Monday, June 3, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 65 - You Did Well

 Jiang Mengyue whispered, "It's all Yue'er's fault. I will be punished if I do something wrong..." She said it so softly and weakly that people couldn't help but feel distressed.

Jiang Ning, who was standing below, looked at Jiang Mengyue quietly.

On Jiang Mengyue's crying face, there were heavy traces of makeup powder where tears streaked her face.

That's how she is, she knows how to act.

Madam Jiang just wanted to ask what happened.

The bead curtain made a jingling sound, and a figure walked in quickly and called out to Grandma.

Old Madam Jiang raised her eyes and saw Jiang Minglan walking in quickly. She didn't know if he was walking in a hurry. His knees softened and he knelt down on the ground, making a heavy sound.

Jiang Minglan's face looked even more haggard. He had knelt down in the ancestral hall for two days without a drip of water, and his body was naturally very weak.

When Old Madam Jiang saw Jiang Minglan's appearance, she immediately stood up and said, "Lan'er!"

Madam Lin also became nervous. She didn't expect her son's temper to be so stubborn. He knelt for two days and refused to give in.

Old Madam Jiang was so angry that she had only been away from the Marquis Mansion for a short time, and her granddaughter and grandson were being tortured like this!

"What the hell is going on! How could Lan'er and Yue'er end up so haggard?" The old lady got angry and shouted coldly.

Madam Lin moved her lips, trying to explain.

"Madam Lin, how did you manage the family? As soon as I, this old woman, leave the house, the house will be turned upside down!" The old lady stared at Madam Lin coldly, with an unkind look on her face.

Madam Lin held the handkerchief and wanted to speak, but Marquis Jiang was the first to say soothingly, "Don't be angry, Mother. Something happened in the house. I'll tell my mother in detail later."

Old Madam Jiang snorted coldly, full of anger.

Jiang Mengyue knelt down next to the old lady and gently stroked her back, "Grandma, don't be angry. My third brother and I are fine. We just heard my grandmother coming back suddenly and came here before we could prepare."

After hearing the considerate words, the old lady's face became much calmer.

It’s really a deep love between grandparents and grandchildren.

Jiang Ning lowered her eyes. The eyes watch the nose and the nose watches the heart.

Just because she was raised in the countryside. The Old Madam Jiang disdained her from the bottom of her heart and never regarded her as her granddaughter.

Old Madam Jiang rubbed her temples, showing a tired look on her face, and said, "Okay, I've been traveling for a day and my old bones are aching so much, please get out."

"Yuanshan, stay."

"Yes." Marquis Jiang responded obediently, and the rest of the people left Qingxin Courtyard.

Jiang Mengyue did not leave. Instead, she knelt down in front of Old Madam Jiang and gently massaged her legs. Old Madam Jiang did not ask her to leave. She closed her eyes and praised, "Your technique is better."

"Then I'll come here every day to massage your legs and squeeze your shoulders."

Everyone in the room left and it became quiet.

While Jiang Mengyue was massaging her legs, her eyes suddenly turned red, tears fell down, and she cried, "Grandma, can I still come to your courtyard in the future?"

Old Madam Jiang opened her eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"Grandma..." Jiang Mengyue opened her mouth, but stopped talking. She kept crying and looked pitiful.

Mrs. Jiang seemed to have thought of something. She sighed softly and raised her hand to caress her face, "Silly child, you grew up in the Marquis Mansion. You grew up in front of my knees. Even if you are not related by blood, you are still a member of the Marquis Mansion." 

Marquis Jiang had already written to Old Madam Jiang about holding the wrong child, and Old Madam Jiang knew everything about it.

Just now she saw a child with a look similar to Lin at the gate, and she knew who it was.

"Grandma..." Jiang Mengyue cried miserably and held Mrs. Jiang's hand, "Grandma, don't you dislike Yue'er? Yue'er is not a bloodline of the Marquis family..."

Mrs. Jiang patted the back of Jiang Mengyue's hand and said, "Don't worry, grandma is not that pedantic. From now on, you can stay in the house with peace of mind and continue to be grandma's good granddaughter. No one dares to gossip."

Jiang Mengyue nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, you should be tired too. Go back and let me talk to your father alone for a while."

Jiang Mengyue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, paid respects, and turned around and walked out.

Only Old Madam Jiang and Marquis Jiang were left in the room.

Old Madam Jiang's face became calmer, "Please tell me carefully what happened during my absence."

Marquis Jiang told the old lady everything that happened in the house.

The old lady turned the prayer beads with one hand, her face expressionless, and she couldn't guess what she was thinking. After a long time, she said, "“Now that you've got her back, raise her well.”

"You did well. From now on, Yue'er will still be the second young lady in the house. Treat her well, but don't be indifferent to her just because she is not your biological blood."


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