Sunday, November 19, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 40 - She Came and did not Dare to Raise Price; Truly worse than Mu Nuan Xi

The manager took Wen Li through the long corridor with extravagant decoration, the walls of the long corridor were gilt, rich, and magnificent, and the paintings and calligraphy hanging were all world-famous paintings, such a place that is established by virtue of antiques, what is hanging naturally won't be imitations.

At the end of the corridor, the entrance opened up. Behind the strange-shaped door, there is a huge living room, showing a pure medieval decoration style. The entire hall starts from the first floor, and you can see the layers of pavilions upwards.

The crystal lamp hanging from the central skylight illuminates the entire hall. There are four or five circles of sofas placed in the center of the hall.

It was divided into small seating areas and the coffee table in the middle of the sofa was filled with high-end red wine and pastries sent from the star hotel.

"This is your seat. If you need to bid later, just press this bell." The manager pointed to the bell on the table.

Around the circular hall, in the glass-walled rooms, the newly transported stones are placed.

These rough stones are sent directly from their place of origin. After the antique bidding process is completed, guests who come here can choose by themselves and buy them after confirming the price.

Whatever is cut by the cutting machine here is the customer's choice.

Wen Li put one hand on the sofa and glanced around. Because the members had high standards, the number of participants in this event was strictly limited.

Seeking Jade Relic holds such a bidding event every month, and auctions antiques collected from all over the world. A new batch of rough stones will be delivered on the day of each event, which attracts many collectors.

She swept through the people who had already sat down in the hall, and there were three people in each lounge area, adding up to about thirty people.

These people were all gorgeously dressed and dignified, and one or two of them were familiar faces that they had seen at the Nanpei dinner party.

This area of Wen Li is used for emergencies, except for guests who can get invitations, this location is reserved for guests who come suddenly.

The waiter walked over, opened the red wine bottle, and poured a glass of red wine for Wen Li.

"Please be at ease, our program will begin shortly."

Wen Li leaned on the sofa and began to close her eyes to rest. The person on the sofa in the sitting area opposite her glanced at her as if to confirm her identity and appearance.

"Oh my God. The boy with grape purple hair quietly took out his mobile phone and sent a message, "I seem to have seen your second sister."

The person who spoke was called Pu Xi, and he was a good friend of Mu Chenxing.

The family is engaged in the sanitary ware industry, and it is also a wealthy family, but his father Pu Jianchuan likes to collect antique calligraphy and paintings.

It can be regarded as a way to enhance the artistic atmosphere. He was dragged here by Pu Jianchuan tonight.

"What did you say?" Pu Jianchuan looked at Pu Xi's mysterious look.

"Dad, look at the woman opposite you." Pu Xi pursed his lips in Wen Li's direction.

Pu Jianchuan looked across the room and saw a girl with an outstanding appearance. He was also a little curious. He came to every event of Seeking Jade Relic. To put it bluntly, 70% of the people who could attend such an occasion were regulars.

He had never seen this girl before.

"Which lady is she?"

The clothes she wears are quite shabby. Compared with those wealthy ladies who are all wearing customized clothes.

Pu Xi waited for Mu Chenxing's reply while concentrating on the conversation with his father, "You don't know, that is the little daughter that the Mu family just found, Mu Wen Li."

When he said this, Pu Jianchuan remembered that the Mu family had found their little daughter, it was a fact that is probably known to everyone in Ningzhou City. However, he did not expect that this little daughter was really beautiful, even more beautiful than the famous Mu Nuan Xi. 

Pu Xi waited for Mu Chenxing's news, and after seeing his reply, Pu Xi also made up his mind,

"What are you going to do? There are so many people here. Don't embarrass me." Pu Jianchuan said while watching his son's series of actions.

Usually, this brat causes trouble at home, but this is the first time he brings him out and if he embarrasses the Pu family, let's see how he will deal with him when he goes back.

"Just leave it alone. I'm going to take pictures of something fun. Chenxing asked me to do it." Pu Xi put up his phone.

Hearing Mu Chenxing's name, Pu Jianchuan didn't say anything more.

After the booklet in Wen Li's hand was turned over, the person hosting the event took the stage.

"Thank you for coming. You have all seen our Seeking Jade Relic activities this month. This time we have brought a total of four collections. The first part is naturally our much-anticipated bidding part."

All auction items in Seeking Jade Relic are shipped from all over the world. Before the auction, professionals evaluate the authenticity and make a rough estimate.

However, all guests will not receive any information in advance, whether it is antiques, vintage products, or other items, let alone such confidential information as prices.

And the guests that Seeking Jade Relic faced were also extraordinary, and these people came to this place for nothing more than a pastime.

This principle is similar to the concept of gambling. If you start bidding without knowing the value of the collection, you are likely to get something expensive for the lowest price. Naturally, you will also get the cheapest thing for the highest price.

And these people are not money-hungry, they just want to play for the excitement.

"So let's go to auction the first piece of the collection." As soon as the host's words fell, the glass lifting platform in the middle rose up.

Encapsulated in glass on all sides, a bronze Pixiu is placed on the central countertop, about the size of a plate.

The host pressed the remote control in his hand, and the glassware containing the bronze slid down according to the original buried track, bypassing the middle of the lounge area so that all the guests could have a clear and close view.

When the Pixiu came close to Wen Li, she glanced lightly without stopping too much.

"Good stuff! This is really good stuff."

"Just looking at the color, it's probably a thousand-year-old thing. I like this!"

There were many voices in the crowd, and among these guests, there were many serious people who liked to collect.

"Our starting price is one million." The host announced the price.

Wen Li slowly reached for a cup of chrysanthemum tea, and the value of the thing was not high enough for a million, but it would be worthless if it ended up being more than two million.

But if you don’t understand these things, she estimates that the actual price of this thing will be higher than 2 million.

Sure enough, someone here has already started to hold up signs.

"A million and a half."

"Two million."

"Two and a half million. ”

The host read out the bid price with a happy face.

When Pu Xi saw Wen Li who was motionless, the smile on his lips became deeper and deeper.

This Mu Wen Li was nothing more than that. He didn't even dare to raise the price when he came in. Compared with Mu Nuan Xi, she was far behind.

Also, children who grew up in the countryside were probably shocked when they heard that the starting price was one million. How could it be increased to five hundred thousand?

It was a waste of time for the Mu family to let her in and gain experience.


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