Sunday, November 26, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 47 - Mu Chenyu is a Biased Brother

 "Stop it, you guys, stop it!!!"

Mu Nuan Xi ran to the middle of the bodyguards first.

However, without Wen Li's order, these people would not stop no matter what. As Mu Nuanxi spoke, Tong Jingshu's entire back was torn open.

"Stop!!" Mu Nuanxi was so anxious that tears flowed out.

Lu Min turned around and saw Wen Li's raised hand, signaling the bodyguard to stop.

The footsteps stopped in the middle of the crowd. Mu Nuan Xi ran over and stood in the middle, hugging Tong Jingshu tightly in her arms. Mu Chenyu followed her sister with a stern look on his face.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the person coming. This Tong Jingshu was Mu Nuanxi's best friend. It was possible that someone had notified Mu Nuan Xi when they started betting.

She has a good friend on one side and a biological sister on the other. I don’t know what Mu Nuanxi will choose.

Seeing Tong Jingshu's embarrassed look, Mu Nuanxi raised her head and looked at Mu Chenyu, "Brother."

Mu Chenyu quickly took off his coat and handed it to her.

"Nuan Xi, you're finally here." Ning Qi hurried over, "Your sister, she's going to tear Jingshu's clothes off."

After hearing Ning Qi's words, Mu Chenyu's originally cold expression became even more ugly after scanning the people around him.

"What are you making a fuss about?" Mu Chenyu stepped over in two steps, with a deliberately low voice.

Wen Li tilted her head and glanced at Tong Jingshu, who was now protected by Mu Nuanxi.

"She made a bet with me and lost. I was just asking her to fulfill her promise."

The words were spoken calmly and without any concern.

Mu Nuanxi hugged Tong Jingshu tightly, "Li Li, you are too outrageous. There are so many people watching here. You asked Jingshu to take off her clothes. How can you tell her to see people in the future!"

Ning Qi also nodded, "That's what I told her just now. I also said you and we are good friends, but she didn't seem to mind at all."

When everyone onlookers saw Mu Nuanxi protecting Tong Jingshu in her arms, they sighed a little more in their hearts. They all said that the eldest daughter of the Mu family knew how to advance and retreat. She indeed showed her kindness at this moment.

"Don't embarrass us in front of so many people." Mu Chenyu said coldly.

As soon as he returned home from the company, he was pulled by Mu Nuan Xi. Mu Chenyu, who had been tired for a day, didn't want to come over at first, but seeing the redness in the corner of his sister's eyes, it was not safe for a girl to go out by herself at night. 

Unexpectedly, he saw such a scene as soon as he walked in. This person had just returned to Mu's house and had caused a lot of trouble.

The Tong family and the Mu family are partners. On such an occasion, Mu Wen Li would do this in front of everyone, which was a disgrace to the Mu family.

Wen Li lowered her head and played with the silver bracelet on her hand, "If I fail to get out a good stone, it will be the Mu family who will be embarrassed now. Do you think Tong Jingshu will let me go?"

Mu Chenyu was stunned. On the way here, he heard Mu Nuanxi talk about the bet between the two.

If Wen Li loses now, I am afraid that Wen Li will be extremely humiliated because of Tong Jingshu's flamboyant temperament. How could she let Wen Li go?

"But you can't do this, Li Li, you have to be merciful." Mu Nuanxi stood up straight and spoke with a high voice.

Lu Min stood next to Wen Li with a normal expression.

Wen Li almost laughed out loud, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, "Okay, it's okay if you don't take off your clothes. Then follow her request and come over and kowtow to me to apologize."

"Mu Wen Li!!" Tong Jingshu screamed in despair, "You are a vicious woman, you have humiliated me so much, and you still want me to kneel down to you! Stop dreaming!"

In front of so many people, she was completely humiliated, and it would be impossible for her to kneel down in front of her in this life.

"Why, you are allowed to let me kneel down, but you are not allowed to kneel down to me? Miss Tong's double standard is really good."

The onlookers nodded in agreement. Although Mu Wen Li spoke little, she spoke every word carefully.

Tong Jingshu wanted to say something else, but Mu Nuan Xi held her hand tightly and she shut up.

"Li Li, stop making trouble. Just for the sake of your sister, let Jingshu go this time." When Mu Nuanxi said this, her tone was obviously pleading.

Seeing her rosy look, the onlookers were convinced that Mu Nuan Xi was really a good person.

Her sister has already spoken, but Mu Wen Li would be too ignorant if she still persists.

"Stop it when you're ahead, don't make too much trouble." Mu Chenyu also lowered his head looked at the person on the sofa.

Wen Li's eyes fell on Tong Jingshu, whose clothes were in tatters. Although she was far away, Wen Li could clearly see the overwhelming hatred in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll let you go today. You'd better take a detour when you see me again in the future."

Ning Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was right to call Nuan Xi over.

"Everyone, please leave. Don't let such a small thing affect everyone's interest." Mu Chenyu said to the crowd of spectators.

The eldest young master of the Mu family spoke, and the onlookers dispersed. After all, this was a matter between Tong and Mu family, and they just wanted to watch the fun.

"You also pack up and come back with me." Mu Chenyu's tone was not very good when he spoke to Wen Li.

When the manager came over with the authorization letter, he nodded politely to Mu Chenyu and turned to look at Wen Li.

"Miss Mu, do you want to take this violet away yourself or leave it here and let us auction it for you?"

If the piece of jade that Wen Li bought just now was also put up for auction here. Seeking Jade Relic also has business.

"Put it here."

The manager nodded, "Okay, please sign your name here, and we will transfer the money to your account after the auction."

Mu Chenyu watched Wen Li sign and reacted quickly.


The manager saw Mu Chenyu's confused look and knew that this was the eldest son of the Mu family, so he politely explained to him.

"Miss Mu just opened the rough stone of glass violet, and it has been appraised."

Although Mu Chenyu doesn't often participate in activities such as stone gambling, he knows what glass violets are.

He just knew that Mu Wen Li and Tong Jingshu made a bet on stones, and Wen Li won, but he only thought about finding some more expensive jadeite and never expected that she would actually be able to find violets.

"Thank you, Miss Mu." The manager collected the folder and politely exited.

There were no outsiders around now. Mu Chenyu looked at the person who stood up, "You came to this place privately and made such a big noise. Do you still have any rules?"

If Mu Nuan Xi hadn't brought him here, I don't know how far this matter would go tonight.

"Why should I abide by the rules of your Mu family?"

Wen Li stood up and went to the door. When Mu Chenyu heard his words and saw her getting up, he was about to pull her over to teach her a lesson.

Someone grabbed his wrist.

"Mr. Mu, respect yourself." Lu Min stopped her expressionlessly.

When Feiran arranged for him to come over to protect Wen Li's safety, he said not to let anyone touch her, especially men.

Although Mu Chenyu is Mu Wen Li's brother, he is obviously a biased brother.

If this matter had happened to Mu Nuan Xi today, I'm afraid that person's clothes would have been torn off by Mu Chenyu himself.


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