Wednesday, June 5, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 67 - Second Sister, Look what I Brought

 Chun  Lan on the side heard this and nodded, her face pale and ugly.

"Yes, everyone in the capital knows about this matter. How could the old lady and the master do that...isn't this pushing the young lady to death!?"

Jiang Ning's face darkened. The old lady's words meant that she had already made up her mind to send her there.

After escaping Xu Yuanqing, another young master Lu came.

It's just... oh, she's not a puppet who can be manipulated by others. Her marriage is decided by her, and it's not anyone else's turn to dictate.

Old Madam Jiang and Lord Jiang had never raised her for a day, and they already planned to use her in exchange for benefits.

Very thick-skinned!

Chun Lan stamped her feet anxiously, "Why don't you tell Madam about this? Madam will definitely not agree to this marriage! Madam loves you so much, why would she watch you jump into the fire pit?"

Jiang Ning frowned and tightened her grip on her handkerchief, "No."

Her mother loved her dearly and would indeed not agree to this marriage.

But...even her mother can't disobey the old lady's order.

Besides, her mother's life was already very difficult under the old lady's nose, so she couldn't cause any more trouble for her.

Old Madam Jiang was born from a famous family, and she valued family status the most. When Marquis Jiang wanted to marry Miss Lin, Old Madam Jiang strongly opposed it because Lin was from a lowly merchant family.

Lord Jiang insisted, but Old Madam Jiang had no choice but to agree.

Relying on the dowry and property brought by the Lin family, the Marquis family grew steadily, paving the way for the Marquis family to become an official. Even so, the old lady still looked down on Lin family, thinking that she was full of copper odor and could not get to the top.

Jiang Ning's eyes darkened, and her face became slightly cold.

She will find a way to cancel this marriage on her own.

Chun Lan was so anxious that she got angry. How could the young lady not be anxious? Second Young Master Lu was very evil. All the women who got involved would die! 

Jiang Ning said quietly, "You should pretend that you didn't hear what happened today. Don't reveal it to the outside world. I believe that the old lady has the intention of climbing high and will not hurriedly pass me off to the Lu family."

How could a person who cares about reputation as much as the old lady do something like pushing her granddaughter into a pit of fire? She would definitely plan things slowly and logically arrange things.

She didn't have to worry, she still had time to think of a solution.

"Don't even mention it to my mother. Don't let her know about this." Jiang Ning looked at Chun Lan and solemnly instructed her.

Although Chun Lan was worried, she still nodded, "I will listen to the young miss."

After Jiang Ning finished her instructions, she looked at Shuang Yue.

Shuang Yue was stared at by her, and she lowered her head with a guilty conscience. She was a secret guard next to Chu Yunli, but she was eavesdropping on the corner of the Marquis Mansion. Would the young miss think that she was up to no good and wanted to drive her away?

Jiang Ning looked at Shuang Yue for a long time. Shuang Yue was picking at the corners of her clothes, almost making holes in them.

After a while, Jiang Ning finally said, "Be careful next time, the Marquis Mansion also has guards."

Shuang Yue raised her head in surprise, the lady didn't scold her?


Jiang Ning said calmly, "I know you won't harm me. If you want to harm me, I wouldn't be able to survive till now."

After a few days of getting along, Jiang Ning has figured out Shuang Yue's temperament. Although Shuang Yue looks cold on the surface, she is actually kind-hearted and does her duty to protect her.

She would climb up to the roof to sleep at night, and any movement in the Ning An courtyard could not escape her vigilance.

How could Jiang Ning doubt such a loyal guard?

Shuang Yue's face couldn't help but move, and her heart warmed up at this moment.

Jiang Ning smiled faintly, "Next time, just go inside and sleep. There won't be any danger at night... I'm still a young lady from the Marquis Mansion, so she won't dare to do anything."

Shuang Yue nodded in agreement, and she secretly swore in her heart that she would protect the young lady, not just because of the Master's orders. At this moment, she wanted to protect Jiang Ning from the bottom of her heart.


After Old Madam Jiang came back, there were changes in the mansion.

Jiang Minglan no longer had to go to the ancestral hall to kneel, and immediately went out happily. The two days of kneeling as a punishment almost suffocated him to death.

He immediately went to Dingfeng Tower for a meal.

Jiang Mengyue was also released from confinement, but she did not step out of the room. She still stayed in the room, probably waiting for the news in the capital to die down. After all, the incident between her and Xu Yuanqing was only reported a few days ago.

When Jiang Minglan came back from Dingfeng Tower, he packed a roast duck that Jiang Mengyue liked.

In Jiang Mengyue's courtyard.

Jiang Minglan walked in carrying the roast duck and said with a smile, "Second sister, do you see what I brought?"


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