Friday, June 14, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 69 - Only the Second Sister is Suitable

 "Where's the boss? I heard that this is the only place that sells Cloud Brocade Cloth!" Jiang Minglan's forehead was covered with sweat. He ran from an unknown number of places, panting, and finally found Jin's Silk Shop.

He heard that clothes made of Cloud brocade cloth were popular among noble ladies recently, but this Cloud brocade cloth was hard to find, and he couldn't find it for sale in the places he went. Finally, he found out that in the entire Capital, only Jin's silk shop had the goods.

He hurried over to buy Cloud brocade cloth.

It happened that the owner of the silk shop came out with a brocade cloth. Jiang Minglan's eyes lit up and he ran over.

The pearl white fabric has a smooth texture as if it were gauze mixed with silver threads. It is very bright and beautiful. If clothes are made of this brocade cloud cloth, they will definitely be exquisite.

"Is this Cloud brocade cloth?" Jiang Minglan asked.

The owner of the silk shop nodded, "Young Master has a good eye, this is Cloud brocade cloth! In the whole capital, our Jin's Silk Shop is the only one selling it, but the Cloud brocade cloth has been sold out. If you want it, you have to wait a while."

Jiang Minglan pointed to the cloth in the boss's hand and said, "Isn't there more here? Wrap it up for me!"

"I'm sorry, Master, this is set aside for someone else."

Jiang Minglan frowned and said, "I'll give you twice the amount of money, and you sell it to me!" He went to all the cloth shops in the capital, but there was no Cloud brocade cloth, only Jin's Silk Shop had it, and the boss said it was the last one.

He must buy it. The second sister will definitely be happy when she sees this fabric.

The boss looked embarrassed, "I'm so sorry..."

The last two pieces of cloth are to be given to Miss Jiang. It doesn't matter if she is an ordinary person. Miss Jiang is the God of Wealth of the silk shop. He cannot sell Miss Jiang's things to others.

Jiang Minglan frowned even more and stretched out three fingers, "I'll give you three times!"

"Master, I'm really sorry. This fabric belongs to someone else and I can't sell it to you. If you want Cloud brocade cloth, you have to wait for the batch of goods in one month." The boss shook his head and did not agree.

Have to wait a month?

After a month, brocade cloud cloth has become a common thing. What's the use of giving it to the second sister then?

Jiang Minglan became irritated and said, "I'll give you five times! Sell it to me!"

The boss shook his head and said, "Sir, I'm so sorry. Even if you pay ten times the price, I can't sell this cloth to you." The boss is a principled person. Besides, how can he disobey his boss's orders?

Seeing that her boss refused to agree, Jiang Minglan couldn't help but be sullen, "Do you know who I am?"


The owner of the silk shop had no choice but to smile flatteringly, "Of course, I know, you are the third son of the Marquis family."

Jiang Minglan snorted and threatened coldly, "I will order this brocade cloth today! I won't bully you, I will buy it at ten times the price!"

"This..." The boss looked embarrassed.

Jiang Ning, who was shopping for fabrics elsewhere, heard the noise and walked over.

When the owner of the silk store saw Jiang Ning, it was like seeing a savior. He immediately said, "Miss Jiang, the fabric is here. This is what Miss Jin asked me to hand over to you."

Jiang Ning raised his eyes and saw Jiang Minglan.

Jiang Minglan also saw her with surprise on his face, "Did you decide on this fabric?"

Jiang Ning looked away and looked at the Cloud brocade cloth in the boss's hand. It turned out that the cloth Weilan said she wanted to give her was Cloud brocade cloth. 

Jin Weilan was a generous person and was willing to give her such a precious Cloud brocade cloth.

Jiang Ning smiled faintly and looked at Cloud brocade cloth with a smile in his eyes.

Jiang Minglan clenched his fist, why did he meet Jiang Ning? 

He looked at Jiang Ning with an unkind expression and said coldly, "Give me this piece of cloth."

Jiang Ning didn't care about the fabric at first, but this was Jin Weilan's heart. She felt warm in her heart and paid attention to it. 

Jiang Minglan said with disdain, "You just came from the countryside. Do you deserve such good materials? This cloth will only be a waste of resources on you. Give it to me quickly! Only the second sister is the most suitable to use this cloth to make clothes." 


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