Thursday, November 30, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 19 - One of the Original Owner's Dark History

 Xiaocui tilted her head, thought for a while, and replied:

"It's not a big deal, it's just that you said he has a low bloodline and it is an insult to the royal bloodline.".

"Then His Majesty sent him out of the palace to pay homage to the Buddha."

This...Original owner, come back, I have a meal of fried meat on bamboo boards that I want to treat you to!

MFAW - Chapter 51 - Twenty years ago, Mrs. Mu Gave Birth to a Baby Girl

 The black car was driving on a straight road. At midnight, there were no people on both sides of the road, not even cars. Only the street lights on both sides of the road were still working hard.

The dim car lights in the back seat were on. Wen Li was sitting on the left and Fu Yuxiu was sitting on the right. There were fruits and cakes on the elevated table between them.

Both from the presentation and production, they are all very delicate snacks. The car is a closed space, and the smell of light cream lingers on the tip of Wen Li's nose.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 18 - Dare to do Next Time



Li Su shouted in a low voice and turned away in a panic. His jade-white face was instantly stained with red, and even the roots of his ears that were infected with Murong Yun's breath turned red.

At the same time, the identity of the other party was also confirmed again, because Murong Yun once peeked at him bathing... 

She was the only one besides his mother who knew the location of his birthmark!

MFAW - Chapter 50 - You've Been Bullied. Do you Need Me to Help You Get Back?

 Pu Xi clearly heard it. Although Mu Wen Li's tone was gentle, the girl in front of him was definitely not a good person. The flying rocks were full of energy.

His head is still buzzing from the beating, and it must be bruised to the touch.

If it was a knife that flew out with this force, his brain would be pierced right now.

"What do you mean?" Pu Xi walked out covering his head.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 17 - Suspicions

 Hua Zhu looked at Murong Yun with a gloomy expression.

Not noble because of birth, not humble because of poverty.

What a nice statement, but in this country, it is a sarcastic statement. 

"I'm afraid the princess has forgotten, South Chu is a country of slavery. Aren't the slaves you beat to death human beings?"

"The slaves used their flesh and blood to achieve the luxury of the powerful, but the powerful looked back and laughed, despising the slaves for being humble and an eyesore."

MFAW - Chapter 49 - If You Don't Come Over, It Won't Be a Rock That Flies.

 The whole night was full of ups and downs, and the guests who participated in tonight's auction also had an eye-opening experience.

This third young lady of the Mu family has gone from being ordinary to becoming an overnight celebrity. Not to mention how many books she has read and where she grew up, her vision is really poisonous.

With this one move, she directly became a millionaire. It has to be said that all the children of the Mu family are not bad at all.

Monday, November 27, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 16 -Troublesome Little Brother.

 "Fourth brother, you and I are siblings. From now on, just call me Second sister."

Murong Yun got off the Luan carriage and looked at this beautiful young man with an affectionate face.

Start thinking about how to increase your favorability.

"Princess, you are of noble birth, but Hua Zhu has a low status. How can you be called Second Sister?"

MFAW - Chapter 48 - Mu Chenyu is Anxious, Who Allowed You to Come to this Place?

 Mu Chenyu felt a little strange, when Wen Li returned to the Mu family, she didn't bring anyone with her, and someone who protected her appeared beside her for no reason.

And this person seems to have a pretty good background.

Just by grabbing his wrist, he could conclude that this was not a person arranged by Mu Kuiyuan.

He didn't understand. The girl he picked up was obviously quiet and not very talkative. Why had Mu Wen Li changed so much in just a few nights?

Sunday, November 26, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 15 - Then You Die.

 Guo Kui smiled grimly and asked the officer behind him to hold down Hua's armrest with the ink pads, and then pressed it on the confession that had been drafted long ago.

Hua Fu struggled hard, but unfortunately, even though he had the strength of sixth-level wood spiritual cultivation, he could not break free from the special soul-locking iron chain in the prison.

In Guo Kui's proud voice, the confession was forcibly fingerprinted.

It's over.

MFAW - Chapter 47 - Mu Chenyu is a Biased Brother

 "Stop it, you guys, stop it!!!"

Mu Nuan Xi ran to the middle of the bodyguards first.

However, without Wen Li's order, these people would not stop no matter what. As Mu Nuanxi spoke, Tong Jingshu's entire back was torn open.

"Stop!!" Mu Nuanxi was so anxious that tears flowed out.

Lu Min turned around and saw Wen Li's raised hand, signaling the bodyguard to stop.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 14 - Humiliation in Prison

 When she was held hostage by the surviving assassins, Li Su rescued her. The two also got closer to each other. 

And now, the first encounter is gone, and the time when Li Su saved her again made the second encounter gone again.

