Sunday, June 30, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 66 - Slandering King Qi Next Door

 "Come on, if you want to eat, just eat the fish baked by this princess. After all, the fish you caught yourself is not as delicious as the fish caught by others?"

With that said, Murong Yun unceremoniously handed the grilled fish in his hand to Li Su's mouth.

When she saw that he didn't move and was just looking at the fish, she lost her patience. Since she had been rejected for a while before, she was too lazy to talk to Li Su.

He directly pushed the fish into the opponent's hand and then raised her chin towards the two people who were frozen on one side.

It seems to be saying, what are you looking at? This princess's grilled fish is the best in the world. You scumbag should stop humiliating yourself.

Although this move inevitably made Murong You angry again, but it was still considered human work to isolate Baili Shuangxue and Li Su from interacting with each other, so he didn't care about this stupid woman like Murong Yun.

Li Su lowered his eyes and looked at the grilled fish that was forced into his hands. There was still a faint warmth on the branches. This was the second time Murong Yun invited him to eat fish today.

Inexplicably, he raised his hand and took a bite of the grilled fish. The fish skin was charred and crispy. Although it was tasteless, the heat was so good that it wasn't fishy, ​​but it was okay.

His gesture of eating fish is extremely elegant and refined. Even if he is sitting in the open air, he looks like he is living in an elegant room. Every move he makes can be captured in a painting.

In this regard, Murong Yun commented that the male protagonist has a really strong aura.

Paired with the halo of the heroine next door, it really matches well. 

With a look like this, why should anyone compete with Li Su?

With pig brains? Alas, she couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, Murong You still had a willful and unique youthful feel to his movements, but compared to Li Su, they pale in comparison.

Seeing that Li Su actually ate the grilled fish that Murong Yun had stuffed into his hand, Baili Shuangxue ignored the strangeness in her heart and took a bite of the fish that Murong You carefully grilled.

Then, her face paled. The taste was bitter and fishy, ​​and the heat was uneven. She even felt that it was undercooked...

After taking one bite, she simply didn't dare to take a second bite. She couldn't just throw it away in front of others, so she had to hold it in her hand awkwardly.

Fortunately, Baili Shuangxue was not in trouble for too long, because the guard of the Princess Mansion that Murong Yun had longed for finally found her!

Murong Yun almost cried with joy.

"County Princess, this subordinate is late. Please forgive me, Princess."

The guards, including the Luan Guards, the General's Mansion, and even the Forbidden Army in the capital, all knelt in front of Murong Yun.

Hua Zhu, on the other hand, was also out of breath, and his red clothes were twisted into pickles. Only the silver shell scallop in his hand remained unchanged.

He hurriedly followed behind, and when he saw Murong Yun safe, his heart that had been hanging around was finally relieved.

"Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise my sister-in-law would have cried her eyes out."

Hua Zhu said as he fumbled for the signal fireworks he had always carried with him.

"Who are you informing?"

Murong Yun waved the guards to get up, wondering who Hua Zhu was sending this signal to.

"Of course, it's the eldest brother. After the news of your falling off the cliff was sent back, the eldest brother immediately brought everyone from the General's Mansion to look for you."

"Even His Majesty has sent many guards to look for you. Today, we have destroyed several dens of ferocious beasts in this forest."

Hua Zhu talked about the sadness of searching for this person but also felt tired. He had to fight many obstacles along the way before he found this person.

These animal meats can directly cover the meat for the General's Mansion and the Princess' Mansion for the next half month.

"Vicious beast??"

Only then did Murong Yun understand why Hua Zhu and these guards' clothes were all in tatters, and the feeling that they have been fighting all day.

It was also strange that she and Li Su didn't see one at this water source.

How did Murong Yun know that if Li Su hadn't been here to and secretly exuded the eighth-level pressure, the water-drinking beasts would have hammered her into pieces long ago.

"Princess, this is a healing elixir."

While the two were talking, the leader of the group of guards stepped forward, and Murong Yun discovered that it was Luan Yi who was supposed to be recuperating in the mansion.

If she hadn't been familiar with his voice, with the uniform Luan guard costume and mask, she really wouldn't have recognized him...

"Luanyi? You're still recovering in the mansion, why did you come out?"

Murong Yun took the elixir bottle with surprise on her face. The last time he fought with Luo Wuqi, he was seriously injured. If Luan Yi is here when she comes to Villa this time, then Nanny Qin may not be able to touch the corners of her clothes.

"If something happens to the princess, her subordinates will naturally come to look for her."

Luan Yi was neither humble nor arrogant, but his exposed lips were white, and he was obviously in a bad state.

Not only was Murong Yun moved by his loyalty, but Hua Zhu, who had always been arrogant, had no choice but to admire him at this time.

"You are indeed a good secret guard. If he hadn't insisted that you were still alive, Sister-in-law would have fainted from crying."

Hua Zhu remembered that when he went back to look for people to help search and rescue her, his eldest sister-in-law had a sudden contraction of her fetus when she heard the news, and she burst into tears.

Fortunately, among the people Xiao Cui gathered from the Princess Mansion, Luan Yi insisted that Murong Yun's life was safe, otherwise... he would have become a sinner.

Looking at such a loyal and excellent secret guard, Murong Yun's face was full of pride. This Luanyi was the one who accompanied the original owner to the last journey in the book.

Naturally, he is extremely excellent.

"When you return home, you must take good care of yourself. This princess cannot be without a good helper like you."

Murong Yun almost looked at Luan Yi with kind eyes. She must take good care of such a talent.

"Come on, come on, I'm tired after searching for so long. Let's sit down and take a rest to keep warm."

Murong Yun skillfully asked Hua Zhu and Luan Yi to rest, and also ordered the guards to rest.

Hua Zhu looked a little dumbfounded at her very down-to-earth look. He wondered if the former domineering Princess Shaohua, who didn't care about the lives of others, had been secretly replaced?

Or is it that after this crisis allowed her to escape death, she completely changed her mind and prepared to be a virtuous woman?

Murong Yun didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, so she picked up all the fish that she had worked hard to grill on the ground and stuffed a skewer for Hua Zhu and Luan Yi each.

Now I'm not afraid that the fish won't be finished.


Hua Zhu looked at the grilled fish in his hand and felt a little strange.

"Try it. I baked it with my own hands. The flavor is so good that it made King Qi next door cry."

King Qi next door?

King Qi next door felt so angry that veins popped out of his temples after hearing these shameless words, and he let out a heavy grunt.

Hua Zhu listened to the sound and looked over, only to find the three people on the rock. Previously, they had only been paying attention to Murong Yun, and then they realized that there was someone else on top.

"Li Su, why are you here?"

However, he had no time to pay attention to King Qi, who had a look of disdain on his face, nor did he take a look at the beautiful Baili Shuangxue. Instead, his eyes fell on Li Su, who rarely left the yard on weekdays and was very mysterious.


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