Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 61 - Are you Hungry

 "...That's something you have to think about."

Li Su pulled out his leg, but Murong Yun held her tightly, and for a while, he couldn't pull out.

"Don't, think about it, you saved me, but if you just leave like this, this princess will be eaten by some weird things. Wouldn't your hard work be in vain?"

"How can we not work for nothing."

Murong Yun just gave him a reason. After Li Su listened, he also thought she had a point...

He looked down at Murong Yun, who had a stubborn look on her face and looked like she wouldn't let go until he relented. He sighed slightly and softened his tone.

"Relax, I won't leave."


Seeing Li Su's compromise, Murong Yun immediately let go and followed his movements with her eyes.

Li Su felt uncomfortable looking at her, so he turned around, rolled up his sleeves, and went to the stream to wash his hands, washing away the blood that had been stained on his hands before.

After a day of hard work, it was already approaching sunset and it was late autumn. Murong Yun was anxious when she came out in the morning and wore light clothes, but now they were not enough.

Moreover, she was injured and had been tortured by the Huan Luo flower poison before. When the autumn wind blew, she felt hungry and cold.

She glanced at Li Su, who washed his hands and sat on another boulder not far away, closing his eyes and meditating to regain spiritual energy.

Obviously not aware of the cold.

Looking at it, she can't expect this fairy-like person to collect firewood.

Helpless, she could only limp by herself and picked up some dead branches nearby.

She managed to get a small pile together, but when it came to making a fire...she didn't have the superb skills to drill wood to make fire.

Moreover, her aura is wood and cannot make fire.

Life is not easy, Murong Yun sighed and decided to focus on Li Su. Li Su's attribute is light, which is a mutation of the fire attribute. Theoretically, his spiritual power can be converted into the fire attribute to create fire...

Then, Murong Yun moved her body, carefully approached Li Su, and first waved her hand in his face.

Li Su had heard Murong Yun's movements a long time ago, but he didn't care about her because he didn't have enough spiritual energy in his body. At this time, there was wind on his face, so naturally, he could no longer pretend not to know.

"What's the matter, County Princess?"

Li Su didn't open his eyes, but asked directly.

"Um, can you help light a fire?"

Murong Yun was talking in a good voice and was discussing with a flattering smile on her face. Unfortunately, Li Su had his eyes closed and didn't see it.

However, even listening to that sound, he could guess something.

Then he opened his eyes, and his gray-blue eyes fell on Murong Yun, who was sitting in front of him. Her expression was extremely poor. Through her slightly trembling body, he realized that the weather had turned cold.

He can indeed light fire with spiritual energy, and... Murong Yun has already known about his strength, so there is no need to hide it in front of her.

"Help me light a fire. I'm mainly freezing to death. If you don't save me, won't your work be in vain?"

Murong Yun had a pleading look in her eyes, looking as if he didn't help then it was he who suffered the loss.

That's all, Li Su raised his hand, and easily summoned a flame with white light with his fingertips, and threw it on the pile of firewood that had been placed in front of him.

The pile of firewood was instantly ignited, and the warm yellow fire brought warmth and drove away most of the chill on Murong Yun's body.

When Murong Yun saw this, her face showed happiness and satisfaction, and she stretched out her hands to warm in the fire.

After lighting the fire, Li Su closed his eyes again, but suddenly thought of something that concerned him, so he asked:

"Since the princess was poisoned, why didn't she use Jie Yudan. 

Jie Yudan, a sixth-grade detoxifying elixir that can detoxify hundreds of poisons. Murong Yun had given it to him before when she kidnapped him.


Murong Yun was enjoying himself by the fire, but he didn't expect that Li Su would take the initiative to speak and ask this question.

She thought for a while and then remembered what the Jie Yudan mentioned by the other party was. 


When Murong Yun recalled this, she felt helpless. It was indeed gone. Who would have known that the original owner was carrying a bottle of Jie Yu Dan around with her. Even she thought that although this thing was expensive, depending on the identity of the original owner, there might be no shortage of it.

But who would have thought that when she wanted to replenish the necessary elixirs for going out afterward, she would find that those were the only two pills in the princess mansion...

Not to mention, the house did not have all the precious elixirs she imagined, otherwise, how could she not carry a few bottles of therapeutic pills that are essential like in TV dramas.

Because most of the inheritance of elixirs in this world has been cut off long ago, being able to own two sixth-grade elixirs is already very wealthy.

What made her regret the most was that of the two pills, one was just for aphrodisiac, forget it, and the other one was actually tried by her casually to prove that this thing was okay!

Oh my God, Murong Yun couldn't help but feel regret when she thought of this.

She didn't know for a moment whether the original owner was stupid or she was even more stupid.

As soon as the answer came out, even Li Su opened his eyes again in shock, obviously thinking of the previous incident where the other party randomly tested the medicine in front of him...

But, then again, Murong Yun had swallowed the Jie Yudan before, and the old poison in her body was still there, which meant that the Jie Yudan could not cure it.

But he asked more questions.

Perhaps Li Su took the initiative to ask questions, and Murong Yun felt that the relationship between the two was better than she imagined.

It could also be that Li Su's current appearance is still a bit immature from his adult state in two years, which makes her completely relaxed.

As soon as the fire was turned on and the fire became warmer, she felt... hungry and even more uncomfortable...

When her stomach growled again, clamoring for food, Murong Yun rubbed her stomach helplessly.

She wanted to endure it for a while, but unfortunately, in the stream not far away, because of the moonlight, the fish in the water relaxed a little, and there were noises from time to time, which she could not ignore even if she wanted to.

Forget it, she couldn't help it anymore. Murong Yun briefly left the warm fire and looked at the stream.

The moonlight is quite bright tonight. With the faint light, Murong Yun can easily see the fish swimming freely in the water, some big and some small, very lively.

Unfortunately, in her current state, even a slightly larger movement would involve injuries to her back shoulders, as well as minor injuries and bruises on her body.

No, she turned her attention to Li Su again. She had no choice but to do so. He was the only living person around him...

Li Su's face looked more and more like a fairy under the moonlight. When she thought of asking such a person to catch fish for her, Murong Yun hesitated for a moment, but her stomach was still growling, it needed food.

Therefore, Murong Yun swallowed her saliva and mustered up the courage to speak out again.

"Li Su?"

Murong Yun shouted first. Li Su heard the sound and looked sideways at the person who had changed her location, with questioning eyes in his gray-blue eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Murong Yun reminded him tactfully.



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