Tuesday, June 18, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 73 - There is Still Hope to Find

 Jiang Ning shook her head slightly, "He is right, I did suffer from a cold illness."

"How could it be possible..." Jin Weilan was surprised and looked at Jiang Ning with a hint of worry in her eyes, "Then..."

Jiang Ning looked at the old man with admiration in her eyes. He was able to determine the cold disease in her body just by diagnosing her pulse. The old man's medical skills were extraordinary and could not be matched by even the famous doctors in the capital.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I'll make sure the medicine will cure your illness!"

The old man smiled, but there was a loud growling sound in his stomach.


In a private room far away from the street, the old man swept the food on the table.

Jiang Ning didn't think about using her chopsticks. She watched the old man eating quietly, guessing the identity of the person in front of her.

Jin Weilan picked up the chopsticks, but every time she wanted to pick up a dish, the old man would grab that one. She dropped the chopsticks angrily, "I won't eat!"

After finishing the entire meal, the old man wiped his mouth with satisfaction and said, "Little girl, you are such a good person. Not only did you pay for the meal, you also rented such a good yard..."

"I wonder what the old man is called?" Jiang Ning asked.

"My surname is Xue."


The old man only gave his surname, not his first name, to conceal his identity.

Jiang Ning thought for a while, and the old man named Xue seemed familiar as if he had heard it somewhere.

The next moment she suddenly remembered, isn't Mr. Xue the old miracle doctor beside the Regent? 

But...why did the old miracle doctor become so depressed? He couldn't even eat a meal and was almost beaten.

Jiang Ning pondered.

Mr. Xue didn't waste any time, picked up a pen and paper, wrote down a prescription, then carefully dried it and handed it to Jiang Ning.

"Grab these medicines and use them in a bath every day, and the cold illness in your body will be cured in half a month."

Jiang Ning took the prescription and saw the strong handwriting, becoming more and more certain that this person was the old miracle doctor beside the regent.

Jin Weilan was still angry at this moment. She spent money to buy a table of food from Dong Lai House, but she didn't eat a single bite. The old man ate them all. 

Jiang Ning folded the prescription, put it away, and solemnly thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Xue."

Mr. Xue raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Ning, staring at her with a complicated look in his eyes, as if he saw another person through her.

Jiang Ning noticed Mr. Xue's eyes and asked, "Since the old man has great medical skills, why did he fall into such a miserable state?"

Mr. Xue was silent.

After a while, he said, "My granddaughter, if she grew up safely, she would be as old as you..."

"She was abducted by a kidnapper eight years ago. Since then, I have been looking for her and spent all my savings..." Mr. Xue's voice was low and full of sadness, and his shoulders couldn't help but tremble when he mentioned this.

"I found out that my granddaughter is probably in the capital, so I came here to look for her. I originally wanted to make some money by treating people, but I didn't expect... ugh."

Mr. Xue sighed, "Fortunately I met you, little girl. Thank you very much."

Jiang Ning was already sure that the person in front of him was the miracle doctor Xue Zhenyang.

In his previous life, Divine Doctor Xue found his granddaughter, but when he found her, she was already dead. From then on, Divine Doctor Xue failed to recover and stopped diagnosing people's pulses.

She just didn’t know why, but later he followed Chu Yunli to do things.

Jiang Ning's eyes sank, feeling regretful.

But naturally, she would not say these words to Mr. Xue. Now that Mr. Xue's granddaughter is still alive, there is still hope of finding her. 


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