Sunday, June 23, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 78 - I Will Fix it, Just Wait

 Jiang Mengyue went from looking like a star holding the moon to suddenly becoming embarrassed when her clothes got soaked.

Jin Weilan almost couldn't help to clap her hands and applauded, "A'ning, did you see it? Huh, look at her triumphant look, even God can't stand it!"

Jiang Ning said nothing, her eyes were deep.

Jiang Mengyue knew how to watch people's words. She noticed Princess Hualian's gaze, and that's why she deliberately bumped into the maid and got her clothes wet. Otherwise, she would become a thorn in Princess Hualian's side.

It must be said that she was very decisive and made a decision that was beneficial to herself.

Jin Weilan didn't understand the twists and turns here. Seeing Jiang Mengyue's clothes were ruined, she felt very happy. She smiled brightly and said, "A'ning, let's go fly a kite! I saw someone flying a kite in the front yard... 

Jiang Ning was originally not interested in flying kites.

But Jin Weilan took her hand and waved, "Let's go together. I haven't flown a kite for a long time."

"Okay then." Jiang Ning finally agreed.


In another part of the courtyard, where the male guests are, young men from aristocratic families gather together to play archery.

At this time, a figure stepped across the courtyard gate and walked in.

Everyone looked over, with surprise on their faces.

It's Chu Yunli.

Chu Yunli didn't like liveliness, and it was rare to see him at gatherings. Even if everyone wanted to make friends with him, they couldn't find a chance. How could he suddenly appear in the Lu family now? 

Everyone's expressions suddenly became subtle.

"Brother Chu!" Master Lu's eyes flashed when he saw Chu Yunli, and he immediately ran over, "It's not easy to meet you. The last time I asked you to come out for a cruise, you didn't come out. People who don't know thought you were a monk. 

Lu Mingyuan put a hand on Chu Yunli's shoulder and spoke in a friendly tone.

Chu Yunli did not push him away, his face was calm.

Only then did everyone realize that Chu Yunli and the second young master of the Lu family had similar temperaments and were close drinking buddies, so it was no wonder they were here.

Lu Mingyuan took Chu Yunli to the stone table nearby, "Come and sit down, I've got a few pots of old wine!"

Chu Yunli sat opposite Lu Mingyuan and looked at him thoughtfully.

Lu Mingyuan didn't notice his expression and poured a glass of wine. The aroma of the wine overflowed, and he couldn't help but take a breath of intoxication, "I spent a lot of effort to get it. No one gave it to me. I heard you were coming, so I especially reserved it for you."

"Have a try..."

At Lu Mingyuan's urging, Chu Yunli picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

After finishing the drink, he put down his wine glass and said calmly, "Do you know the meaning of the Lu family's coming-of-age ceremony?"

Lu Mingyuan drank two drinks in succession before replying, "What else can it mean? Third sister's birthday, of course, will have a hair pin ceremony!"

Chu Yunli stared at his face, "You really don't know?"


"Mrs. Lu is looking for a girl for you."

Lu Mingyuan just took a sip of wine when he choked and coughed, "Cough cough cough..." His face turned red when he coughed, "What did you say?"

Chu Yunli's face was calm, but there was a dark look deep in his eyes, which was a bit complicated.

A few days ago, he discovered that Jiang Ning no longer went to Doctor Xue. Looking at the empty courtyard, he felt a little disappointed. 

Things were far from that simple. If they were just attending the hairpin ceremony, there was no need for Old Madam Jiang to come in person. He guessed that the Jiang family intended to marry into the Lu family.

Jiang Ning and Lu Mingyuan will get married...

Thinking of this, he even frowned without realizing it.

Lu Mingyuan coughed for a long time before he recovered and opened his eyes wide, "How did you know?"

Chu Yunli lowered his eyes, "The Hairpin Ceremony was held in such a grand manner, and she also posted messages to various aristocratic families. Mrs. Lu's meaning is very obvious."

Lu Mingyuan frowned, "Oh, I told you that I'm not suitable for getting married. I was born to be a monk! But the old lady didn't believe it. As soon as I said I wanted to shave my head and become a monk, she threatened to hang herself..."

"I really have nothing to do with the old lady..." Lu Mingyuan sighed deeply, "No matter what, I will never harm a girl again."

Chu Yunli raised his face and looked at him, "You don't want to get married?"

"Of course!" Lu Mingyuan nodded. He had already harmed three girls. Although they all died of illness, he felt very sorry.

There was once a blind man who predicted that he was destined to be a monk and would not be able to have a family in this life.

Now that I think about it, the blind man's calculation was quite accurate.

After hearing this, Chu Yunli raised the corners of his mouth slightly, picked up the wine glass, "Here, drink."