Simply, fantastic!

Murong Yun looked at Baili Shuangxue with burning eyes, successfully preventing the plot again.

MFAW - Chapter 46 - I Mu Wen Li have never been a generous person.

 Glass violets are among the top species of jade, and their color is purple. To create a glass violet, it takes a long time to accumulate changes, and the requirements for climate conditions are extremely strict.

As long as it is violet, it must be valuable. This is unquestionable in the jade world. Even after Seeking Jade Relic has been established for so many years, it has only opened a piece of violet the size of a fist.

That piece of violet was kept as a seal by Seeking Jade Relic in a glass cabinet in the exhibition hall.

Friday, November 24, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 13 - Give One's Best Shot

 The Luan guards protect their Master and keep getting injured, and it makes her feel bad!

Therefore, she wanted to bring Murong Jia to the Lake's center pavilion and attract most of the assassins.

Then set fire, ah, set thunder to destroy!

Murong Jia didn't understand what she was thinking. Seeing that this waste was about to die, he quickly tried to break free.

MFAW - Chapter 45 - This is a Glass Violet (Second Slap)

 Soon all the guests in the hall knew about the bet between Mu Wen Li and Tong Jingshu. In order to expand its influence, Tong Jingshu naturally arranged for people to spread the news quickly.

What if she doesn't let everyone know about it, and then when that girl loses she might renege on her bet.

The bet was opened, and many people were joking about it. Although Mu Wen Li's identity was there, and the Mu family's status in Ningzhou was not low, Tong Jingshu was not someone to be trifled with.

The Tong family was not an ordinary family originally, and now Tong Jingshu entered the entertainment circle and became a top-notch person in the industry, so her influence is naturally quite large.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 12 - Life Changing Process

 "Princess Princess, as ordered, Yingyue Tower has been purchased by us with a large sum of money!"

Xiao Cui carried out two boxes of gold to the shopkeeper, with a look of confidence that everything was under control.


Murong Yun nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Cui, serve the food and make sure everyone is full. We will do something big tonight!"

"Yes, Princess, but forgive Xiao Cui for talking too much. You want to take the eldest prince tonight~!"

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 44 - Gambling on Stones, If You Lose, Kneel Down to Me

 People from the entire hall were wandering around the rooms where the rough stones were placed. The waiters standing at the door were responsible for distributing the tools needed to observe the rough stones.

The larger stones are as big as a basin, while the smaller stones are as big as a human fist. But these stones are all brought out from extremely rare mines. The probability of finding priceless jade is higher than other ordinary ores. There is a price tag under each stone, and the price is not low.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 11 - Sure Enough, Not the Life of a Heroine

 "If Murong Jia, your eldest son, had not died during the Ghost Month Lantern Festival, with his strength, he might still be able to stop this King. It is a pity."

Such a peerless handsome man actually lives in just one sentence!

Murong Yun beat her chest and sighed, it was indeed a pity.

But then she realized that this extremely handsome man had not received his lunch box yet.

MFAW - Chapter 43 - Master Appraisal, Wen Li Makes a Comeback (First Slap in the Face)

 The deafening drum beats resounded throughout the hall, one after another as if they were beating on everyone.

Those who can come to Seeking Jade Relic will certainly know the function of the big drum above, but since the establishment of Seeking Jade Relic, the sound of the drum has never sounded.

Not only that, in recent years, the prices of the artworks that most people have purchased here are much higher than the actual prices.

Even if some serious collectors come here, they will be intimidated by the way these people bid up the price.

When Tong Jingshu listened to the sound of drums from all around, her originally arrogant face suddenly collapsed.

MFAW - Chapter 42 - Drum Roll, Unexpected Reversal

 Everyone in the hall was attracted by Wen Li's words. To be honest, not all people here don't understand antiques.

There were a few knowledgeable people among them, and even they scorned the jade ring. The youngest daughter of the Mu family was really unconventional in holding up a sign at this time.

"Dad, is that something good?" Pu Xi asked Pu Jianchuan curiously.

The auction was in full swing just now, why has it suddenly cooled down?

"It doesn't have much value. It was used as an accessory for literati throughout the ages. It doesn't look like an accessory at first glance. Besides, it's not a fine jade, so naturally no one would want it."

TVSWWD - Chapter 10 - Murong Jia

 "Princess, the private room is full today, why don't you just make do with it and have a meal in the lobby?"

The waiter almost cried when he finished speaking. Murong Yun couldn't help but touch her face when she saw that the child was almost losing his golden bean tears.

The original owner was indeed tyrannical. The last time a waiter said this, the grass on that waiter's grave had now grown twice.

