Friday, November 24, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 45 - This is a Glass Violet (Second Slap)

 Soon all the guests in the hall knew about the bet between Mu Wen Li and Tong Jingshu. In order to expand its influence, Tong Jingshu naturally arranged for people to spread the news quickly.

What if she doesn't let everyone know about it, and then when that girl loses she might renege on her bet.

The bet was opened, and many people were joking about it. Although Mu Wen Li's identity was there, and the Mu family's status in Ningzhou was not low, Tong Jingshu was not someone to be trifled with.

The Tong family was not an ordinary family originally, and now Tong Jingshu entered the entertainment circle and became a top-notch person in the industry, so her influence is naturally quite large.

More importantly, everyone knows that Tong Jingshu's best friend is Mu Nuan Xi. On such an occasion, Tong Jingshu got into trouble with her good friend's sister. Isn't this a good show?

Just when everyone was secretly speculating, a scream came from the distance, followed by Hu Xiang and his female companion who coaxed and surrounded Wen Li who was picking stones.

"You stinky girl, you lied to me!!!" Hu Xiang raised his finger and pointed at Wen Li.

Everyone in the same room as Wen Li looked back at Hu Xiang, and some people went over to persuade him.

"What's going on, Mr. Hu? Why are you so angry?"

The small flashlight in Hu Xiang's hand hit the ground directly, and he looked at Wen Li angrily, "This stinky girl told us to buy that stone, but it turned out to be an ordinary stone!"

He lost two million, and the tigress at home will eat him directly.

After Wen Li selected the stone, she glanced at the person looking for trouble in front of him and said nothing.

"I thought something was going on, don't be angry. ”

The person advising on the side almost laughed out loud. This Hu Xiang relied on the power of the Yue family to run rampant, but he could not afford two million, it is just a stone, and he actually made a fuss like this.

It's so embarrassing.

"This wild girl dared to lie to me. She is really a scumbag who can't stand up to the public." As soon as Hu Xiang finished speaking, he felt the pain in his fingertips.

The little girl in front of him had a cold face, but one of her hands tightly squeezed the finger he pointed out and ruthlessly taught him a lesson.

"Raising your hand casually to point at people, your education is nothing more than this. What can I, a wild girl from the countryside, know? But you, a scumbag with a lot of poetry and literature, can have a look yourself but instead, you relied on me."

Wen Li's expression did not change, but under the light clouds and wind, her hands were very strong.

"You bastard! No wonder people outside say that you are not a child of the Mu family. You are such a person who cannot stand on the stage...ah!!!"

Before Hu Xiang could finish his words, the person closest to him had already heard the sound of cracking knuckles.

Everyone knew that the index finger on Wen Li's hand was broken.

"Since it's someone you look down on, you shouldn't expect to make profits from someone you look down upon. People like you can't afford the backlash." Wen Li let go and took out a wet wipe to wipe her fingers.

Hu Xiang knelt down on the ground holding his fingers, sweat dripping down from his forehead in large drops, breathing heavily and unable to say a word in pain.

His female companion was hiding aside. Hu Xiang said a lot of nonsense tonight, especially after seeing Mu Wen Li's appearance, he became even more outrageous.

This girl probably did it on purpose. She must have heard what Hu Xiang said.

"Everyone knows the rules of Seeking Jade Relic. There are wins and losses. Mr. Hu's behavior is despised. Please leave."

The manager responsible for maintaining order then came out and led the security guards to ask people out.

"Do you think Mu Wen Li did it on purpose or because she doesn't understand stones at all, which is why Mr. Hu suffered a loss?"

"Who knows, but I guess she will lose to Tong Jingshu."

People around started whispering about this matter. In any case, this girl was too cruel and she broke people's fingers directly.

The rumors outside are probably not very reliable. Not to mention that she grew up in the countryside, rumors say that she never went to school, and is not good-looking. She is dark and thin. More importantly, she has no knowledge. Naturally, his temperament can be manipulated by others. 

But looking at it tonight, this is completely contrary to those rumors.

There are only a few girls in Ningzhou who can break people's fingers off directly.

Soon Tong Jingshu had already settled on a rough stone, and the waiter took the stone to the stone-cutting machine and waited.

After learning about their bet, most people gathered around to join in the fun.

Several stones have been opened just now, and the most expensive ones are not pure jade stones. Everyone is waiting to see what good jade stones Tong Jingshu can find.

"Miss Tong, we are going to start cutting." The staff confirmed with her again.

"Cut it." Tong Jingshu said in a loud voice.

With a sharp cutting sound, the machine began to cut from the edge of the stone.

The waiter served coffee to the waiting people. Tong Jingshu crossed her legs and took a confident sip of coffee.

Soon the machine stopped and the workers, wearing gloves, took out the cut stones.

The appraiser who was waiting walked over and started the inspection on the edge of the countertop.

"Congratulations, Miss Tong, this is ice jade of extremely high purity!" came the appraiser's joyful voice.

Under the light, you can see that the jadeite in the middle of the cut rough stone on the table has an excellent luster, is translucent, and is as cool as ice. The translucent state has excellent water-color, and you can tell at a glance that it is expensive.

Moreover, this stone weighs two kilograms, so the price is naturally extremely high.

"This Tong Jingshu is quite amazing." People around her were talking about her.

"Ice Jade has already been revealed, and the second young lady of the Mu family will definitely lose."

"It doesn't matter that she made 20 million, isn't it still a total failure?"

Among these people, there are also those who take pleasure in others' misfortune.

In his words, he was certain that Wen Li would lose.

The waiter walked in front holding the stone selected by Wen Li. He was still immersed in Tong Jingshu's joy. Everyone who looked at Wen Li also regarded her as a loser.

"Mu Wenli, you'd better find your own posture. How can you kneel down for me in a moment that's the least embarrassing?" Tong Jingshu looked at Wen Li with a feeling of pride and elation.

"It's too early to decide the outcome." Wen Li supported her chin and looked at the staff who had started cutting.

Everyone in the club was unknowingly attracted by the bet between the two. They opened several stones throughout the night, but they were not good ones.

But Tong Jingshu had discovered an ice jadeite with just one stone. Naturally, everyone wanted to see how the second young lady of the Mu family, who had just made a big splash, was going to solve this situation.

She really have to kneel down.

The two people who were calmly waiting for the result seemed unwilling to talk to each other. Tong Jingshu looked at Wen Li as if she wanted to eat her.

The sound of the machine stopped, and the appraiser's words broke the atmosphere in the hall.

"It's amazing, this is a Glass Violet!!!!"


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