Monday, June 24, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 79 - This was Specially Repaired by Lord Chu

 In March, the weather has just turned to early spring and is still relatively cold. The lake is sparkling and a large group of koi carp are swimming in the lake.

Princess Hualian grabbed a handful of fish food and threw it into the lake.

The koi fishes fight with each other and the lake surface is filled with splashes.

At this time, nobody knew who looked over first, and everyone looked towards the winding path.

Princess Hualian also looked over and saw the two people walking over. Her eyes fell on the person in front of her and her eyes lit up, "Lord Chu..." She didn't expect to meet Chu Yunli here.

Princess Hualian changed her arrogant look and showed a gentle look. She walked over with a smile, "What a coincidence, I met Lord Chu here."

Chu Yunli frowned slightly when he saw a large group of women, especially Princess Hualian walking towards him.

Princess Hualian walked up to Chu Yunli. She was a little shy and did not dare to look at his face. She lowered her face slightly and her eyes fell on the swallow kite in his hand. "This kite is so it made by Mr. Chu himself?"

The swallows on the kite are painted so lifelike that it can be seen that is definitely not bought in the market.

"No." Chu Yunli replied coldly.

His tone was cold and distant, shutting out the person in front of him and blocking out everything Princess Hualian wanted to say next.

Princess Hualian felt ashamed and angry, biting her lower lip.

She was interested in Chu Yunli, expressing her feelings openly and secretly, regardless of her appearance, but Chu Yunli had always been cold and indifferent and never looked at her, which made her feel very hurt.

In terms of family background and appearance, she was one of the best in the capital. People who wanted to please her could line up three streets, but in Chu Yunli's eyes, she was no different from an ordinary person passing by.

Princess Hualian stamped her feet without giving up. She raised her face and said, "I haven't flown a kite for a long time. Mr. Chu, can you lend me this kite for a while?"

Chu Yunli glanced at her, as if he didn't want to say more, and answered simply, "I won't lend it."

Princess Hualian froze on the spot, her face burning as if she had been slapped.

Chu Yunli walked around Princess Hualian and walked into the middle of the ladies. The ladies all stepped aside and did not dare to get too close. They carefully raised their faces and glanced at him secretly.

The young master of the Chu family is very good-looking, with excellent appearance, delicate jade-like facial features, and slightly cold eyebrows that make people's hearts flutter.

They used to look at him from a distance, but now they suddenly see him up close and feel he is so dazzling.

Chu Yunli walked straight over.

Jiang Ning stood behind the ladies. When she saw him walking over with a kite, she couldn't help but frown, wondering if he was coming over?

As expected, Chu Yunli walked through the crowd and walked up to her.

The eyes of all the noble ladies fell on Jiang Ning, with surprise and disbelief in their eyes.

Chu Yunli handed the kite over and said, "It's fixed."

Everyone stared at the two of them in disbelief. The cold and ruthless Lord Chu actually talked to an inconspicuous young lady. They didn't even know who this girl was.

Jiang Ning "..."

She felt like pins and needles all over her body.

Princess Hualian stared at Jiang Ning and squeezed the handkerchief tightly, almost crushing it. 

Who is that woman?

Lord Chu is usually cold and indifferent, unwilling to say a word, but now he took the initiative to talk to a woman and gave her the kite in his hand.

In full view of everyone, Jiang Ning didn't know whether to take the kite from Chu Yunli's hand, but finally took it bravely, "Thank you, sir."

Chu Yunli raised his lips slightly and said, "You can give it a try. If it can't fly, come to me."

"Okay." Jiang Ning responded.

Everyone's eyes were curious and complicated, staring at the two of them. More eyes fell on Jiang Ning, as if they wanted to see through her.

One of them had a cold look.

Jiang Mengyue held the handkerchief tightly and looked at Jiang Ning in disbelief.

She remembered what Jiang Ning had said before. It was Lord Chu who sent her back when she was in Qingcheng Mountain. Now it seemed that this was true. She really knew Lord Chu! 

Jiang Ning...

What method did she use to make Mr. Chu treat her differently?

Jiang Mengyue stared coldly at Jiang Ning, filled with resentment in her heart. She was just a village girl from the countryside. How could she win the favor of Lord Chu?

She should be the person that Lord Chu should treat with a pleasant look!

She is a famous talented woman in the capital, and she is the most suitable person for Chu Yunli.


Jiang Mengyue was thinking this, and suddenly remembered something, turned her head, and looked at Princess Hualian at the side.

Princess Hualian's face was gloomy, her eyes were full of jealousy, and she was wringing her handkerchief tightly, almost to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mengyue's lips curled up into a faint smile.

Yes, who doesn't know that Princess Hualian is loyal to Lord Chu, but Lord Chu ignores the princess and goes directly to talk to Jiang Ning.

What does this make the county princess feel?

Princess Hualian has a narrow heart and cannot tolerate sand in her eyes. She just wore clothes made of Cloud brocade cloth, but Princess Hualian had a bad look on her face and showed an unhappy look.

Jiang Ning gained the favor of Lord Chu and said a few words. Didn't Princess Hualian gnash her teeth in anger?

Ho ho.

Without her taking action now, Jiang Ning would have a very difficult life in the future.

Anyone who becomes a thorn in Princess Hualian's side will not live long.

Once upon a time, a young lady from the Liu family accidentally offended Princess Hualian, and her face was disfigured within a few days... Princess Hualian had a noble status, so even if they knew she had done it, who would dare to offend her?

The Liu family could only tell the public that their daughter was ill and sent her to Country Villa to recuperate.

Jiang Mengyue felt very comfortable and smiled coldly.

Jiang Ning noticed several jealous glances, which were very cold. If looks could kill, she would probably die several times. Among them, is Princess Hualian's gaze.

She sighed to herself.

She didn't want to attract attention, but by coincidence, Chu Yunli repaired the kite and returned it to her.

She raised her eyes and looked at Chu Yunli. The corners of Chu Yunli's mouth were slightly curved as if he were smiling. She wondered if he did it on purpose. Could it be that because Divine Doctor Xue did not treat him, so he harmed her like this?

Jiang Ning's heart was complicated.

After Chu Yunli returned the kite, he turned around and left.

When Chu Yunli left, the turmoil among the people had not calmed down, and eyes with different expressions fell on Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning handed the swallow kite to Jin Weilan, "Here, your kite."

Jin Weilan waved her hand, "This is not my kite. Lord Chu specially repaired it and gave it to you..." How dare she ask for it? 


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the chapters and have a good post holiday rest!!!!!


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