Sunday, June 23, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 59 - Toxins Old and New

 Fortunately, there was a water source not far from here. Li Su placed Murong Yun on a huge rock by the stream.

After that, there was a slight pause in his movements, but he still checked the injuries on her body.

Fortunately, when Murong Yun fell, there were many shrubs between the cliffs, which cushioned her impact a lot.

The only thing that was heavier was a slightly deeper wound on the back of her right shoulder. It should have been injured by a broken branch. When she landed, she hit a stone on the ground.

Now, to treat the wound, Li Su had to lift the person up. His slender jade-like fingers used to tear open the fabric there, and carefully took out some small stones from the wound.

The red blood stained his fingertips, and then he took out a handkerchief and dipped some stream water into it to wipe the wound.

Murong Yun was in severe pain all over her body, her head ached, and her body ached especially her shoulders. It was so painful that she couldn't help but cry out.

She subconsciously grasped the sleeves of the person in front of her, and her whining voice was slightly breathless as if it was coquettish: "Hey, be gentle, be gentle, it hurts..."

The voice was obviously very low, but just because of his posture, Murong Yun lay in Li Su's arms. As soon as she opened her mouth, the voice directly penetrated into Li Su's ears.

Even Li Su himself didn't know that his jade-like ears turned red. He just subconsciously flapped his eyelashes and finally continued to clean Murong Yun's wounds.

However, the hand was no longer heavy, and the handkerchief accidentally applied too much force. Murong Yun grinned in pain immediately, and her consciousness came back instantly. The little hand holding the sleeve of the man loosened her hand, and it was straight away.

Before she could see the face of the person in front of her clearly, she said in a rough voice: "Move softly! Are you rubbing mud!"

"Very painful......"

Murong Yun wailed and looked up to see who was this rude guy who didn't know how to care about women.

But things in the world are always a little unexpected sometimes.  For example, Murong Yun looked at his expressionless face, and his iconic gray-blue eyes were as cold as ever...

She was so frightened that she took a deep breath and vomited out a mouthful of dirty blood, all over the other party's snow-white robe.

How could it be Li Su?

Murong Yun never expected or even dared to dream that Li Su would be hiding under the forest, and the other party would save him again.

It's a pity that she not only disliked the other party's rudeness but also vomited blood on the other person's clothes.

"Hehehe, accidentally, accidentally."

The smile on Murong Yun's face looked like she was crying, and her dirty little hands covered her ears and wiped the blood-stained hem of her clothes. 

It seems that no matter what kind of situation she meets Li Su, she always makes a fool of herself.

Simply, Murong Yun twisted his head and pretended that what just happened had not happened. He closed his eyes and continued to climb on the handsome man's shoulders. He said with a guilty conscience: "You, please continue..."

She was really worried that the man in front of her got angry and gave up the burden. Given her physical condition, she was afraid that she would be cold before the guards came to find her.

Fortunately, Li Su might be in a good mood today, so he continued to treat her wounds without saying a word...

Moreover, the movements were a bit gentle. Murong Yun momentarily wondered if she was dreaming.

However, she soon lost her mind and thought. Before the wound on the back of her shoulder was healed, Murong Yun's heart was on fire, her whole body was frighteningly hot, and she vomited out several more mouthfuls of blood.

The thick and smelly blood directly contaminated the fabric on Li Su's shoulders.

"Sor-, sorry, *vomit*..."

Murong Yun stiffened and apologized subconsciously before speaking, and a few more mouthfuls of blood spilled from her mouth.

She didn't know how scary her condition was at this time. Her face was almost transparent, blood was constantly leaking from the corners of her mouth, and her pupils were dilated...

Is this...a sign of poisoning?

Li Su had no time to care about his clothes at this time. Seeing that she was in poor condition, he had to tear off the hem of his own clothes to help her preliminarily bandage the wound on her shoulder.

Then, cold fingers directly touched Murong Yun's eyebrows.

His fingers were cool, and Murong Yun, who was feeling hot all over, felt extremely comfortable. She couldn't help but half-squint her eyes and nuzzle like a cat.

"Don't move. You are poisoned. If you don't suppress it, you will die."

Li Su's cold voice was full of reminders, especially the word 'will die', which directly awakened Murong Yun's somewhat fuzzy consciousness.

Almost instantly, she hugged Li Su's arm in a sloth-like posture. Her expression was extremely frightened, but her voice was loud: "Well, ugh, then you have to save me!"

Shouting and vomiting blood, that scene was absolutely amazing...

No matter how calm Li Su was, he felt a little helpless towards Murong Yun who was talking nonsense at this time.

"If you don't want to die, just shut up and concentrate."

Does this mean it can be saved? 

Li Su looked at her round eyes confused but still staring, and was speechless for a moment.

However, he didn't waste any time. He put two fingers on Murong Yun's thin white wrist and concentrated on slowly pouring his own spiritual energy into it.

Li Su is a mutant attribute outside than the Five Elements. The attribute of light has extremely powerful properties. It not only has good attack power but also has healing and purifying properties.

In other words, he can remove most of the poisons in the world.

Of course, this also requires his strong strength.

At this time, as the spiritual energy deepened, his frown became tighter. Murong Yun's body was different from the last trauma. This time, her muscles and veins were all flowing with terrible blood red toxin...

Even if he just introduced the spiritual energy, he could feel the heat in it...

I don't know where Murong Yun got this poison and became so domineering.

What's even worse is that this kind of poison is extremely dangerous. He just probed into the spiritual energy, and the snow-white spiritual energy gradually turned pink because of the poison.

Fortunately, the light attribute is not afraid of poison. If it were another spirit, he would probably be poisoned indirectly.

Li Su increased the input of spiritual energy, followed the poison, and finally arrived at the place where the poison gathered. Looking at the spiritual sea occupied by red, the poison was actually concentrated in Murong Yun's brain.

In addition to the new red, there is a dark red toxin in the center of the spiritual sea, which is constantly absorbing the new red toxin. This is obviously a poison that has been accumulated for many years.

Who poisoned Murong Yun many years ago and now gave her an additional dose to make her look like she is now.

What's even more troublesome is that this long-term toxin has penetrated deeply into Murong Yun's bones and blood. 

Therefore, Li Su had to control his spiritual energy and pursue the purification of the new poison in the spiritual sea, until the spiritual sea gradually became clear, and two green leaves gradually appeared on top of the dark red old poison.

It was Murong Yun's strange spiritual plant. Different from the spirit of the last time they met, Miao Miao was a little droopy at this time. The moment she discovered the white spiritual energy, she threw two leaves in a bunch and rushed towards her as if she had seen a relative.

Seeing this, the white spiritual energy was stunned and was about to withdraw, but Miaomiao moved faster. In the blink of an eye, the two leaves kept the spiritual energy. Li Su vaguely heard a sucking sound...

Immediately, just like last time, his spiritual energy is quickly absorbed...

Li Su frowned slightly, preparing to withdraw the spiritual energy. The next moment, Miaomiao tugged two leaves, and at the same time, the old poison that had been quiet spread violently.

Over the years, the Huan Luo Flower Poison in Murong Yun's body has continuously cut off her memory and changed her temperament. When the old and new merged, it produced a powerful psychedelic effect.

The more she was afraid of something, the more Huan Luo Flower Poison would make her see her fears.


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