Saturday, June 29, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 84 - Lan'er, Nothing Can Happen to You

 "Ahhh..." Princess Hualian was furious and slapped her hand on the table.

The servants on the side did not dare to breathe. They knew that the princess was in a bad mood. If they accidentally angered the princess at this time, they would definitely not get good results.

Princess Hualian wanted to find the two thieves, but at that time they were wearing masks and night clothes. She couldn't even tell whether they were male or female, so they couldn't search.

These two people are highly skilled in martial arts and must be flower-picking thieves in the world!

Princess Hualian didn't think about the culprit being Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning and Shuangyue, who was never suspected, lived quietly for a while, and used the money from selling Princess Hualian to buy wine and meat and send them to Divine Doctor Xue.

In the courtyard of Doctor Xue.

Jiang Ning was handling the medicinal materials as usual.

Chu Yunli looked at Jiang Ning's lowered head, quiet and gentle, and he really couldn't understand where she got the courage to sneak an attack on Princess Hualian, and even put a sack on her and take her out to be sold.

When he learned the news, it was already after Jiang Ning took action.

It really subverted his cognition.

Even Yuan Feng who was watching in the dark, is stunned. He never expected that Miss Jiang would be so cruel. A moment ago, she was so soft and weak that she was almost injured by Princess Hualian.

The next moment, she changed her face and used a very skilled method to attack people and put sacks on them.

People who don't know might think that Miss Jiang was originally in this kind of line of work.

Chu Yunli was stunned for a while and immediately ordered Yuanfeng to hide the traces of the two of them.

Jiang Ning didn't know that the sneak attack on Princess Hualian went very smoothly that day. Because it was Chu Yunli who put in a lot of effort behind the scenes so that the guards of the Princess's Mansion were like headless flies and couldn't find any trace of them.


Chu Yunli watched Jiang Ning handle the medicinal materials quietly.

Jiang Ning noticed the sight, raised her face, and happened to catch his gaze.

"Is Shuangyue working well?" Chu Yunli asked.

She doesn't know why, but when she was stared at by Chu Yunli, She felt like her little heart was being seen through, and she felt guilty for no reason.

Jiang Ning thought about taking Shuangyue to put on sack on someone a few days ago and coughed twice, "Ahem, that's natural. There shouldn't be many secret guards trained by Lord Chu who are highly skilled in martial arts in the entire capital. 

Chu Yunli curled his lips coldly, he sent Shuangyue there to protect her safety.

Unexpectedly, she went straight to causing trouble, jumping left and right on the edge of danger.

Jiang Ning didn't know what Chu Yunli's gaze meant, so she immediately changed the subject, "Have you found the whereabouts of Divine Doctor Xue's granddaughter?"

Several days have passed, and it’s time to find out the news.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunli frowned and said with a troubled expression, "Not yet."

Jiang Ning was surprised, and then she frowned.

Although Chu Yunli was not yet the powerful regent at this time, he had strong hidden strength and the most extensive underground organization. It was not too difficult to find someone.

If even he cannot find her, no one in the world can.

"The disappearance of Dr. Xue's granddaughter happened four years ago. Four years ago, floods in Jiangxi destroyed fields and houses, making people miserable. Countless people flocked to the capital in search of a way to survive."

"The granddaughter of Divine Doctor Xue has been missing since then. I have already found out that she arrived in the capital, and then there was no trace of her..."

Chu Yunli frowned, "It's difficult to find this person just based on her age and unknown appearance."

Jiang Ning's face turned solemn after listening to Chu Yunli's words.

She thought about it carefully, then suddenly remembered something, and immediately said, "The granddaughter of Doctor Xue has a birthmark on her face!"


"Yes, there is a red birthmark..." Jiang Ning nodded.

"That would be much easier to find." Chu Yunli did not doubt Jiang Ning's words, nor did he ask how she knew. He immediately ordered Yuanfeng to spread the news and search carefully for women with birthmarks on their faces in the capital.

If there is such a conspicuous mark, you should be able to find it quickly.

The two discussed for a while, and Doctor Xue came out. The two of them kept silent and continued to deal with the medicinal materials in their hands.

Doctor Xue looked at the two people's backs and couldn't help but frown when he saw the harmonious two people.

This brat...

It was eight hundred years too early to take advantage of his apprentice!

Doctor Xue immediately went to find a broom and drove Chu Yunli out.

Near dusk, Jiang Ning returned to the Marquis Mansion to have dinner with her mother.

Halfway through dinner, the maid in Jiang Minglan's yard ran over in a panic, her face pale, and shouted, "Madam, it's not good!"

Normally, Madam Lin would definitely scold her for not having any rules.

But this time my heartbeat skipped half a beat, and I subconsciously felt uneasy.

"What's up?"

"Madam..." The maid was out of breath, running all the way, almost fainting, "It's not good, the third young master... the third young master, he old illness recurred!"


The bowl in Madam Lin's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Lin was stunned and asked tremblingly, "You, what did you say?"

"The third young master's old illness recurred!" The maid looked like she was about to cry and was very anxious.

Madam Lin's figure swayed and she almost fell over from the stool. Jiang Ning caught her with quick eyes and hands, "Mom!"

Madam Lin was trembling all over and couldn't stop shivering, "Lan'er...Lan'er..."

Old illness?

Jiang Ning frowned. She learned from Aunt Gui's words that Jiang Minglan once had a strange disease. She had seen all the doctors in the capital but couldn't cure it. It was Jiang Mengyue who used her own blood as a medicine to cure the disease. 

Now Jiang Minglan's illness is recurring?

Jiang Ning was still calm at the moment and immediately ordered Aunt Gui to support her mother and go see Jiang Minglan.

See what's going on.

Madam Lin was supported by Aunt Gui and walked to Jiang Minglan's yard. When she reached the gate of the yard, she stumbled and ran in, "Lan'er!"

Jiang Minglan was unconscious, his lips were purple, his whole body was like a furnace, and he had a high fever.

Madam Lin hugged Jiang Minglan and shook him gently, "Lan'er, don't be frightened..."

"The doctor is here!"

Butler Jiang shouted and immediately invited the most prestigious doctor in the capital to come in.

The old doctor checked Jiang Minglan's pulse. After checking the pulse with a frown, he was silent for a long time, and then shook his head. 

"This disease cannot be delayed. Find another doctor quickly!"

Madam Lin almost fainted after hearing this.

In this way, this disease was the urgent disease like back then.

Aunt Gui thought for a while and immediately said, "Madam, don't worry, the medicine was made with the second lady's blood and saved the third young master's life. Why not try that method again!"

After Madam Lin heard this, she nodded, "Yes, yes, the prescription is still in the box, take it out quickly!"

"Let Yue'er come over."

Jiang Minglan's disease requires Jiang Mengyue's blood to be used as medicine.

A trace of guilt flashed through Madam Lin's heart. The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. Of course, she would feel bad if Yue'er's blood was used to make medicine.

It's just that Jiang Minglan has a high fever. If he continues like this, he may not be able to last long.

Jiang Ning stood aside, watching Jiang Minglan's situation. When no one was paying attention, she grabbed his wrist and placed her fingers on his pulse.

The pulse beat strangely, sometimes vigorously, sometimes weak.

Jiang Minglan's whole body was like a furnace, and she could feel the heat just by holding her wrist.

What disease is this?

Jiang Ning couldn't help but frown. If Divine Doctor Xue was here, could he be cured?

Madam Lin was circling around anxiously, clutching the handkerchief tightly, her face full of anxiety, "Lan'er... nothing can happen to you..." As she spoke, tears fell down, and she began to cry distressedly.


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