Tuesday, June 25, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 80 - Find Doctor Xue's Granddaughter

 Ever since Chu Yunli arrived, the atmosphere had become weird.

The ladies' eyes seemed to fall on Jiang Ning, as if they wanted to see what was so special about her that she can make Lord Chu give her a kite.

Princess Hualian stared at Jiang Ning coldly for a while, then slowly walked over, suppressed the coldness on her face, and showed a faint smile, "So this kite is yours..."

Jiang Ning saw the unkindness in Princess Hualian's eyes. No matter how well she hid it, there was still a hint of jealousy that could not be concealed.

She nodded, "I drew the kite."

Princess Hualian smiled and said, "I haven't flown a kite for a long time. Can you let me fly it?"

She didn't seem to care at all about what happened just now, and she didn't seem to be jealous at all.

If one doesn't know, one would really think that Princess Hualian just wants to fly a kite.

Jiang Ning handed the kite over. It was just a kite. It didn't count. If she wanted it, just give it to her.

Princess Hualian took the kite and lowered her gaze with a cold look in her eyes. "It's been too long... I've forgotten how to fly it. Can you teach me?"

In fact, Jiang Ning wanted to say that she wasn't very good at flying it. It was Jin Weilan who did it just now, and she was just watching from the side.

But at this moment, she didn't want to involve Weilan. Princess Hualian was narrow-minded and didn't know what would happen, so she taught her to fly a kite herself.

"Hold here..."

"Just wait until the kite starts flying and slowly let out the string."

Jiang Ning taught Princess Hualian how to fly a kite, while being wary of her and tense all over.

Princess Hualian looked serious and was flying the string of the kite. She seemed to be having a lot of fun.

The kite flew higher and higher. Princess Hualian stepped back and stepped back. Jiang Ning was teaching the princess how to fly the kite. Naturally, she couldn't go too far, so she followed her and moved together.

The cold wind blew through, causing goosebumps.

Princess Hualian glanced at Jiang Ning out of the corner of her eye and then glanced at the lotus pond not far away.

The two of them were getting closer and closer to the lotus pond.

Princess Hualian was flying the kite and calculating the distance. When she walked to the lotus pond, she suddenly bumped into Jiang Ning.

The pool in March is freezing cold. If you fall in, you will freeze to death and lose face.

Jiang Ning had been wary of Princess Hualian. Although the princess acted calmly, there was a hint of jealousy deep in her eyes that could not be concealed. 

These days, she practices kung fu with Shuang Yue every morning, and with the help of Doctor Xue's medicinal bath, her body becomes stronger and her basic skills are solid.

Nowadays, the reaction speed is much more sensitive than that of ordinary people, the movements are agile, and the steps are fast.

Princess Hualian obviously hit Jiang Ning, but somehow missed her and fell straight into the lotus pond.


Princess Hualian fell into the lotus pond.

Jiang Ning's eyes darkened. Sure enough, there was something fishy. If she hadn't avoided in time, she would be the one who fell into the pool now.


"The County princess fell into the water..."

After everyone was stunned, they realized and called for help. The maid next to Princess Hualian immediately jumped into the water to fish her out.

Soon, she was saved out of the water.

Princess Hualian was soaked all over, her face was livid with cold, her whole body was shivering, and she couldn't say a word.

"Princess, are you okay?"

"Princess..." The noble ladies gathered around, looking worried.

The maid hurriedly covered Princess Hualian with clothes, hurriedly took her to the guest room, and invited a doctor to see her.

Everyone gathered around Princess Hualian. Jiang Ning's side was deserted. Jin Weilan hurriedly walked over and asked worriedly, "A'ning, are you okay? The princess fell into the water, what should we do..."

Jiang Ning looked at Princess Hualian, "Everyone saw it. She fell into the water by herself."


Jin Weilan breathed a sigh of relief. They all saw clearly that it was indeed Princess Hualian who accidentally fell. Fortunately, Jiang Ning did not fall. The water in this pool was ice cold, and they didn't know what would happen.

Lu Xinyi's coming-of-age ceremony was hastily held because Princess Hualian fell into the water.

Although Princess Hualian accidentally fell into the pool, the Lu family still wanted to express some condolences for the incident that happened in the Lu Family.

Others went home one after another.

Old Madam Jiang took Jiang Mengyue and Jiang Ning back in a carriage.

Jiang Mengyue was silent all the way back, holding the handkerchief tightly. 

This is too weird.

It seems that if Jiang Ning is involved, it will become very weird.

But no matter what, Jiang Ning and Princess Hualian's relationship is completely tied, and she will have a good life in the future.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mengyue felt a little more relaxed.

Princess Hualian fell into a coma after falling into the water and was rescued. She didn't wake up until she was carried back to the Prince's Mansion.

When she learned that she was the only one who fell into the water and that Jiang Ning was safe, she was so angry that she was shaking all over and almost fainted again.

"Who is she?"

The maid truthfully informed Princess Hualian of Jiang Ning's identity.