"Okay!" Lu Mingyuan clinked his glasses and downed the drink in one gulp. "This wine is really good. It took me a lot of effort to get it."

The two of them only drank one pot, not more. After all, there were many people present, and it would not be good if they smelled of alcohol.

Lu Mingyuan took Chu Yunli away to burn the alcohol, walked out of the yard, and went for a walk in the garden. It was clean there, and the less noise in his ears would help him sober up faster.

The two walked to the lotus pond, blew in the wind, and took a deep breath.

The surroundings are quiet, which is indeed a good place to sober up.

Chu Yunli put his hands behind his back and looked at the lotus in front of him. The wind was gentle and the sun was bright, and the breeze was just right. There was a shadow circling and dancing in the sky. He couldn't help but raise his head and look.

It's a kite that looks like a swallow.

The kite hovered in the sky, and a woman's laughter came from not far away.

Lu Mingyuan said, "That's where the female guests are. I didn't expect them to come here to fly kites."

"Oops!" came the exclamation.

The kite circled twice in the air and fell down, just not far from the two of them.

When Lu Mingyuan saw the kite, he trotted over to pick it up and looked at it over and over, "This swallow is painted very lifelike and is considered exquisite. I don't know who painted it. There is no such kite in my house..."

Two figures came over not far away, walking very quickly.

"A'ning, the kite fell. Alas, I wish I had not pulled the string so tightly..." The tone was very annoyed.

"That's the kite you painted. Those sold on the market are not as good as the one you painted... I don't know if I can still pick it up, but I saw it fell near here..."

Jin Weilan said anxiously, "I'm looking here, A'ning, go over there and have a look!"

Lu Mingyuan heard the woman's voice and wanted to say that he picked up the kite.

At this moment, Chu Yunli suddenly snatched the kite from his hand.

Lu Mingyuan was stunned, "Brother Chu, what are you doing grabbing the kite?"

Chu Yunli, "I'll give it back."


This was the first time that Lu Mingyuan saw Brother Chu being so active.

After a while, a slender figure walked over, getting closer and closer. Chu Yunli could tell at a glance that it was Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning was slightly startled when she saw Chu Yunli, and then saw the kite in his hand. The fallen kite turned out to be picked up by him.

She walked over, raised her face and said, "Mr. Chu, I dropped this kite."

Chu Yunli handed over the kite.

Jiang Ning was about to take the kite, but he took his hand back.

"Here... it's broken."

He turned the kite over, and a bamboo bone on the back of the kite was broken. A broken kite cannot fly.

Jiang Ning looked regretful. It seemed that it was broken when it fell down. In this way, the kite was destroyed... Weilan liked this kite very much, so she could only draw a new one for her later.

Jiang Ning was  about to speak when Chu Yunli said, "I can fix it, just wait for a while."

Jiang Ning was stunned and waved her hand hurriedly, "No need to trouble Mr. Chu, it's just a kite. Just draw another one..." How could she let the future regent help her repair a kite.

Not allowing her to refuse, Chu Yunli turned and asked Lu Mingyuan, "Is there any bamboo?"

Lu Mingyuan nodded subconsciously, "Yes, yes."

Chu Yunli left with the kite.

Jiang Ning looked at Chu Yunli's leaving figure. It took her a while to realize that the man standing next to him seemed to be Mr. Lu?

She was only paying attention to Chu Yunli, but she didn't see the Second Young Master Lu next to him. It was this Second Young Master Lu who she said was going to marry her, and he might be the starting point for breaking off the engagement.

Jin Weilan walked over with a frustrated look on her face, "A'ning, have you found the kite?"

Jiang Ning came back to her senses and nodded, "Found it."

"Where's the kite?"

"The kite..." Jiang Ning looked hesitant, "The bamboo bone is broken, someone took it to repair it."

Jin Weilan blinked curiously, "Who is it?"


Jiang Ning and Jin Weilan were sitting in the pavilion bored. Chu Yunli took the kite away and said he would help fix it, so they could only wait here.

After waiting for a long time, Jin Weilan was a little bored, "A'ning, can he repair the kite? Otherwise, let's go back first..."

Jiang Ning nodded, she thought so too, she couldn't wait here forever.

The two of them were about to go back when they saw a group of noble ladies walking towards them.

The one surrounded in the middle was Princess Hualian.

Lu Xinyi said as she walked, "There is a lotus pond in front of you, but the lotus flowers haven't bloomed yet. There are koi in the pond. You can take a look at the koi..."

They happened to meet each other, and now they didn't have to go back to the yard.

Jiang Ning and Jin Weilan walked among the ladies and looked at the koi fish together.

Jiang Mengyue changed her clothes and her face was not very good-looking. She glanced at Princess Hualian's face several times and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Princess Hualian was no longer staring at her.


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