You've practiced calligraphy very well, and your poetry cannot be left behind. I have a few books here, take them over and read them."

After speaking, he packed some books and handed them to her.

"I will test you in a few days."

Jiang Ning couldn't keep her expression calm as she looked at the heavy homework.

This must be the care from her eldest brother, but... this care was too heavy, and she had to stay up all night to read again.

Jiang Ning returned to Ning'an Courtyard and frowned as she looked at the piles of books.

She regretted giving the inkstone to her eldest brother.

She originally thought that her eldest brother was a cold and indifferent person, but she didn't expect that under his cold appearance, he would care so much about his sister.


On this day, as it approached the twilight, several horse-drawn carriages slowly drove into the city gates.

Lord Jiang changed his clothes and solemnly went to the door to greet them.

Madam Lin sent a message to Aunt Gui, to quickly prepare Jiang Ning to go out together to meet the Old Madam Jiang.

Aunt Gui was in a panic and hurriedly washed and changed Jiang Ning's clothes, preparing everything meticulously. 

Old Madam Jiang went to Jiangnan to visit relatives for two whole months. She said she would come back at the end of the month, but they didn't expect her to arrive so soon.

Everyone in the Hou Mansion was in a hurry, and the atmosphere was tense.

Jiang Ning stood quietly while Aunt Gui took care of her.

Old Madam Jiang...

When she thought of the Old Madam Jiang her knees subconsciously felt sore.


Old Runa is back too Yay! 
I apologize it took a long, long, long time.
I had to focus on the construction of our small getaway place
and it took ages for me to finally find time to get back my laptop 
and do some translating.
I hope everyone is in good health.


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