"Jiang Ning..." Princess Hualian muttered, remembering the name firmly and holding it deeply in her heart. 

She did not think of the fact that she was the one who wanted to hit Jiang Ning and she just fell into the water first, but she put all the blame on Jiang Ning.


Jiang Ning's life returned to normal, and she began to learn medical skills from Doctor Xue.

Jiang Ning walked out of the gate of the Marquis Mansion and got on the carriage. The driver drove the carriage away.

In the darkness, several eyes were watching the carriage.

Driving to the bustling streets of the capital, Jiang Ning opened the curtain and looked out, wondering if she should bring some pastries. She hadn't been to Grandpa Xue's place for a few days, so she couldn't go empty-handed.

Shuang Yue was also sitting in the carriage at the moment. Jiang Ning would take her with her every time she went out. Although nothing would happen, bringing a maid who knew kung fu would make her feel more at ease.

Shuangyue looked through the curtain at a place on the street corner, her expression gloomy.

Jiang Ning asked the driver to stop and bought cakes and wine.

The carriage continued to drive unsteadily, passing through several streets.

Shuangyue reached out and opened the curtain slightly, her eyes were cold, and her face became darker and darker. After a while, she said, "Miss, some people are following the carriage."

Jiang Ning also looked through the gap in the curtain, but couldn't see anything, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, but they have been following you since the gate of the Marquis Mansion." Shuang Yue is a secret guard trained by Chu Yunli. She is extremely vigilant, and ordinary people cannot escape her vigilance.

Jiang Ning's face darkened slightly.

She probably knew who was staring at her...

"In that case, let's get another carriage."

"Yes." Shuangyue responded.

When the carriage turned the corner, Shuangyue and Jiang Ning jumped out of the carriage and disappeared around the corner.

The people who were following them in secret did not notice their actions and continued to follow the carriage.

It wasn't until the group of people left that Jiang Ning and Shuang Yue came out.

Jiang Ning turned around, "Since they want to follow, let's follow... Let's go, don't waste time, Grandpa Xue is still waiting."

Shuang Yue watched the group of people go away with a gloomy look. She didn't respond until she heard Jiang Ning's words.

Jiang Ning arrived at Doctor Xue's residence and continued to learn medical skills and process herbs as usual.

In the yard, Chu Yunli had arrived a long time ago and saw Jiang Ning raising his face.

Jiang Ning moved a bunch of herbs to the yard to process, picked up the stone mill, and began to pound the herb seeds with difficulty.

"Bring it over." Chu Yunli said coldly, took the stone mill from Jiang Ning's hand, and began to handle it very familiarly. The two of them sat in the yard, their figures harmonious.

Jiang Ning held her chin in her hand and said nothing.

The group of people following her today, without much thought, she could guess that they were Princess Hualian's people.

Princess Hualian completely hates her...

When Chu Yunli saw that Jiang Ning was not looking at him as usual, he felt a little uncomfortable for some reason and deliberately knocked on the stone mill.

Only then did Jiang Ning come back to her senses, "Don't use too much force, you'll drop the herb seeds."

After hearing her saying something lightly, he became quiet again, seeming to be thinking about something.

Under the eaves, Shuangyue and Yuanfeng stood far away. Yuanfeng found it very incredible that his master would take the initiative to take over the work from Miss Jiang, and he seemed to be so skilled that he must have done it more than once or twice.

Aren’t you here to seek medical help from Divine Doctor Xue? 

He really couldn't understand what his Lord was planning.

Jiang Ning was silent for a long time, shook her head, and stopped thinking about Princess Hualian. If Princess Hualian dared to do anything to her, she would never swallow her anger.

She turned her face and looked at Chu Yunli, "Who are you seeking medical treatment for?"

Chu Yunli paused in the action of crushing the herbal seeds, lowered his eyes, and crushed them with dull force over and over again.

Jiang Ning realized that she had gone overboard, and because she was used to Chu Yunli's presence, she asked casually.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."

If Doctor Xue doesn't want to treat people, there should be some inside story.

Chu Yunli was silent for a while and then said, "It's the Queen Mother."

At this time, Divine Doctor Xue happened to pass by and snorted coldly, "I will never enter the palace, and I will not treat anyone in the royal family. Even if you put a knife on my neck, it will be useless!"

Doctor Xue said decisively, turned around and walked into the house.

Doctor Xue has such a temperament that he won't heal people he doesn't want to heal even if he is coerced.

Jiang Ning lowered her face, thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something. She raised her face and looked at Chu Yunli, "Lord Chu, there is something that may sway Divine Doctor Xue."

Chu Yunli wanted to seek medical treatment, while Doctor Xue wanted to find his long-lost granddaughter.

Jiang Ning wanted to help, but she was weak and even if she asked Yu Er to look for her, he wouldn't be able to find anything. 

She informed Chu Yunli about this, and Chu Yunli's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Jiang Ning hoped that she could find Doctor Xue's granddaughter early this time. So he would not have to go through the pain of losing her like in her previous life.


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