Friday, June 28, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 83 - Sold to the Ya Po

 At the Silk Shop, the guards at the Prince's Palace were almost in a panic.

"The princess was kidnapped by thieves!"

"The princess must have been taken away from the back window..." The guard searched the back window. The window was open, facing the backyard, just out of their reach.

"Oh no! Search quickly, we must find the princess!"

The guards looked ugly and started to look for her separately.


At the same time.

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue were as light as swallows and used Qinggong to fly over the eaves. Shuangyue was carrying a large sack, which did not affect her movements at all. The speed of Qinggong was even slightly faster than Jiang Ning's.

Shuangyue knew the ins and outs of the capital very well and knew which way to go without being noticed.

The two of them took a long detour and arrived at the ghost market behind the underground auction.

The ghost market is called a ghost market because there are shady things involved in buying and selling items. Both buyers and sellers are unwilling to reveal their true identities and both enter with their faces covered.

After the two walked in, they entered an attic, found Ya Po, and threw the sack to the ground. 

Princess Hualian was carried all the way, her whole body was jolted, and she felt like her bones were about to break.

"Hmmp..." She swallowed muffledly.

Ya Po held the cigarette pole with one hand and took a puff. She glanced at the sack and then at the two masked men.

"Two Lords, what do you want to do?"

Shuangyue took a step forward and spoke, her voice was cold because she lowered her voice no one could tell the difference between men and women, she said lightly, "Of course I want to sell goods."

She has no good impression of Princess Hualian at all.

She almost hurt her master and still harbored hatred towards her.

This scourge should be cleaned up as soon as possible!

In the sack, Princess Hualian felt as if she had been struck by lightning when she heard these words. 

Princess Hualian felt like she was struck by thunder. She had never encountered such a thing in all her years.

Ya Po sneered twice, put down the cigarette rod, and went to untie the sack.

When she saw a young girl in the sack, her face was red and swollen from being slapped, her original appearance could no longer be recognized. She immediately clicked her tongue twice, "You can't even recognize her original appearance..."

Shuangyue said coldly, "If she doesn't obey, I taught her a lesson. just take care of her face for a few days and it'll be fine. I'm sure it will be white and tender."

Ya Po looked up and down, really treating Princess Hualian as an object.

Princess Hualian's cheeks were red and swollen, her ears were buzzing from being slapped, and she was numb with pain, but now she couldn't care less about the injuries on her face...

These people really want to sell her!

Her face was horrified and her eyes were full of fear, "Uh-uh..."

You can't sell me! I'm the County Princess!

Ya Po noticed that the woman was dressed in luxurious clothes, not ordinary clothes. The embroidery work was exquisite, and the jewelry and earrings she wore were also of extraordinary quality. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes and said, "She is troublesome."

"We don't dare to accept people like this. If they get into trouble, they will be big trouble." Ya Po shook her head and picked up the cigarette rod again.

Shuangyue was unmoved. She followed the Lord and gained a lot of experience. Naturally, she knew the rules of the ghost market.

"Don't you dare to accept them? Hey, there should be no one in this world that you don't dare to accept... I heard that powerful people in other countries have special hobbies, so they like to buy this kind of delicate noble ladies, who are pampered and spoiled, with fine skin and tender flesh. It's easy to keep them."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, this face is hurt, I'll make it cheap!"

Ya Po laughed hoarsely after hearing this, "Here comes someone who understands the rules."

Princess Hualian heard the conversation between the two people and felt chills running down her spine, trembling with fear.


Is she really going to be sold?

She is the County princess! Who would be bold enough to sell her?

Ya Po glanced at Princess Hualian and grinned, "You are right. As long as it is sold to other countries, no matter how high the position of power, the whereabouts will not be found."

After Princess Hualian heard this, she almost fainted with fright.

Tears fell down, and the pear blossoms cried like rain.

"Uh-uh, uh-uh..." She didn't want to be sold. She had money and could give money.

But her mouth was stuffed with rags and she couldn't make a sound at all.

Ya Po took out a bag of silver and threw it over.

Shuangyue caught it without looking at it, turned around and handed it to Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning slowly and methodically accepted the money and looked at Princess Hualian who looked desperate for a while. She was in a good mood under the mask and couldn't help but squint her eyes.

After admiring it for a while, she said calmly, "Let's go."

The two left.

Back on the streets of the capital, Jiang Ning and Shuangyue changed out of their night clothes, took off their masks at the same time, and cleaned up.

Shuangyue's originally cold face was filled with excitement.

Dare to hurt her master? This is the end!

Jiang Ning weighed the money, hmm.. she seems to have been sold for a good price. After a rough calculation, there were two hundred taels of silver...

Princess Hualian is quite valuable.

She raised the corners of her mouth and smiled slightly, "Go back, it's been too long."

"Yes, Miss." Shuangyue responded obediently.


As for Princess Hualian, she was not sold to other countries in the end.

The guards of the Prince's Palace searched the entire capital, and finally found the ghost market and found Princess Hualian with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

When they saw Princess Hualian, they didn't dare to recognize her at first.

Princess Hualian's nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and she was unrecognizable. She really did not look like their delicate and beautiful princess.

Finally, they recognized the princess by her clothes.

They did not dare to say anything and took the princess back to the prince's palace.

How can this be made public?

Is it possible to say that the princess was kidnapped by thieves and sold to Ya Po? It would be embarrassing to tell anyone and the princess would lose all face, and she would no longer be able to hold her head high in the capital.

The county prince's palace could only suffer the loss in silence and did not dare to investigate the culprit, lest the news would leak out.

Princess Hualian nursed her injury for several days before the redness and swelling on her face subsided.

But when she looked at the bronze mirror, there were still red slap marks on her face.

She gritted her teeth in anger, and her eyes almost burst out with anger.

"Damn it! Who is it? Who dares to kidnap this princess? He almost sold her..." At this point, Princess Hualian really couldn't say that she couldn't afford to lose to this person.

She secretly swore that if the thieves fell into her hands, she would definitely skin them!

"I will never let them go!"


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