Sunday, November 26, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 15 - Then You Die.

 Guo Kui smiled grimly and asked the officer behind him to hold down Hua's armrest with the ink pads, and then pressed it on the confession that had been drafted long ago.

Hua Fu struggled hard, but unfortunately, even though he had the strength of sixth-level wood spiritual cultivation, he could not break free from the special soul-locking iron chain in the prison.

In Guo Kui's proud voice, the confession was forcibly fingerprinted.

It's over.

Hua Fu had a look of reluctance on his face, and he could only close his eyes bitterly.

"That's good."

Guo Kui folded the confession, leaned over, and patted Hua Fu's cheek with his hand, smiling greasily:

"It's a pity that the brilliant and talented eldest son of the General's Palace has ended his career here."

At this time, a shout came:

"You shameless greasy middle-aged man, put your hands away now!"

Murong Yun was helped to the end, and when she saw this scene at a glance, she gasped in anger.

Those who didn’t know thought it was some pervert teasing the beautiful man!

"County Princess Shaohua?"

Guo Kui was frightened by the familiar arrogant voice and retracted his hand.

For a moment, he didn't understand how this princess, who prided herself on being of high status, could come to a place like this.

"Who said that the eldest brother of this princess has lost his official career?!"

Following Murong Yun's voice, Hua Fu opened his eyes.

He couldn't believe that the person who was sent back to the princess' mansion lying down just two days ago would show up at this time.

Or even save him.

Murong Yun strode into the cell with a distressed look on her face and asked the yamen servant to take him away. He personally helped up his eldest brother and began to furiously increase his favorability.

"Have you forgotten that the Hua family also has this princess?"

Murong Yun asked with an even more arrogant expression than Guo Kui earlier:

"How come the eldest brother of my princess, the fourth-grade young official of Jingzhao Mansion, was arbitrarily detained by you without evidence?"

"In your eyes, do you still have the law and the Murong royal family?"

Hua Fu looked at the person venting her anger, finally feeling real at this moment.

Listening to the other party standing up for him, he seemed to see his sweet and cute sister again when he was young.

"It's unjust, Princess!"

Guo Kui was accused of several crimes by Murong Yun, and he knelt down with a plop.

He looked like he had been greatly wronged: "This lowly official's feelings towards South Chu and the royal family can be learned from heaven and earth. Even if I am killed, I will never let go of it!"

Guo Kui fell to his knees, looking like he was wronged he is strong and his acting skills are pretty good.

Murong Yun seemed to ignore his nonsense, and stood beside her eldest brother and asked with interest:

"Never let go of it even if you die?"

"Yes, Princess." Guo Kui looked at Murong Yun's expression and nodded bravely.

"Then you die for this Princess?"

Murong Yun said curiously, with a look of eagerness on her face.


This is totally out of character!

Guo Kui thought that no matter how arrogant the princess was, she had to be logical, right?

I didn’t expect that the other party was completely unreasonable!

"The princess is really good at telling jokes."

Guo Kui smiled awkwardly, but he was afraid that she would actually do something, so he quickly took out the confession book in his hand:

"This is the crime Young prefect Hua confessed to. This lower officials will certainly not dare to arrest him without any evidence."


Murong Yun raised her eyebrows slightly and picked up the so-called confession.

Hua Fu couldn't help holding his breath, worried that after reading it, she would really think it was his confession.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yun sneered, without even looking at it, he pulled with both hands and then tore...

The confession turned into a confetti, falling on Guo Kui one after another.

Bogus accusations!

"Bold! You actually dare to deceive this princess, attack the royal family, and arrest officials wantonly. What a great official power!"

Murong Yun opened her eyes and told lies. In the end, while Guo Kui was still stunned, she waved her hand and ordered:

"Come here, take down this dog official, and beat him fifty times!"

Guo Kui was simply stunned by the Yin Yang shamelessness of Murong Yun.

When the two princess palace guards crossed their arms and were about to drag him away, he naturally refused to obey. He held the door tightly and shouted in disbelief:

"Princess, even if you are of noble birth, you cannot deal with court officials arbitrarily. I want to see your majesty!"

Murong Yun clasped her ears and with a nonchalant look on her face, she smiled dazzlingly at him, and said softly with her red lips:

"The words of this princess are what your majesty means!"

Competing with her for power? Naive! Stupid!

"Hurry and drag it away!"

Xiao Cui pulled Guo Kui's hand off very considerately and said disgustedly:

"Gag your mouth and beat her at the door of Jingzhao Mansion. This is what you will get if you offend the princess!"

Murong Yun was immediately impressed by Xiao Cui's expression of a standard villain.

After all, she is the confidant of the vicious female supporting character, this style is perfect.

This was the first time in Hua Fu's life that Murong Yun's arrogance was so pleasing to his eyes, and he even thought it was good.

The next moment, he was shocked by his own absurdity and shook his head again and again?

"Eldest brother, are you not feeling well?"

Murong Yun keenly saw Hua Fu shaking his head with displeasure on her face: "Did that dog officer torture you?"

"No, I'm fine."

Hua Fu looked at the nervousness and displeasure on Murong Yun's face and thanked her with a smile on his face:

"Thanks to you this time, elder brother didn't expect that you have become a lot more sensible during this period of time."

This is? As if seeing the soaring favorability, Murong Yun hurriedly patted her chest to show her loyalty.

"Eldest brother, what should I say? I am also the second young lady of the general's mansion. Of course, I have to protect my family!"

Yes, that's it, get closer to the big boss and gradually hug his thighs.

Murong Yun looked at Hua Fu with a smile, her eyes filled with sincerity.

Not only that, but she also personally took Hua Fu back to the general's mansion in an upright and ostentatious manner.

Arriving at the gate of the General's Mansion.

Li Jiang, who had already received the news, looked at the rather embarrassed Hua Fu with watery eyes, and clumsily threw himself into Hua Fu's arms with a big belly.

"Sorry for making you worry."

Hua Fu gently stopped his wife, and for a moment, the air was filled with warmth.

But Murong Yun's attention was attracted by another person.

"That's... Hua Zhu?"

Murong Yun looked uncertainly at the young man dressed in crimson and gorgeous brocade who was following behind Li Jiang.

The young man has a delicate face, like a spring dawn flower.

In particular, a pair of peach blossom eyes were looking around, and a signature silver shell fan was held in his hand.

Hua Zhu saw Murong Yun's exclusive Luan frame carriage from afar, and now he noticed her gaze again, and a trace of hatred quickly passed over his face.

Then he immediately put on a formulaic smile and stepped forward to salute her.

"Hua Zhu, meet County Princess Shaohua."

Sure enough, this is her fourth half-brother Hua Zhu.

The only concubine born in the General's Palace, a wealthy businessman who will control the economic lifeline of the country in the future.


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