Wednesday, November 1, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 5 - Advocate for One's Sister-in-law

   Unexpectedly, today's Murong Yun will not play cards according to anyone's routine. She looked serious and said:

"Who gave you face? Dare to ask the eldest sister-in-law of the County Princess to pick up Longan for you? ”

"This princess's eldest sister-in-law is pregnant in its most critical time, it's fine if you don't help her but what's the point of doing this!"

After being questioned by Murong Yun, the jealous lady turned pale and knelt down with a plop.

Even the other noble ladies who had been watching the excitement fell to their knees under Murong Yun's majesty.

What is Murong Yun's identity?

She was the beloved daughter of the late eldest princess. Even if she was willful, unruly, or even vicious, His Majesty still loved her more than his own princess. Who in Liujing would dare to seek death by trying to quarrel with her?

They can't afford to offend her.

The jealous lady had no idea that Princess Shaohua would change her temper and defend her sister-in-law.

Could it be that the idea of ​​​​valuing the mother and the son also applies to the princess? 

"To reply... reply to the princess, I... I just want to ask Mrs. Hua for help... to pick up some longans."

The jealous noblewoman replied with a trembling voice, she did not dare to say that she couldn't wait for Li Jiang to fall and have a miscarriage.

"Just what? help? You don't have hands yourself?”

Murong Yun was furious, and her already outstandingly beautiful face is somewhat fierce. For a moment, the whole person was extremely aggressive.

Without waiting for the trembling lady to reply, Murong Yun continued:

"Since you have to ask this princess' sister-in-law to help you pick up the longan, then your hands must be disobedient."

"Someone come here, drag her down, and punish her with beatings thirty times!"

As soon as the order came out, Murong Yun's own maid wanted to drag this noble girl out for punishment.

Murong Yun carefully picked up Li Jiang. Thinking to herself, if she doesn't let the people know how much she values her eldest sister-in-law, what if some ungrateful ones bully her again and miscarry?


"Isn't this Yunhua, showing off her power to me?"

Princess Anping brought a group of noble ladies to the banquet and happened to bump into the noble lady who was being pulled out.

When the jealous lady saw the master of the house coming, she quickly struggled to seek help.

"Showing off power? This princess only wants to punish this blind person a little. Why, do you want to meddle in other people's business?"

Murong Yun is absolutely not weak. In terms of power and status, sorry, she is the best in the show.

"That's not the case, it's just that, after all, they are the guests I invited. I can't stand to watch if you just deal with them casually."

Princess Anping had always been at odds with Murong Yun, so of course she would not be willing to let her dominate in her own house.

If this spreads out, she will lose face!

"If you don't want to see it, just close your eyes."

Murong Yun personally poured a cup of hot tea for Li Jiang, not taking Princess Anping's words seriously at all.

In a cold voice, she commanded, "Since Anping is not willing to give way, let's do it here, fifty plank beatings."


Princess Anping was furious, but she really couldn't suppress Murong Yun. They couldn't take any account of this matter, after all, the blind noble girl caused the incident first.

The banquet started with the screams of pain from the beaten lady.

After Murong Yun showed off her power, except for her actively bringing snacks to Li Jiang, despite Princess Anping's efforts to liven up the atmosphere, the entire Flowing Fire Banquet was as quiet as a chicken.

Princess Anping was so angry that she almost threw the lamp with a dark face and announced the end of the banquet.

"It's finally over, it's so boring."

Murong Yun stretched out, watched Li Jiang get up with the help of the maid, and quickly served her diligently. There was no trace of the unrivaled arrogance of the past.

"Princess, today you seem to be particularly different."

Li Jiang, who is apprehensive was a little surprised by the change in the other party's temperament. Normally, this person would not be so kind.

"Well, I just suddenly realized a lot. Family love is precious. I was wrong in the past. Please forgive me, sister-in-law."

Murong Yun smiled at Li Jiang with a look of embarrassment on her face. The overly beautiful face suddenly became vivid and friendly because of this smile.

"It's great that the princess is like this now."

Li Jiang is a pure and gentle woman. Perhaps because she is about to become a mother, she is particularly tolerant of Murong Yun, who is younger than herself. She was ridiculed and bullied by her in the past, but she never really took it to heart.

"Sister-in-law, the General's Mansion is adjacent to the Princess' Mansion, why not take my carriage back? My carriage is more comfortable."

Murong Yun smiled and suggested. Her carriage was a luan frame made by the palace. It was not only airy and cool but also spacious and comfortable. The connecting wheels are also specially treated, which is very shock-proof and most suitable for pregnant women.


Li Jiang agreed with a smile, thinking that this Yunhua was not as arrogant as before.

She always had an arrogant look on her face, always acting like a princess, and always wanted to show off her royal status.

But now, she could feel Murong Yun's sincerity and friendliness. Therefore, Li Jiang also put down her guard and chatted and laughed with Murong Yun along the way.

She was a very meticulous and gentle person, and even just chatting about everyday things actually made Murong Yun relax a lot.

When they arrived in front of the General's Mansion, Murong Yun got off the carriage first and watched with a smile as Li Jiang carefully got out of the carriage while being served by the maid.

It seems that the miscarriage plot in the book has been avoided!

Just when Murong Yun relaxed his vigilance, Li Jiang's foot slipped as he stepped down the last wooden step. He let out a cry of surprise and was about to fall down.

And to top it off, it's still stomach first!

Damn it!

 Murong Yun's eyes widened suddenly, and she quickly stepped forward and reached out to catch Li Jiang, and turned the other party over with her hand... She didn't hesitate to be the unlucky cushion.

Hell knows why even with two maids supporting a pregnant woman, the said pregnant woman can still slip on her feet.

Murong Yun gritted her teeth and looked at Li Jiang.

Even after trying so hard, the other party still held her stomach and shouted in pain:

"It hurts, my stomach hurts..."

Li Jiang, whose face was full of pain, was carefully lifted up by the maid, while Xiao Cui helped her princess up with a distressed expression on her face.

"Quick, go to the princess's mansion and call the spiritual doctor!"

Murong Yun stood up with her hands on her waist, took out the pregnancy-preserving pills she had prepared a long time ago, and fed them to her. She couldn't help but secretly sigh that she had the foresight to make two preparations.

After Li Jiang took the pills and her condition improved, she was properly placed in the room, and the spiritual doctor was called in time, Murong Yun was relieved.

At this time, Hua Fu, the eldest son of the General's Mansion, also hurried back.

 Hua Fu is Murong Yun's eldest brother, and the two are half-brothers.

When the eldest princess returned to the country, she hurriedly married the general Hua Yunjun within a year.

At that time, Hua Yunjun had already married and had children, so the eldest princess entered the palace as an equal wife.

The following year, she gave birth to a daughter, Murong Yun, who just took her mother's surname.

But this general was never liked by the emperor. After the eldest princess gave birth to a daughter, he was assigned to a border town.

Therefore, the young masters in the house have always been the ones who have no say among the Liujing nobles.

This could be seen from the fact that Hua Fu had been the young magistrate of Jingzhaofu for eight years but was still from the fourth rank.

However, Murong Yun, who has read the novel, knows that this eldest brother will be in the new dynasty two years later, and he will become a powerful minister above 10,000 people under one person.

Hua Fu strode in and was startled when he saw Murong Yun sitting in the hall. Then he hid his eager expression and saluted coldly but neatly:

"Greetings County Princess."

The voice was cold, and he didn't mean to treat her as his sister at all.


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