Wednesday, November 29, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 50 - You've Been Bullied. Do you Need Me to Help You Get Back?

 Pu Xi clearly heard it. Although Mu Wen Li's tone was gentle, the girl in front of him was definitely not a good person. The flying rocks were full of energy.

His head is still buzzing from the beating, and it must be bruised to the touch.

If it was a knife that flew out with this force, his brain would be pierced right now.

"What do you mean?" Pu Xi walked out covering his head.

He also kicked the trash can next to him, full of momentum.

"You've been following me all night, and if I didn't say anything. Do you really think I didn't find anything?" Wen Li looked at the young man who walked up to her.

"I was just passing by, and this road doesn't belong to your house. If Mu Wen Li can walk here, I am not allowed? Aren't you a bit too domineering?" Pu Xi put down his hand, full of momentum.

After all, he is just a nineteen-year-old boy who has never been through a roaring wind and rain. How could he be frightened by someone like this?

Moreover, the other party is still a little girl. It would be shameful for him to be timid.

Wen Li glanced at him indifferently, stretched out her left hand, and spread her fingers, "Take it out."

Pu Xi subconsciously moved his palms to protect the edges of his pockets, with a bad expression on his face, "Mu Wen Li, don't go too far. The Mu family is spoiling you, but I won't spoil you."

"For the last time, take it out." Wen Li opened her mouth again.

Pu Xi's eyes flashed unnaturally, but his mouth was still unforgiving, "Don't think that tonight..."

"Bang ......"

Lu Min watched helplessly as the young man in a white suit flew out and landed on the ground two meters away.

Wen Li retracted her leg cleanly and patted the dirt on her trousers.

A huge impact hit his chest. At this moment, Pu Xi fell to the ground, feeling that his chest was shattered and his internal organs were trembling.


Pu Xi stood up tremblingly and looked at the girl walking over with fear.

Wen Li's movements were so fast that he didn't even see clearly how she moved her hands.

Lu Min, who was standing by, had admiration in his eyes. Miss Wen Li's movements were extremely standard, and her strength was precise and strong, without any softness.

But this figure seemed familiar to him, had he seen it somewhere?

Just now when Miss Wen Li kicked the pebbles with her toes and hit Pu Xi, he felt a sense of familiarity, and now the familiarity became even stronger.

"You are quite persistent, but this perseverance is used in the wrong place."

Wen Li squatted next to Pu Xi, reached out, and took out the black mobile phone from his suit pocket.

"That's my stuff, cough ......"

Pu Xi wanted to stretch out his hand, but Wen Li's foot was too heavy. His chest hurt, and he couldn't lift his hand. He could only watch as she took her mobile phone and stood up.

Wen Li stood up and took out a black adapter from his pocket and inserted it into the charging hole of his mobile phone. The screen lit up.

Pu Xi squinted hard to see clearly what Wen Li was doing and saw the phone light up.

His mobile phone is the latest model this year with top-notch anti-theft and unlocking functions, and the programs are all written by well-known IT experts.

Mu Wen Li actually broke the lock and opened it simply.

A minute later, Wen Li pulled out the black receiver and threw the phone next to him.

"You should be smarter when doing things in the future. Don't use your head as decoration. After all, its function is to make you think clearly about what should be done and what should not be done."

Pu Xi didn't react until Mu Wen Li left.

He struggled to stand up and sat on the ground, opened his phone, and browsed through it.

All the data in the phone is still there, but the video taken tonight is missing.

Also, the phone's camera doesn't work !!!!


Pu Xi slammed his cell phone on the ground. After walking at night for so many years, his fall is in the hands of a little girl.

"What's wrong with you?" When Pu Jianchuan left the hall and was about to go home, he saw Pu Xi standing in the middle of the yard with a strange posture.

However, unlike the glamorous look he had, the white suit on his body was stained, and there seemed to be some wrinkles on his chest.

More importantly, it looked like he had been beaten.

"Leave me alone." Pu Xi said angrily, waving his hands and pulling his chest, "Hiss..."

Pu Jianchuan raised his head and glanced into the distance. Under the street lights outside, he seemed to vaguely see the back of the girl who was going away.

"If you do much injustice, you will be killed. “

Pu Jianchuan said this slowly and got into the car that the driver drove over.

"Are you my biological father?" Pu Xi roared.

It’s clear that he is gloating over his misfortune.

Wen Li stopped when he reached the door. A black car parked not far away on the wide and straight road.

Under the night, the lights shine on the car body, giving off a silvery glow.

But what was even more eye-catching were the several black-clad bodyguards standing around the car. When Feiran saw her approaching, he stretched out his hand to open the car door.

The lights from the roof of the car poured down, casting a soft halo on the man. He looked sideways, with a soft smile on his handsome face.

"Miss Mu, please get in the car." Feiran made a gesture of invitation with one hand.

Wen Li didn't move and looked at the man in the car, "Take the person you arranged away."

She was naturally referring to Lu Min who was following behind.

Lu Min had been following her since she left Nan's house. Although his aura was well hidden, he couldn't hide it from her.

To be honest, people like Lu Min are very skilled. If it were ordinary people, they wouldn't be able to discover it, but if it were from her, they really couldn't hide it.

After hearing her words, the person in the car got out.

"Have you been bullied?"

The man had slender legs, but he was in front of her in just one step, and the toes of his black short boots almost touched hers.

A scent of medicinal herbs filled the tip of her nose. Wen Li sniffed it and poked her head out to see the bamboo tube on the seat in the car.

"Do you need me to get back for you?" Fu Yuxiu raised his hand and gently rubbed the top of her head with his long fingers.

"No need." The little girl refused completely, "Just take your people back."

After listening to her words, the smile on Fu Yuxiu's lips became brighter and brighter. With her temperament, she really couldn't suffer.

"They are here to protect your safety. You don't have to worry about them." Fu Yuxiu said and glanced at Lu Min beside Feiran.

"No need."

She has always liked to be alone, and she didn't like being followed, so she chose to come to Ningzhou.

The first step to living a quiet life is to live like ordinary people.

"Girl, it's always better to be careful out there."

But Fu Yuxiu naturally understands her temperament. She has never been a restrained person.

"They won't bother you."

Lu Min naturally also knows what secret protection means, but Miss Mu's senses are indeed too sharp, beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Either you take away the people or our cooperation ends here." Wen Li raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.

Seeing the sleepiness in her eyes, the man chuckled.

The evening breeze blew away the heat everywhere, and Wen Li heard those particularly submissive words.

"Okay... listen to you..."


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