Thursday, November 30, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 51 - Twenty years ago, Mrs. Mu Gave Birth to a Baby Girl

 The black car was driving on a straight road. At midnight, there were no people on both sides of the road, not even cars. Only the street lights on both sides of the road were still working hard.

The dim car lights in the back seat were on. Wen Li was sitting on the left and Fu Yuxiu was sitting on the right. There were fruits and cakes on the elevated table between them.

Both from the presentation and production, they are all very delicate snacks. The car is a closed space, and the smell of light cream lingers on the tip of Wen Li's nose.

Feiran was sitting in the front passenger seat, and the black shutter behind him divided the entire car into two spaces.

The distance between Mu's house from Seeking Jade Relic was neither far nor close, and it would take twenty minutes at most.

The whole city is full of bright lights, and the city's blurred desires become more unbridled after nightfall. In order to avoid disturbing the two people in the car, the driver chooses the most secluded road sections and drives at a very gentle speed.

It ensures absolute silence between the two people in the car.

"Eat something, you've been working hard all night, aren't you hungry?" Fu Yuxiu pushed the delicate plate towards Wen Li with his fingers.

The milky sweet smell in her nose became clearer. Wen Li's brows moved slightly, but she didn't make any move.

"It's the flavor you like, it was just made."

On the white plate is a piece of white cream cake, with a few blueberries garnished on top, which looks extremely delicate.

Fu Yuxiu saw her serious look and he kept staring at her with his chin propped up.

After two minutes passed, the girl next to him finally gave up her posture of sitting upright picked up the cake, and started eating it.

Seeing the joy between her delicate brows, Fu Yuxiu also felt happy.

Sure enough, she likes sweets very much, especially sweets with milk added, so she has no resistance to things like cream cakes.

Fu Yuxiu could naturally see that she was not entirely cold and inhumane, and she still retained the coquettishness that a girl should have.

"I heard from Lu Min that you are very powerful, and you earned a lot of money tonight."

Feeling the sweet taste spreading between her lips and teeth, Wen Li felt much better.

"It's not bad. I just read a few more books and visited a few more places than ordinary people."

Being well-informed can be a person's greatest skill. Wen Li used to like to go to flea markets in various places when she had nothing to do. She also learned a lot of skills through this experience.

It's all used tonight.

"Very impressive." The man praised.

"Do you feel any different in your body after taking the medicine?" Wen Li glanced sideways at the bamboo tube in Fu Yuxiu's hand.

When he got out of the car, there was a faint smell of herbs on his body. This person could only get the smell after carrying the bamboo tube with him for a long time.

"I haven't consumed it yet." Fu Yuxiu turned his wrist and placed the bamboo tube horizontally in his palm.

"If you haven't consumed it, take it with you." Wen Li swallowed the last bite of the cake and put the plate aside with satisfaction.

"Take with warm water." She reminded.

Fu Yuxiu glanced at the bamboo tube, then looked at the girl next to him seriously, "Can I ask a question?"

Wen Li didn't say anything, so he continued.

"You look confident, but in fact you are cautious. What's going on?"

This girl was so confident when she was betting on stones, and she didn't hesitate when she held up her sign to take a picture of the jade. This was enough to prove that she was an extremely confident person.

But when treating him, she lost her confident aura.

"When were you poisoned?"

"It's been a while. In total, it should be three years."

The speculations in her mind have been confirmed. Strictly speaking, it is not difficult to undo the toxins in his body.

But what she was more concerned about was who was poisoning Nan Qiao and how those people got the poison.

This is what Wen Li wants to find out most now.

"Follow my prescription and you don't have to worry about the rest. I will cure you."

For the rest, she was unwilling to say another word.

The car quickly arrived at the door of Mu's house. Under the dark night, the lights in the entire yard were on.

The carved iron gate was closed tightly, and the street lights inside the door illuminated a bright place.

Feiran opened the rear door and stood quietly aside.

As soon as Wen Li stepped out of the car door, she was pulled back by the person behind her.

"Take this."

The hand that hooked her was very strong, holding her tightly, but the man's face still looked calm.

Wen Li was forced to sit back down, and a delicate transparent small gift box was placed on her lap.

It is half the size of a shoe box, with a square and transparent package, and you can see two round jars inside.

The two jars are filled with round cookies. Such packaging will make people more appetizing.

"You have a sweet tooth, you will definitely like this taste."

Feiran said nothing and tried hard to reduce his sense of presence.


Wen Li got out of the car with the gift box. The wind blowing on her face was dry and hot, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Fu Yuxiu got out of the car immediately after her, and the tall and thin man stopped in front of her.

"Don't be bullied when you go back." He opened his mouth and chuckled, "Be tough."

Wen Li lowered her head and glanced at the things she was carrying. This packaging was a girl's favorite style.

"Go to bed early."

The two stood face to face, with the evening breeze blowing. Wen Li held the box and looked up at him.

In the villa immersed in the dark night, in the leftmost room on the second floor, the black curtains moved, and the eyes looking inside the dark night were blocked by the curtains.

They were far away and couldn't see their faces clearly, but they could see the way the man lowered his head slightly and listened to the girl in front of him.

The man's delicate profile can be clearly distinguished under the streetlight next to him.

The person behind the curtain clenched a hand and then loosened them quickly.

Wen Li walked to the door and pressed her fingerprints. The small door on the side opened, and she carried the box into the yard.

It wasn't until she entered the main entrance of the villa that the man moved to get in the car.

"Master, the investigation results show that Mrs. Mu did give birth to a baby girl in Fangxi Town Hospital twenty years ago."

And if the age and data are correct, the baby girl should be Mu Wen Li.

"Check again."

Feiran nodded slightly after hearing this. They would conduct detailed investigations on the information of people who come into contact with Fu Yuxiu.

But what Fu Yuxiu asked them to investigate in depth this time was the birth of Mu Wen Li twenty years ago.

Feiran had some speculations in his mind. The young master felt that there was something wrong with Mu Wen Li's identity.

But Mu Wen Li was indeed born in Fangxi Town. When she was five years old, she followed Mu Kun and his wife back to the Mu family and then got lost.

The birth certificate from that year is also available, and the people sent out to investigate did find all of Lu Xue's prenatal check-up data from that year.

Solid evidence proved Mu Wen Li's identity, but the young master was skeptical.


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