However, the private rooms on the first floor are not allowed for walk-ins and can only be booked in advance.

Monday, November 20, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 41 - The Wild Girl from the Countryside may have been Frightened by the Price.

 The bronze Pixiu was finally sold for five million.

The hosts who reported the final figures on the stage smiled, gracefully pressed the button, and the platform descended.

This collection that has been sold will be placed backstage, and if the buyer is willing, it can be placed here for a second auction.

But these are all arrogant people, and there is more or less an element of showing off when bidding prices. How can the collections that have been obtained be taken out for auction again.

"Next up is our second collection."

TVSWWD - Chapter 9 - Digging the Heroine's Corner

 "We have to keep a low profile, let's go, we're going to eat melons, ah no, we're going to watch. ”

Murong Yun found the gap and squeezed in flexibly.

"What's wrong with you, you're squeezing--" The melon-eaters were dissatisfied with being squeezed. They turned around and saw Murong Yun. They automatically muted their voices and said incessantly:

“Squeeze well, please!”

Sunday, November 19, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 40 - She Came and did not Dare to Raise Price; Truly worse than Mu Nuan Xi

The manager took Wen Li through the long corridor with extravagant decoration, the walls of the long corridor were gilt, rich, and magnificent, and the paintings and calligraphy hanging were all world-famous paintings, such a place that is established by virtue of antiques, what is hanging naturally won't be imitations.

At the end of the corridor, the entrance opened up. Behind the strange-shaped door, there is a huge living room, showing a pure medieval decoration style. The entire hall starts from the first floor, and you can see the layers of pavilions upwards.

The crystal lamp hanging from the central skylight illuminates the entire hall. There are four or five circles of sofas placed in the center of the hall.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 8 - The Real Bigwigs are Facing the Thunder Head-on

 Murong Yun hesitantly picked up the bones in the box.

On this white bone, which was as long as her arm, there was a fist-sized jet-black stone tied with unknown metal wire.

"Oh my, Princess, this is a treasure specially selected by Your Majesty from the treasure house."

The eunuch who delivered the reward pinched the orchid with his fingers and introduced the item to Murong Yun in a high-pitched voice:

"This treasure, ah, is called Harnessing Thunder, it was the weapon of a Thunder Spirit Cultivation expert in the previous dynasty."

MFAW - Chapter 39 - Wen Li Threw a Box of Gold Bars A lot more Than the Membership Fee.

 Seeking Jade Relic is the largest antique trading house in the entire Ningzhou, and even the Jiangbei region of the entire G country. It was famous for its stone gambling in the early days. In recent years, its business expansion has also opened up many novel areas.

This place is the rich man's ghetto, the poor man's other side of the river, where there were once people who got rich overnight on a piece of ore, and there were also people who lost their homes because of a rock.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 7 - Lightning Protection Treasure

 "Hold the grass!!!"

Murong Yun was unprepared and was struck squarely in the face.

A head of silky black hair flew up with static electricity, and her luxurious clothes were completely charcoaled, and she fell to the ground with a black face.

Electricity surged throughout her body. Before she passed out, the thoughts in her mind were:

I'm afraid this time, it will really be spread throughout Liujing that Princess Shaohua has done many evil things and was struck by lightning, and there is even evidence!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 38 - As long as She Wants, The Whole Ning Zhou City is Full of Gold.

 Walking down the alley and out onto the pedestrian street, it was the time of night when most people were out, all the snacks were lined up in the stalls on both sides of the street but they were neat and clean. People coming and going in twos and threes all have a few shopping bags hanging on their hands, among which the names and bags of famous luxury goods are commonly seen.

In this place where every inch of land is precious, there is never a shortage of people who have no worries about food and clothing.

TVSWWD - Chapter 6 - Struck by Lightning

 How dare you accept this greeting? Murong Yun felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She quickly got up from the chair gave him a hand and said quickly:

"Eldest brother is polite, you and I are really brothers and sisters, so don't salute to me."

Hua Fu's gentle and handsome face was full of surprise, but now was not the time to dwell on this. So he just nodded eagerly and went into the inner room to see his wife.

Seeing Hua Fu's distant and cold expression, Murong Yun could only helplessly press her forehead. It was all done by the original owner.

TVSWWD - Chapter 5 - Advocate for One's Sister-in-law

   Unexpectedly, today's Murong Yun will not play cards according to anyone's routine. She looked serious and said:

"Who gave you face? Dare to ask the eldest sister-in-law of the County Princess to pick up Longan for you? ”

"This princess's eldest sister-in-law is pregnant in its most critical time, it's fine if you don't help her but what's the point of doing this!"

After being questioned by Murong Yun, the jealous lady turned pale and knelt down with a plop.

Follow the Rabbit