Friday, November 24, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 13 - Give One's Best Shot

 The Luan guards protect their Master and keep getting injured, and it makes her feel bad!

Therefore, she wanted to bring Murong Jia to the Lake's center pavilion and attract most of the assassins.

Then set fire, ah, set thunder to destroy!

Murong Jia didn't understand what she was thinking. Seeing that this waste was about to die, he quickly tried to break free.

But he was tightly entangled by the vines that suddenly appeared on the girl's hand.

"Don't move. I said I would protect you, and I will definitely protect you!"

Murong Yun was out of breath after running, but she still found time to turn around and scold this careless melon kid!

As the two moved positions, a large number of assassins bypassed the struggling Luan guards and chased after them.

"No need to block!"

Murong Yun shouted at the Luan guards at the top of her voice, showing a boss attitude on her face, but feeling a little panicked in her heart.

With all her strength, she threw Murong Jia behind her. The hand holding the bone staff trembled slightly, and she raised the staff like a magic staff——

Then, skillfully teasing the way of heaven, the bright starry sky above the lake pavilion was instantly blocked by thunderclouds.


Several purple thunderbolts fell from the thunderclouds, some were absorbed by the bone staff, and some hit the unlucky assassins who came to pursue them.

While Murong Yun was cursing the dog heaven's way in her heart, she looked at the assassins who were knocked down by lightning with a sour look.

Fortunately, she had an idea yesterday and asked the palace craftsman to slightly change the function of the staff, so that its ability to absorb thunder was reduced and it could only protect the person holding the staff.

So these assassins can only be struck by lightning!

Murong Yun subconsciously showed a proud villain smile.

The top of the lake center pavilion was shattered by thunder, and gravel continued to fall.

Fortunately, Murong Jia, who was pulled by her, remembered to use his spiritual power to break the bricks after his initial shock.

Otherwise, the two of them would have been crushed to death even if they were not killed by the assassin.

At this time, the fireworks in the sky finally stopped, and the successive assassins were afraid of the thunder and stopped one after another, and were now surrounded by Luan guards who rushed back to support.

Murong Yun stopped teasing the little heavenly way and held a handful of hair that was about to burst due to the static electricity from the thunder.

She asked the unlucky assassins very pretentiously.

"Sorry, you have been surrounded. As long as you raise your hands and surrender and put down your weapons, I will protect you from death!"

The assassins in black looked at each other and did not accept Murong Yun's way of life, but chose to fight to the death.

There was a wretched assassin who took advantage of Murong Yun not paying attention and threw himself at Murong Yun's wrist holding the bone staff.

The cute staff was instantly knocked away and fell into the Moon Lake.

Under Murong Yun's surprise and distress, several assassins, surrounded by their accomplices, rushed towards the two of them.

"Kill Murong Jia, and this nagging woman!"

There are assassins shouting without fear of death, the scene is out of control, weapons are intersecting, and spiritual power is flying.

Seeing an assassin walking up to the broken pavilion from the lake, he was about to pierce Murong Jia's chest with a sword.

When Murong Yun saw this, she cursed in her heart, trying to kill her melon kid, it was impossible!

She gritted her teeth and pushed Murong Jia to the side without fear of death, sacrificing her arm to take the sword.

"Murong Yun!"

Murong Jia was pushed away with a look of disbelief on his face. He never expected that this waste would actually sacrifice her life to save him!

"Don't touch him!"

Murong Yun saw Murong Jia frozen on the spot in shock as if he had seen something that ruined his outlook on life, she rolled her eyes and roared.

It really hurts. Her beautiful arm won’t be chopped off into a one-armed one, right?

What Murong Yun didn't expect was that even though the Luan guards came back in time, these assassins were like mad dogs, sacrificing their companions to kill Murong Jia and her.

If you can protect the front, you can't protect the back.

Finally, an assassin was going to attack her little cutie.

Murong Yun looked at the darts that were thrust in front of her and the aura at a sharp angle. She was so ashamed that she no longer had the energy to protect her Melon kid.

Several assassins looked for opportunities and swallowed the elixir they had prepared in their mouths.

The depleted spiritual energy quickly recovered, and their eyes glowed red.

"No, it's the Explosive Spirit Pill!"

Murong Jia watched with a gloomy expression as several assassins with red eyes gathered together, their long swords pointing to the sky, gathering their combined spiritual skills.

He didn't expect that the other party actually spent a lot of money to buy this poisonous elixir that could instantly triple one's strength.

Although the side effects will lead to sudden death, they are just dead soldiers. They are tools and can complete the task.

This blow was completely beyond his ability to withstand now that his spiritual power was exhausted!

The spiritual skills gathered in one place, and the blood-red giant sword swung down hard towards the two of them.

The spiritual energy was tyrannical, scraping Murong Yun's face, just when she thought she was going to pack her lunch in advance.

A flash of white shadow fell to the ground, and a few rays of bright white light quickly cut through the assassins.

In an instant, the giant sword was like a burst balloon.

As the lives of the assassins disappeared, they also turned into little auras and dissipated in the air.

The place was devastated, and the assassin's corpses were piled on the ground.

Li Su put away the light thread between his fingers expressionlessly and turned sideways to avoid the assassin who lost his support.

Not a drop of blood splattered on his body that could stain his white clothes red.

Murong Yun, who was surviving the disaster, looked at Li Su and wanted to shout that this father just hugged his thigh and lay down and won.

Li Su looked at Murong Yun's disgraced look, with inexplicable thoughts in his eyes.

She may not know that the moment she just sacrificed her life to save Murong Jia actually reminded him of the past...

In this way, he suddenly couldn't bear to let this vicious woman die so easily.

"I didn't expect Heir Li to be so skilled."

Murong Jia narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the King of Yong'an Heir, feeling wary.

It has always been said that this heir was nothing like his father and is an ordinary person except for his good-looking face.

However, this ordinary person actually killed five assassins who had taken the Explosive Spirit Pill in seconds.

That means he is at least on the seventh level of spiritual strength!

"Ahem, thank you Brother Li Su for your help. ”

Murong Yun appropriately interrupted Murong Jia's probing.

This melon kid wants to be a BOSS even before he has grown up, isn't he looking for death?

"Melon, cough, cousin, it's better to go back quickly, it's scary here."

"Ayun, thank you for saving me today, otherwise eldest cousin might really end up dying here."

Murong Jia restrained his probing and gently supported the disgraced Murong Yun, his face looking more sincere.

This good-for-nothing doesn't seem to be so good-for-nothing anymore, and she's not as arrogant as before.

It's real, originally she is called Cousin or Cousin Ayun. After the beauty rescues the hero, she is directly promoted to Ayun!

Murong Yun sighed with emotion, and when she glanced wrongly, she saw that Li Su was no longer where he was.

As expected of a BOSS.

After assigning several Luan guards to escort her melon kid who was finally rescued.

Murong Yun was lying on a stretcher and was carried back home.

The loyal Xiao Cui was also knocked unconscious long ago and was also carried on a stretcher.

Under the escort of Capital guards who came all the way.

Murong Yun covered her arms and with sharp eyes, she saw Baili Shuangxue selling medicine at a stall among the long crowd.

By the way, in the original book, Baili Shuangxue goes to the Capital to sell elixirs, and she meets the male protagonist Li Su again at the lantern festival.


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